So here's the deal got a bit of a strict criteria.
Looking for someone who has a Appreciation of games, loves movies, music anime. A bit of information about me.
I play alot of games, I Watch alot of anime, and most of all I work alot and plan on attending school soon. for the most part I want someone who has a general idea of where they are going and have a good understanding of themself and their values. If you got that that trumps the criteria and just makes this alot better. I would love someone I could chill with play games with, or talk about a series of different topics and get to them ultimately and have more than just a partner but a friend. if You feel you can try this out and or are curious about me do not feel shy / scared to message me directly and I will get back to you as soon as I can and talk to you.
I also stream If you would like to get a Idea of what I'm like just look up this same user on Twitch