Name: K'rit, born Kerrit
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr, Western Weyr, or Other
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: If applicable.
Physical Description:
Personality: K'rit really has no time for others, particularly when those others are looking for someone to answer questions for them. After all, he's far too busy and important to spend time doing that sort of thing! Ask someone else! If you do manage to pin him down and bore him with your questions or pointless small talk, you'll soon find this man changing the subject entirely, usually to a topic that others don't like discussing, just so he can make a quick escape. His voice is always light and airy giving the impression that he really just doesn't care what you're going on about. If you take your eyes off of him for a moment, he'll be gone!

This apprentice is never in one place for too long, always looking busy, hurrying up and down the corridors as if life depended on it. If you ever saw someone on a mission, it would be this guy. Often-times, Kerrit really doesn't have anything that important to do. In fact, normally he's just heading out for a stroll or going about daily duties. Even still, it does look more exciting when he dashes about like that. Gives him a sense of mystery, even if it is completely false!

Nothing captures Kerrit's interest more, however, than a conversation that he can pick holes into. If you're talking plans and they don't add up, this man will be there to point them out for you. In an attempt to make conversation more interesting for him, Kerrit will often form stories to tell others. Sometimes these are true. Sometimes these are false. Most of the time you won't be able to tell. He can weave a story as well as any Harper. He has a sense of humor that isn't often seen--he will be caught chuckling at other's flaws quite often. They seem to amuse him.

This apprentice doesn't seem to have very many many friends--those he gathers to him aren't usually close to him emotionally. He tends to use them and lose them. He might consider himself an expert in getting people to do what he wants, but they often are able to see through his plans and abandon him. He seems to be a good sport about it, generally, acting as if he doesn't care one way or the other. It's another story altogether, really. Kerrit doesn't seem to understand how to build a proper friendship. He cares for people while they're in his group, but once they leave... Well, it causes him to become bitter towards them. He has a fear of being abandoned; his parents left when he was very young to finish off their field experience as journeymen. Mentally, he does have a goal to make a long term friend.

Kerrit does occasionally fly off the handle in things, indulging in fits of rage brought about by rather unpredictable mood-swings. Often the moods of others amuse him; he feels he can play anyone as easily as he can play a guitar. Though his emotions are often in command of his actions, he uses those of others to his advantage. Want something done? It's best done when someone's emotional. That's Kerrit's philosophy. People are easily controlled when angered, and do not hesitate (as much, anyway) to harm those who get in their way. He often holds grudges against those who do anger him; which is easily done.

Kerrit, due to his rugged good looks, tends to be vain. He's handsome, and he knows it. The females want him, and he plays upon that with ease. He is easily distracted by the mere appearance of a female, and will lose track of what he is doing to watch her. He has a bad habit of watching their every move, and admiring their assets.
Positive Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. cheerful, loyal, confident]
Negative Trait List Selfish, has a temper, vain, socially awkward, liar
Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Tormth
Age: 12
Color: Brown
Physical Description:
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Transfer