Name: Mir, from Davamir
Age: 45
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: So very, very gay
Weyr: Whitecliff Weyrhold
Rider Rank: "Lady" Holder
Previous Rank/Craft: Journeyman Courtesan
Physical Description:
Positive Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. cheerful, loyal, confident]
Negative Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. insecure, selfish, anxious]
Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Zibanuth
Age: 7
Color: Green
Size: 27'
Physical Description: Zibanuth is actually rather large for a green, bordering on the smaller side of blue. Despite this, she has a naturally trim figure (unless her laziness and gluttony gets the better of her) and is incredibly light upon her feet and wings. She moves with delicacy, and moves with effortless grace. One might consider her a dancer, both in the air, and on the ground. Her headknobs are exceptionally long, and her wings just a touch on the short side. Her larger size gives her a boost in stamina, but that being said, her natural dexterity suffers compared to some of her smaller sisters.
Personality: "There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart."

There is an inherent brightness that seems to follow Zibanuth wherever she goes. No matter how dark the day, no matter how rough life seems to get, this particular dragon seems to navigate her way delicately through every situation. This little one seems to always know the right thing to say in just about any given situation, and often has no trouble worming her way in to the hearts of even the most hardened of hearts.

Zibanuth truly loves the world, and especially loves to be loved. Blessed with a happy, bright, and sociable nature, her natural charm helps to ensure that everyone is happy. Yes, this little green is a natural mediator. On top of her own complete and utter distaste for confrontation on any level -- why can't they all be reasonable and get along!? -- this green does what she can to play the middle man.

Intelligent enough to understand that there are always two sides to every story, this delicate little green will not hesitate to try to work out matters using her great charm. Surely, there is nothing in this world that cannot be fixed if only others would try to put themselves in their protagonists shoes! She understands, though, that not everyone is patient enough to think about all sides of a situation, so it is, she is there to help them.

If her charm cannot work through words alone, Zibanuth has absolutely no qualms in using her body to get the point across. She is not shy, and she is not afraid to break the personal space and boundaries of others. She absolutely loves cuddles, from any one, and anything, and can be as doting a companion as she is receptive to the affection. Nuzzles, kisses, licks, cuddles, Zibanuth cherishes showing such things, and gives her love most freely.

And why shouldn't she?

The world is her toy. While Zibanuth would be far too charming and kind to ever admit such selfishness, deep down, that ugliness is apparent in her heart of hearts. Her most glaring problem is the fact that she herself can forget that others might not actually want to be touched, to be cuddled, to be fixed. She can sometimes take for granted affections and friendships granted her, or come to expect such things. And why shouldn't she? She wants them, so why should she not have them?

Her rider will need to temper her greatest indulgences and joys. This green has a particular love for food, and has been known to be more than a little lazy, especially when forced in to a task that does not interest her in the slightest. She would prefer to sun herself than to exercise; would prefer to bath in the shallows than actually exert herself. Zibanuth will need some extra encouragement, or face risk of falling behind some of her more exuberant and controlled clutchmates.

Furthermore, this little green has been known to be terribly indecisive. It may not be apparant at first; while in a crowd, or when first bonded with her rider, Zibanuth will absolutely love to follow suit. She would love to do whatever she can to make you happy, to make her clutchmates smile. She is far too agreeable to argue on a decision, and will often go along with it regardless of her own feelings. . . .

But that's just it. Zibanuth struggles sometimes figuring out what her feelings are. Being able to see both sides of an argument is as great a joy as it is a curse. This tends to keep the green very indecisive -- do not as her opinion, for you will be sure to get multiple answers. She honestly cannot seem to pick one path, and can get anxious when she must. What if that was the wrong choice? What if those around her do not like the path she picked?

Flights in particular will most likely be long and drawn out. It will be horribly difficult for Zibanuth to have to make a choice, and she could and will make arguments on why each and every one should be her partner. She will love them all in her own way, and with her natural charm and grace, she will not lack in suitors.

Her indecision can also cause a great amount of gullibility. She is a wishy-washy creature, as her opinions and choices tend to flow with the majority of any given moment. So long as someone tells her something that makes sense, she will not argue; she will believe they are as honest and good as she likes to believe the world might be, and that alone can cause her great amounts of trouble.

