The entrancing tunes of Nchi still sung away in the green lions head while he made his way through the savannah and towards nowhere in particular. His paws lifted in a way that suggested his merry self was at a gathering of musical lions instead of walking by himself with nothing but the sun following him. The giant, heated orb of light made his shadow dance though and the lion smiled fondly in its direction. "How delightful." He remarked happily.

Little did he know he'd landed himself at the borders of a pride, a pride that by any means shouldn't trust a swampy looking fellow such as himself. At least he wasn't purple. Golden eyes glanced about and soaked up the scene. Before him lay numerous foliage and trees - more numerous than where he had come. Those same golden eyes glanced behind him and watched the sun, it was lowering from the sky and leaving him - soon the moon would rise.

"Here looks as good of a place as any." He mumbled to himself, a tree not to far away had roots that looked perfect for laying against. So that was his intention as he approached it. Laying down his bag, pulling free a dried piece of meat and dropped his rump. Ali`dido leaned back and gave a soft sigh, as did the tree when it absorbed his weight. "Oh hush you, I'm not that heavy." He teased, joking with the trunk, then he bit into his meat savoring the morsel.

The moments between the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon were her favorites in all honestly as well as the setting of the moon and rising of the sun. Just the way that the colors blended so beautifully made her always want to just sit and stare. Of course when she explored she always felt some sort of eyes upon her, probably a bit of her mate's but also others of the pride. So many things had happened but it was still an uneasy time. At least from what she could tell.

She was heading along when she noticed a strange colored lion in a tree. "You know the tree can't actually hear you right?" Thula had caught his little note about being heavy. "Maybe you shouldn't overeat and then the tree might also groan less."

A voice suddenly interrupted his serene evening and he wondered briefly if the tree was speaking. Given a moment to grasp at the situation he was alerted to the fact of two things. One, he wasn't alone any longer and two, was he really fat? His golden eyes moved in their sockets until they came across a lioness, pink and pretty. He admired her briefly before frowning at her response to his mumbled nonsense.

"Maybe I can't hear you." Perhaps his most childish response yet, but he reacted instead of thinking about the matter. When she remarked about his weight he stood, giving his full height to her view - not a small lion by any means in height as well as muscle it was obvious that surely any weightloss would be muscle gained. The very dramatic lion smiled though before he spoke. "I'm okay with the tree calling me fat, you however I haven't lain with.. so I'm not sure you get to speak so intimately of me." He retorted, response ripe with sass.

"Why don't you sit your pretty little bottom against the tree? I bet it groans for you as well." He teased slightly, she wasn't fat by any means, in fact he considered her quite lean - perhaps not muscley though? Just well taken care of.

His childish behavior made her chuckle. It was cute. Then she mocked back at him, "Maybe I can't hear you." Condescending, wasn't exactly like her and she shook her head. She did not like that feeling. "Well I will not be trying to know you intimately, no thank you. But I can at least show you that I can get into that tree without it groaning at me." A glimmer in her eye as she got ready to leap into the tree.

It seemed, however, when she got into the tree and attempted to get onto the branch it gave the lowest of creaks at her. That earned the tree a very deadly glare as she ended up just slumping in the tree. How embarrassing! "Alright fine. Maybe I am getting fat too." Why she would be gaining any weight she wasn't sure. She made sure that didn't overeat, she kept care of herself. Well ok there were times that she did get little snacks for herself. "I should stop sneaking food."

Ali snorted in delight at her choice to act just as childish, the act was charming. "That's to bad, I do like a lady that can sass back at me." He mused lightly, but didn't press the subject. There was no way he'd push a lady to do what he pleased, never. "Oh cmon, I bet that tree yelps when you lay in my place." The untrusting rogue glanced at the tree and realized his bags were right there - if she were light on her toes she could grab the bag and leave with his goods. But he didn't say a thing, instead he just prepped himself to protect what was rightfully his.

The mood lightened when she actually began to follow through on her word. Ali watched, with an impressed look upon his face, as she hauled herself up the tree and too a low hanging branch. To his delight the tree betrayed her and made the tiniest sound. "It sounds like you're killing it!" He declared with laughter in his voice, it was amusing beyond belief that she had actually made it up there, but also failed. "Now, now.. you are only a little chubby. Fat is so harsh on a lady." He smirked.

