Night time had fallen on the lands. Kgwedi preferred this time of day. It meant she could hunt without the sun beating on her dark pelt, but it also helped mask the same fur when stalking a kill. The lioness spent most of the day hidden away in her den, avoiding the great ball of fire. Before her hunt though, Kgwedi loved walking around, catching the first site of lightning bugs hit the sky. She smiled as their abdomen’s started to flicker, but a soft snore caught her attention. Her dark eyes turned towards the snore, chuckling at the source. Oh, of course it would be him.

The lioness looked at the ground, searching for something that would rouse the large lion. Finding a smaller pebble, she picked it up, lightly tossing it at the male. He must have been a light sleeper, as he shot up like a rocket. “huh?! What happened. What?” wild eyes looked around before they settled on the amused look of the black and white female. “Kgwedi?”

“Nteo.” She bowed her head to the male. “Lounging around again?” She smirked, sitting on the ground, her tail curling around her front paws.

A yawn broke from his maw as he smacked his lips. “Lounging? Nah. Just a brief snooze.” He flashed the female a smile. “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”

The lioness nodded. “A while indeed. What has been going on in your life you can’t manage to come see me on patrols anymore?” Kgwedi mocked, a smile still evident on her maw. It was as if she raised Nteo from a young cub. She felt like his aunt. The two would patrol the borders together while he was still a guard.

“Oh…this and that I guess. Gotta get use to the life of a hunter now.” He flashed a toothy smile, shrugged slightly. “You know Ochieng, right?” He asked, ears swiveling, listening to the sounds of the night.

Kgwedi nodded. “That girl you fancied for the longest time. Yeah I know of her, but not met her before. Whyyyy?” A sly look crossed Kgwedi’s mind. “You finally together now?”

If lions could blush, Nteo would probably be a bright pink. “We’ve been together for a while now, actually.” He started.

“Of course! That’s why you are not on patrols anymore, eh?” And she was right. Becoming mates with Ochieng meant dropping to her class. Guards were not a rank he would be able to keep, which he didn’t mind. “Continue!” she almost barked at him, interested in what he had to say.

And so he did. “Well…” Nteo let the suspense begin to build, before tapering it slightly. “She uh…she decided she wants to start a family.”

A loud screech was heard as Kgwedi bounded over to the larger lion. “Awwwweweeee!” It echoed through the quiet air. She was sure to wake anyone starting to slumber. “Does that mean you will get to be a father?! How exciting! When is she due? I demand to be called Auntie!” She started, speaking a mile a minute.

Nteo almost went crossed eyed trying to follow her lips. “Whoa Whoa Whoa! He started, placing a paw on the lioness’ maw to quiet her. “No, she is not due. Anytime soon. We are taking things slow.” He did not feel like going into the details of his den life with the lioness who he had known since a cub. “Besides, who else would they call auntie?” Well, his siblings sure. But they didn’t count right now. “You know you will be the first to know as soon as she knows.” A smile never left his maw. He was excited about the thoughts of becoming a father. Him. Nteo’leru, raising children. Ah, he couldn’t suppress his own excitement. But he needed to. Kgwedi would go off on another tangent if she saw him getting excited.

“I see. Well, I am happy for you, Nteo’leru. You have definitely grown from the little fluff that I knew you as growing up.” She laughed, remembering the memories as if they were yesterday. “One day though, Nteo, you will need to bring me to your beloved mate. I think it is about time I met her, don’t you think?” Kgwedi said with all seriousness.

He nodded in reply. “Yes. When you are not patrolling, and she is not hunting…” Or being O, he added quietly, “ We should arrange a nice chat. Maybe over a hare or klipspringer? I can even try catching one for us,” He added with a wink. “It may only take me a few days to get it.” Nteo was not the greatest hunter in the world, but he wasn’t the worst! So there was always that. “Do you know what she did the other day though?” Nteo started to speak.

The lioness shook her head. “I am afraid to ask…”

“I tell you, Kgwedi, you should have seen her!” the large lion stated with a chuckle. “Ah, I guess I have held you up to long. You should get to your patrol! I will tell you that story the next time we meet.”

Kgwedi only laughed. “Sure, Nteo. Sure.” She eyed the skies, watching the darkness creep closer and closer. “Wow, it’s getting late. I should get out to my rounds before anyone says anything. Remember Nteo, don’t be a stranger! I expect to know the morning you know Ocheing is expecting.” She added with a wink, before bounding off. The lion sighed, chuckling softly.

“…and I should be getting home.” Nteo started. His cat nap definitely refreshed him, but he had a den to get back to, and a lovely lady to boot at that. Maybe he should bring her something. Flowers? Nah. Food? Nah. He thought for a moment, before the scent of an unknown lion entered the air. He fur raised on the back of his neck, hidden by the blonde tufts of mane. Who was this stranger entering the lands? His eyes narrowed, gazing towards the border. It was time to find out.

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