
Username: AstoriaFallen
Which Dragon: 2

Name: Nadira
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Rank: Wingrider
Former Craft: Healer
Personality: Nadira is extremely friendly and outgoing. She will often go out of her way to help those who need it, even if others seem to discourage these actions. She was always helping wanderers, despite the fear of her parents that she might get hurt, and taking in injured wildlife from time to time. She's a very soft spoken girl and is shy at first when it comes to crowds but she quickly adapts and makes the most of any situation. She's not often confrontational, but if you push her enough she can get a little aggressive. She doesn't like violence and hopes she never has to resort to using it.

She will, and has done so before, approach someone who is doing something wrong and tell them to knock it off. There are rules in place for a reason and it's mostly so people can remain safe. She especially dislikes those who use others to their advantages. She will put a quick stop to stuff like that if she sees it. It's one of her pet peeves.

Physical Description: She stands at about 5'8" tall and weighs 140lbs with long runner legs. She has hazel eyes and a few freckles on her face. She's got more of a lithe than athletic build, but she can still pull her own weight when it comes to getting work done. Physical labor isn't something that is unknown to her, it just doesn't look like she does any.
History: (to come)


Name: Vorranyth
Age: 5
Color: Green
Physical Description: Vorranyth is slightly taller than the average green thanks to her long, slender legs. They match well with her lengthy neck and tail.


She is always aiming for the top, to be the best at whatever she attempts.
She encourages her rider to have dreams and aim high themselves.
She doesn't give up on her and her rider's goals even if they fail more than once.
She isn't afraid to try new methods or techniques, but must in some way be able to claim the idea to do so as her own.
When working in a group, she insists things be done her way, or her ideas used and will throw a fit or sulk if they are not.


There had been a skirmish between the green and one of her siblings as he had darted into the stands to impress someone from up there and her anger could be felt as he had betrayed her in a sense. She had lashed out at those around her, striking out at candidates that stood in her way. She was livid and she was upset. How dare he go against her wishes. Theirs had to be the best and those in the stands were not worthy in her eyes. Without warning the Green barreled through the female candidates and came to a halt before Nadira, assessing her to insure she had found hers.

Nadira had watched, in horror as the onslaught happened. One of the blues had kept trying to dart into the stands and the green and kept trying to block his path and he had finally evaded her and had sent her on a rampage. She had almost thought the worst as the green came at her but she had held her ground and now here she was. Face to face with the little terror. She did not expect what was about to happen.

Rainbow eyes flashed as the impression occurred and a voice echoed through Nadira's mind. 'If my siblings would have listened, I would have found you sooner NadiraMine. We shall show them together that we are to be listened to..' Nadira cradled the speckled green face in her palms and she couldn't help but smile at the vivaciousness of the green and she was more than elated to have been chosen. 'Yes mine. Patience though, we shall be the best, but we must do so honorably. Now let us get you fed.'