"What!?" He was bewildered. "If there is food to sneak.. you sneak it." Clearly he took his food very seriously. "When you've been out in the roguelands as long as I have you learn to do that first." That was when he realized.. she appeared to be from the roguelands as well? "Whose taking care of you? You're much to prim for travelling.." He stared up at her curiously.

The female scoffed at him. Killing the tree? Her? No. Never. "Whatever, tree's fault its too weak to hold me anyway, regardless of my snack sneaking." The female still felt a bit sore about the fact she was gaining some weight. Clearly she was going to need to work it off. Maybe get Umgiyo to make sure she didn't sneak anything else into the den. "I also remember what it was like to want food." Thinking back to a time before she had been with this pride. When her and her parents were going through and ordeal and came to the Mwezi. "I might be able to sneak you some extra food. I am a Lady here, I think that qualifies me to maybe ask for a little extra you know." A small grin forming on her face.

"Yes, blame the tree for it's need to cry out in anguish at your plump tush dropping on it's branch." He said, rolling his great golden eyes in their sockets with his sarcasm. Still a large grin was present on his maw. "You don't usually blame the abused for the abuse." The lion chuckled softly and wandered over to his bag and pulled out some more of his meat.

"Now, would you like to come down and have a snack, chubby?" He offered, a brow raising as he stared up at her, thoroughly amused by the way she was acting. The whole ordeal had distracted him from formalities, simple ones - like introducing himself. Just as he was about to recall this he was stunned by her offer. The offer made his wince a little, but he shrugged off any negative notion - she was trying to be kind and his pride would need to be set aside.

"That is very kind of you, how could I say no?" He smiled warmly.

The female stuck her tongue out at the swampy male. She didn't say much more to his comments knowing full well that she wouldn't actually blame someone who was being hurt for the actions of the one doing the hurting but this was inanimate object. That was of course besides the point and when the male ended up pulling the food from his bag her stomach grumbled angrily. "Snack." Mouth watering at the smell.

Jumping down to join the male she felt a twinge of guilt that she wasn't sharing this little snack with Umgiyo. The same way she felt when she snuck and extra bite. "Give me some." She stated with a very crazed look on her face. Ok maybe she might have skipped a meal, mostly the breakfast she should have. "I know I've got eyes on me, but I guess I should find out how long you're staying for. I can't really leave too far from here."

The male snickered at her reaction to the snack - it was but a mere morsel in comparison to what she likely had available and yet she reaction like she was incapable of controling hereself. Dare he think.. a craving? How curious, he wondered to himself. "Well, it appears as though you really would like it." He smirked fondly at the piece of meat he was offering her.

Dare he hold back the offering? Nope, not with the set of crazy eyes he received from her as she leaped down to join him. Those eyes said to feed her now, or else. "Okay, okay." He chuckled lightly and handed over what he had. "I won't be here long, if you could bring back some dried meats that would be lovely, but if not I'll be on my way and bothering some other lioness I presume." He smiled fondly.

"So long as it's okay I sleep here the evening?" Ali didn't realize how close to a pride he was, would it be safe to sleep there? He wasn't sure, but it was better than most places, at least here the roots seemed to hug him.

Hadn't she always been hungry as a cub stealing morsels when she could where she could? Umgiyo was going to learn that she was crazy about food. "I like food, what can I say?" No getting fat, well overly fat, the tree apparently already betrayed her. "I missed a meal if I must admit a fault. I shouldn't have skipped it but its such a lovely day and well I'm not usually up and about during this time."

She was going to have to bring him back the meats of course, or anything else she might be able to smuggle out to him. Thula doubted that this rogue male had anything to do with what had happened in Mwezi so it would be fine. "I think you'll be fine. Oh, names Thula." Scarfing down the last bit of meat before checking over her shoulder. "I'll bring back those things soon. Just don't cause trouble while I'm away." The female grinned, "I'll see ya later."