Strengths: Charming, Mediator, Affectionate, Sociable

Weaknesses: Indecisive, Gullible, Lazy, Self-Indulgent

Why Me? Zibanuth was drawn to Davamir for a variety of reasons, not the least being the fact they share a mutual interest in beauty, in grace, in being well-mannered and cultured, and possessing a lot of affection for others. Zibanuth will rely on Davamir's quick mind to help her make decisions, and his drive to succeed will help keep Zibanuth from being too lazy or idle. In turn, this green will think the world of Mir, and aim to please him. Never again will Davamir need to feel as if he must prove himself to the world, for Zibanuth knows she has found the best of the best, and she will happily assure him of such things. Yes, if the courtesan was looking for his place in the world, he has now found it as the rider of a very affectionate green. Together, Zibanuth knows, they will be able to charm the world of its riches, and why shouldn't they? They will work hard together, and they will shine like the stars they are!
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Here

Green Zibanuth

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Inspiration: The stars of Libra had come to represent the Golden Chariot of Pluto. The story of Pluto’s abduction of Persephone is a widely known Greek myth, perhaps because it has such a strong astronomical association. Hades was a brother of Zeus and of Poseidon; he was usually ignorant of the happenings of the Upperworld, only emerging rarely from his dark kingdom. It was considered imprudent and dangerous to mention the names of certain gods and goddesses. Thus the Furies, or Cronies, were called Eumenides (Kindly Ones), and Hades was called Pluto (Rich One).

Four jet-black horses pulled his golden chariot. While he used the chariot to periodically visit the Upperworld, in order to seduce a beautiful nymph, he rarely wished the relationship to last. Until he saw Persephone, the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. When he took Persephone back to Tartarus, the deepest part of Hades, the Upperworld would change forever.

Deep beneath the Earth, he owned all its mineral riches, but his favourite possession was a gift from the Cyclopes: a helmet that rendered him invisible. Demeter was the sister of Zeus and Hades, and one of the most important goddesses as she was responsible for Agriculture and all growing things.

Hades is so enamoured by the beauty of Persephone, he wants her for his own, so takes her by force down to his kingdom, where she becomes the Queen of the Underworld. Demeter mourns for her lost daughter and begs the other gods for help. Therefore, Theseus and Peiritheus descend into Hades in search of Persephone, but are unsuccessful. In fact, Hades holds them captive, and Heracles is sent to rescue them. He can only manage to bring back Theseus; Peiritheus is condemned to remain forever in Hades.
Demeter is so distraught about the loss of her daughter she neglected her godly duties and no seeds sprouted. A vast drought spreads throughout the Upperworld. Zeus becomes vexed, for he is owed a certain tribute, and if the drought continues, his tribute will not be forthcoming. In any event, he convinces his brother Hades to give up Persephone, so that the Upperworld can again become green and lush.

Zeus rules that she must forever divide her time between the Upperworld and the Underworld; four months out of the year, she must stay with her husband, while the rest of the year she may visit her mother, in the Upperworld. Thus, every year the world retreats briefly into a cold and forbidding place, until the 21st of March, when Persephone is allowed to emerge from the Underworld bringing Spring with her.

The Romans invented Libra and gave it importance as a constellation of the Zodiac. Libra was “the Scales of Justice” held by Julius Caesar. Later the scales became associated with Virgo, the Goddess of Justice. The Romans choose a scale because when the zodiac was still in its infancy, some four thousand years ago, the sun passed through this constellation at the autumnal equinox (September 21). That is, day and night were of equal length, and the day would begin to lengthen from that day on. However, the ancient Greeks did not recognize Libra. Instead, they saw it as part of Scorpio. Libra made up the two claws of the scorpion. As a symbol for equality, the constellation came to represent Justice in several middle Eastern cultures.

Origin of Name: Libra was known in Babylonian astronomy as MUL Zibanu ( "the scales" ), or alternatively as the Claws of the Scorpion. The scales were held sacred to the sun god Shamash, who was also the patron of truth and justice. It was also seen as the Scorpion's Claws in ancient Greece. Since these times, Libra has been associated with law, fairness and civility.

In Arabic zubānā means "scorpion's claws", and likely similarly in other Semitic languages: this resemblance of words may be why the Scorpion's claws became the Scales. It has also been suggested that the scales are in allusion to the fact that when the sun entered this part of the ecliptic at the autumnal equinox, the days and nights are equal. Libra's status as the location of the equinox earned the equinox the name "First Point of Libra", though its position ended in 730 because of the precession of the equinoxes.

Libra is a constellation not mentioned by Eudoxus or Aratus.

Libra is the only zodiac sign that does not symbolize a living creature.

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