This. Was. Awesome.

Vitre had seen dragons before, but never larger than a green at any sort of close distance, and certainly none this close, despite High Reaches being literally their nearest neighbor. The brown then that had come winging down to perch just at the edge of the stretch of land across from the outer wall of his parents' rooms was utterly vast in the young man's mind, huge with rippling muscke and skin the color of fresh Klah. It fascinated him to no end, and he'd been (gently) scolded three times already today for watching it rather than tending to his chores or craft work. Finally he'd convinced his father to let him off for the day, but by the. The dragon's rider had returned from wherever in the hold he'd gone before, which prompted a bit more caution and manners...two things Vitre wasn't wholly keen on.

He'd crept along the line towards the brown as quick as could be done stealthily, as he'd no idea how long the pair would linger, until he was close enough to see that the brown's eye was whirling placidly green, and easily as large as Vitre's own head.

He simply had to pet that dragon. Nebbie would be just horridly jealous. For a moment he considered running to fetch her first, but what if they left? Then neither would get to pat the huge male. No, surely she'd want him to go on ahead. Thus determined he slipped out from where he'd been crouched behind a barrel, walking plainly and bildly up to the much taller rider. Without pause he thrust out a hand to shake, a determined look in his deep gray eyes.

"Hi. I'm Vitre. Can I touch him?"
