Name: Nicholas Delabonte Jr.

Nick Name: "Nicky" Delabonte Jr.

Ht/Wt: 5'10/199 lbs.

DoB: December 23rd, 1992

Trained By: "Dancing" Franz Goeth

Hometown: New York City, New York

Entrance Music: "New York, New York" - Frank Sinatra

Appearance: With sleeked back blonde hair, this young white wrestler reeks of disappointment and alcohol. His teeth are stained and his blue eyes are forever bloodshot. He wears a pair of black trunks that fit tightly around his groin and butt. On the right front side of the tights are the letters N and D embroidered in gold. He is usually wearing a black pair of sunglasses and a black t-shirt that simply bares the name 'Nicky' in gold.

Common Moves:

Favorite Strikes:
Snapping Jabs
Knee Lift
Pointed Elbow
Closed Fist Punch
Double Axe Handle
Fist Drop
Knee Drop
Knife Edge Chops

Favorite Grappling Moves:
Hangmans Neckbreaker
Snap Suplex
Low Back Suplex
Russian Leg Sweep
Spike Frankensteiner

Favorite Submissions:
Spinning Toe Hold
Figure 4 Leg Lock
Face Lock
Fish Hooks
Abdominal Stretch
Sleeper Hold
Cobra Clutch
Chin Lock
Camel Clutch

High Flying Moves:
Double Axe Handle
Diving Brain Chop
Diving Fist Drop
Diving Knee Drop
Vertical Elbow Drop
Cannonball Senton
Second Rope Stomp

Fire Ball
Back Rake
Eye Gouge
Forearm Grinds
Eye Poke

Signature Moves:

Welcome to the Show! (Diving Knee Drop)


The UnFREAKIN'believable Lariat (Lariat to the back of head)

Gimmick: Nicholas "Nicky" Delabonte Jr. is a deplorable young man from New York who has way more money than he knows what to deal with, usually. He has been in and out of foster homes since he was 4 years old due to the death of his mother and his father choosing to have nothing to do with him, which has enabled him to treat people like dirt. This has made him violent, angry, and mentally unstable. Though, it has also opened him to the world beneath the one we live, and given him ties to evils around the planet.

Early Life:

Nicholas was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1992, the son of a man who didn't want him and a mother who couldn't have him, the boy who would soon change his last name to his mother's, Delabonte. Nicholas was named after his father, but decided that since his father didn't want anything to do with him, it would just be easier to abandon the last name and leave it in the trash where it belonged. At the age of 4, his mother passed away and he was left to bounce around the state of New York and it's five boroughs, going from foster family to foster family, until at the age of 13 he ended up back in Brooklyn, living with the family he'd remain with for the rest of his childhood.

Due to a series of unfortunate circumstances, Nicholas found himself one day in the care of one "Dancing" Franz Goethe, a German Hook-Wrestling legend. A friend of his foster mother, Franz was more than happy to show Nicholas what wrestling was, and when the troubled youth was exposed to the business, it was love at first site. With Franz' blessing as the 'best pupil he's had since the Freak'. Nicholas took off on a tour of the southern states of America as a professional wrestler. Nicholas worked mainly in the south west, Nevada and New Mexico above all else, but he had a particular fondness for Mexico. The crowds, the women, the drinks, everything.

On January 19th, 2012, 20 year old Nicholas was arrested in Tijuana, Mexico on charges of rape. The case was dismissed as it was revealed that Nicholas hadn't been booked down south in over a year, but it was nonetheless enough to effectively end his career down in Mexico. Distraught, Nicholas turned to alcohol, and soon after drugs, to cope with the shitty hand that he'd been dealt. After nearly five years of working the indies, he was contacted by WWF:G to become a performer for their brand, officially becoming the big time wrestler he always hoped he would become. He soon after joined WCWG.

Alignment: Heel

Division: Cruiserweight

Title History: None