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The place wasn't quite how Shauku remembered it. There was an area for the merchants that had previously been decorated with incredible color and personality, now it lacked both. This wasn't the fault of those merchants still around, but instead some of the damages left by the flood weren't completely repaired.

"This is a shadow of what this place used to look like." Shauku finally spoke into the silence that had grown between her and Ali. She'd promised the lion a show and tell of the prides merchants and yet there wasn't much to show anymore. Eventually the place would be beaming with those rich colors once more, but for now it just appeared tired. "There are merchants for most anything, any knots or small bits are often worked by the nimble fingers of our gorilla neighbors." Clearly a proud pride leader at the moment she smiled largely.

"What about items that don't originate here?" He offered the question curiously and received a furrowed brow for his words. "We would like to eventually open trade between trusted prides, but we haven't reached that development yet." She had admitted to him with a small smile. "Though I've recently met with a leopon that may speed that sort of thing up." She was wary about what she disclosed, though she felt comfortable with him he was still indeed a stranger.

"That sounds like a good bit of news."

The news seemed like a huge deal to her and he understood why. The pride would have a long while to go before it was on it's legs again and the chance at an alliance would likely help wonders. "This news could help to rebuild us potentially, so what's here can be what it was. The shambles are a reminder of what happened, but I'm sure this isn't as bad as it was." Unfortunatley she couldn't confirm nor deny how good or bad things had been. The conversation had caused a pain in her heart as she recalled not being around to help support her home, help rebuild it. Instead that had fallen to another, which she still hadn't thanked properly - though it was likely she'd never be able to thank them.

"You alright?"

His words had brought her back to attention and she tried for a smile that only ended up as sad as her eyes. Both were betraying her and she tried once more to achieve a more serene appearance. "I'm fine, just thinking of the past, which I cannot change or control." She chuckled softly at her silliness. When she glanced up she noticed they had paused in front of a merchant selling drums - how ironic. "Were you actually interested in trading for a larger drum?" She queried.

The green lion paused briefly in speaking long enough to hear her question and then took some additional time to consider his options. "How ironic we stopped here." He mumbled and laughed. "Look at them all." The number wasn't truly the part that had gotten him, it was the intricate work - clearly she wasn't lying about the gorillas. "The work on these are amazing, look at all the colors too." His wide eyes couldn't seem to take enough. "And these are all made here?" Soon as the words left his mouth he realized what he had asked. "I suppose they had to be." He laughed awkwardly.

"It's alright, that's a reasonable question." She said, approaching the vendor curiously. "What have we got here?" She posed the question rhetorically as she spied a rather intriguing colored drum. The vendor peered at the one she'd took notice too and chuckled softly. "That one there hasn't been looked at in ages, a small amount of water damage and you'd think it was diseased." The vendor joked.

"What would you like for it" Ali queried.

"Well, what have you got in the bag? Or would you trade the bag itself?" The lion teased, the bag was far to valuable for such a drum. "Well if the drum still functions I had some bones that are polished up for decorating - I'd be willing to offer half of them for this 'diseased' drum." He smiled warmly. Shauku was snickering off to the side as the barter took place.

"Half you say?"

The vendor dramatically pondered the trade, knowing full well the drum wouldn't move. ANy of the drummers here would want perfectly intact and damage free drums, this was intact but couldn't promise 'damage free'. "Fine, fine. Let's do half." He smiled.

"Thank you." Ali was excited, perhaps more excited than he had expected. "Could it be fitted for travel? I'll toss you a few extra bones." He smirked. The vendor was happy to oblige him and fixed a leather strap to the drum itself. The instrument was light due to it's hollowed nature, but awkward. "Thank you very much." He offered a huge thanks as the vendor handed over the instrument.

"Well Shauku, now that I've gotten my first drum, what else is there to do?"

"A number of things, but firstly we should stop for a bite to eat?" She offered politely. They'd need a meal soon, she was starving. "That sounds good." He admitted and soon after his grumbling stomach agreed. The lioness took lead again and began to lead him down the path of merchants towards what was very likely a center point of the pride. The area was set for gathering and had some meats near by - it looked as though a hunt had likely just taken place. "We're in luck." She said happily.


"You don't need to ask me twice."

He laughed fondly, the pair were becoming familiar and he was enjoying himself, the company of Shauku warmed his heart in a way that hadn't before. This was a friendship, not something he'd throw aside for a fling (of course she was mated and it wouldn't apply anyhow) but he'd grown fond of the place. "Thanks for having me." He said. "Oh I'm just getting started Ali." She smiled fiendishly, but couldn't admit to him that this was also a chance for her to actually see some of the damages herself.