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During the tree ceremony she had been assigned to the sky clan. Since then she had met a lot of lions from her new clan and had been encouraged to say hello to others. Her opposite twin was sleeping at the moment. Sleep had evaded her so she had decided to wander around and meet other creatures, perhaps even creatures that weren't a part of her new clan.

The sun bathed her spine as she padded along, the clans were all close together at the moment, she had been told so much about the cland that though they were all the same pride the clans lived separate lives except at this time of year. She liked the idea which was why she had convinced her twin sister to join the Ela with her. The idea of being in a small pride, within a pride.

Still, she decided that it might be nice to find some friends in other tribes, to garner some friendships that she could kindle through the years. For the moment she could do that, she could be brave and do that alone while her sister slept peacefully. Now, she just had to find the perfect creature to talk to, someone on their own, she doubted she could approach a big crowed without feeling penned in or nervous. She just had to pick someone out and say, hi.

I Lady Kiya I