AdiMine, I would like a meatroll. Two meatrolls? Yes, I would like two. I have been waiting very patiently, after all, and I am getting very hungry.

If you were that hungry, Maz, two meatrolls wouldn't help! Besides, I know you're letting kids climb on you, and I know they're giving you snacks! Wending her way through High Reaches' market on a busy afternoon, Adi opened up her pouch to glance and remind herself how many marks she had left after stocking up on necessary supplies. Well, that is to say, most of the supplies now weighing down her pack were necessary. The handful of brightly-colored ribbons were not strictly a necessity, but they were pretty, and she liked them for her hair. Unfortunately, her flits also liked them, and once they stole them she didn't often get them back. She was nearly out of blue ribbons, and that was unacceptable! Ever since she'd Impressed Mazamath, it had officially been tied with pink as her favorite color, and she often wore it to match him.

Snacks? Never! I never accept snacks from strange children! he replied with mock affront, even as he did exactly that. Some of the children had been slow to approach at first, even after His had assured them that he loved to play, but now that he'd been resting here for an hour waiting for her to finish her errands, they'd all come around. One was particularly good at scratching his eyeridges.

Adi rolled her eyes, but followed the telltale scent to the appropriate vendor and procured three meatrolls as well as three sweetrolls. By the time she was back to the square where her dragon waited, one of the meatrolls was already gone. Market food was so, so much better than anything she made! She'd almost started with a sweetroll, just because, but she would be good and wait until after she'd secured everything in Mazamath's packs, including the delivery she'd agreed to make to Tillek.
