Name: N'sat (Formerly Nissatri)
Age: 22 Turns
Nameday: 3552.03.10
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Courtesan
Physical Description: While N'sat might have even be considered pretty as a child, thanks to the hard work that comes with being a dragonrider he's developed into quite a handsome young man. While his face is still somewhat rounded and feminine, with long lashes and full lips, his shoulders are broad and muscular. He has a full, but not particularly large bust that leads into a trim waist and hips that could just barely be called curvy. His hair is a rather vivid auburn and kept short, with bangs that occasionally fall into his hazel eyes. He has olive skin, tanned from long hours in the sun, and freckles cover him from head to toe. His sense of fashion is primarily practical and he favors leather pants and wool shirts on a daily basis, often using leather bracers or strips of leather to tie down any loose cloth that might get in the way. He's particularly fond of wearing bronze and olive tones, although his gather best often incorporates more brilliant golden and green hues. All this combines to give him a fairly androgynous appearance, leaving many of those who don't know him or his dragon guessing about his gender.
Positive Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. cheerful, loyal, confident]
Negative Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. insecure, selfish, anxious]
History: Born to Datrin and Nissiam in Nabol Hold, N'sat's life began as anything but ideal. Like many of the poor in Nabol, his parents were indebted to Lord Gansley - and trapped in the hold until they managed to pay off their debts. His father worked in the mines while his mother worked as a drudge close to home to care for her child better, and almost every mark the family earned went to pay off their debt. They just barely earned enough to feed and clothe themselves on most days, barely staying afloat while many of their friends drowned under their own debts.

Although they tried to keep their financial burdens from their child, N'sat was intuitive enough to pick up on a lot of things. While the holdbrats he played with fared little better, he'd seen glimpses of the upper class of the hold and knew that not all families lived like they did. In many ways, he was too bright for his own good as a child. He may not have gotten into any trouble, but as he grew older his mother took notice of his intellect - with little formal education he was already picking up things even she hadn't. And it was with a heavy heart that she made a sacrifice only a mother could, trading her position as a drudge for a few Turns in the mines in exchange for a proper education for N'sat. In the end, it was a double edged sword.

While N'sat received a proper education from Nabol's Harpers, he also received more attention from the upper class and their thugs. And he was a pretty young thing, inching towards an age where he could easily be shipped off to become a courtesan. With both his parents in the mines, there was no one left to watch over him - and it was only a matter of time before one of the thugs that had taken a keen interest in N'sat managed to arrange for him to wind up under the care of a brothel at 12 Turns old.

He wasn't put to work immediately, of course. The brothel he'd been given to prided itself on the skill of their courtesans - which meant N'sat required a certain deal of training first. It was something he despised, learning how to pleasure men and gradually being forced into a more feminine role. He entertained running from the Hold often, and even tried once or twice - only to be caught by one of the many thugs that keep an eye on the brothels to prevent escapes. And each time he tried to run, the punishments for the attempt only got worse. Eventually he just stopped trying, and was finally put to proper work at the age of 15.

It was during this time that he wound up being hired to entertain a dragonrider from High Reaches Weyr, an event he looks back on as one of the luckiest things to ever happen to him. The rider was particularly prone to showing off, and decided to "set the mood" by taking the pretty young courtesan he'd hired on a ride on his dragon - an exhilarating event alone, made even more so when the rider casually informed N'sat when they were back on the ground that his dragon felt he had the makings of a Candidate. He was given three days to think over the offer - after that, the rider would be returning to the Weyr. And when he returned to the brothel three days later, N'sat was all too eager to go with him.

He arrived not long after the final clutch of gold Palanith was on the sands, and although the rider who had searched him had high hopes, most thought he'd be lucky to impress a green after a few Turns. The conservative atmosphere of the Weyr was too much like the strict rule of the brothel he'd spent the last three Turns in, and he chafed under the quiet expectation for him to act like the girl everyone thought him to be. A green or not at all, they all bet. One or two gamblers put a few marks on him impressing the gold egg on the sands, although they spoke of it like they were surely throwing away their marks.

No one was surprised to find every dragon going on to impress another during the Hatching, until at last only one egg was left. There were whispers that it was a dud, the shell too thick for the dragonet inside to break through. And right as everyone seemed to give up and turn to leave the sands, the egg exploded in a burst of shell to reveal a tiny bronze - a runt compared to his bronze and even brown brothers. The rest of the boys perked up at the sight, but the little dragonet made directly for N'sat. For when everyone else looked at him and saw a fetching young girl, His saw a young man that was still struggling to break free of his own shell.

It was a turn of events that no one had predicted - a closeted trans man to impress a bronze. A good chunk of the Weyr was convinced that N'sat and young Regalith would be among the casualties of Weyrling training - after all, the bronze dragonet was positively minuscule, and there was no way a man not born a man could keep up with the demands of being a bronzerider. But N'sat and Regalith thrived, and the runt of a bronze eventually grew into a veritable behemoth - dwarfing most of his siblings in size. His confidence rubbed off on N'sat, offering him the strength to ignore those in the Weyr who would try to tear him down.

And when Thread finally returned, N'sat and Regalith were ready.
Other: While N'sat usually binds with a specially made linen binder that laces up the front, he does not bind when in Wing formation. He finds the way it restricts his flexibility and lung capacity to be potentially hazardous under the levels of physical exertion associated with fighting Thread.

Name: Regalith
Age: 7 Turns
Color: Bronze
Size: 90'
Physical Description: To say that Regalith is large is an understatement - he dwarfs all but a few bronzes, and goes on to rival a fair portion of the queen population in sheer size. He has a broad chest with exceptionally well developed shoulder muscles, all the better to support his massive wingspan. His tail is particularly long and muscular, offering him just a bit more stability and maneuverability than average proportioned bronzes of his size. All this combines to make him an exceptional flyer, with the stamina to last, the strength to easily fly at high altitudes, and a build that affords him a surprising amount of maneuverability for such a large dragon. His warm bronze hide is exceptionally well cared for, and tends to be at its most brilliant in the warmer months. It fades into deep bronze, nearly brown points that are then tipped in a creamy bronze. There is also a splash of cream that runs the length of his underbelly. His wingsails are slightly darker than his hide, but not quite as dark as his points.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Uncert