Hey! I'll have Cami climb up the cliff and try to get their attention next post. I just wanted to give you the chance to write an intro first :3

Up to you if you want it to be the first Fall, or just sometime in the first few weeks. They've been away from any Hold for a while, so they wouldn't have heard about it unless they happened to get caught in it.

Cami pulled her cloak tight around her shoulders as another blast of wind hit her face. Even this late in the season, it was still cold out here by the coast, where a bitter northerly wind blasted the Eastern shore. The wild canine pelt she wore was old, strapped on tightly with poorly stitched leather- an early attempt. She'd worn the same fur since she was far too small for it. But whenever she would make something better, they would wind up having to sell it instead. Still, it was plenty warm enough.

While her father checked the spiderclaw traps they had sunk the previous night, Cami stood guard on the rocky shore. Shivering, she looked out across the gloomy ocean. There was a stretched shimmer on the horizon like when it was raining far in the distance.. only there were no clouds.

"Looks like bad weather." she said, lifting a hand to point towards the peculiar fog. Her father lifted his head.
"We need to leave." he said immediately, dropping what he was doing without another word. Cami lifted her eyebrows, surprised, but said nothing. She'd learned not to ask 'why' a long time ago. He rarely answered her even on the best days, and right now his tone conveyed urgency. Running to the cliff edge with Cami trading after him, he scanned the coast frantically until he found what he was looking for.

"Stay in there." he said, pulling her towards a nook in the rock.
"For how long?"
"Until you see dragons."

She leaned out of the stone overhang to look at him. "What about you?" she asked.
"I'll find another one." he said, waving her back inside. "If it touches you, run to water."
"If what touches me?" she called after him, but he was already out of view.

Until you see dragons... What a cryptic thing to say. Why would dragons be coming here? She leaned out of the small overhang again, trying to look down the shore as far as she could in the direction the others had set off on that morning. If there was danger coming, she wanted to warn them. But the rest of the caravan were out of sight. They'd wandered some mile or two away to recover the traps they'd set the previous night. She could run, but she likely wouldn't reach them before whatever this was did. She could shout, but they wouldn't hear her. She settled back into the stone alcove and watched the strange looking cloud growing on the horizon.

Was it a storm?