Characters Name: Andre Damone


Height: 6'2

Weight: 223 pounds

Age: 23

Alignment: Face



Size=light heavyweight



Classification: (Cruiserweight, Technical, Entertainer)

Hometown: St. Louis, MO

Entrance Music: Money for Nothing by Yazz and Jussie Smollett

Entrance Description:

Tag Teams and Stables=

Championships Held=
DHW Tag Team champion
2x WCWG United States champion
GWA/WCWG World Heavyweight champion
WCWG Renegade champion
WWFG World Heavyweight champion-unified with Renegade, US and World title to form GWA World Heavyweight championship
GWA Honor Heavyweight Champion-unified with National title to become GWA International championship
GWA National champion

Other Awards and Achievements=

Commonly Used Moves: clothesline, arm drag, flying forearm, hurricarana, head scissors, armbars, crossface, suplexes, atomic drop, hip toss

Signature Moves:
Straight Jacket DDT
rolling senton

Damone Cutter (cutter)
Dre-Lock (Cloverleaf)
Flying High (Top rope Splash, generally followed by a pin)

Bio: One of a set of twins, Andre is the son of Zarel Damone, and nephew to Jarel, Janelle, and Drako. His twin sister is Zarya Damone, and the two were trained by the family as a whole to make them more well rounded wrestlers. Andre has an affinity for flying and submissions, modeling himself a bit more after his uncle Drako since they are closer in size.