Name: Lisnu
Age: 14 Turns
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: Fishercraft
Rank: Candidate
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Physical Description: [ R E F ]
Standing at nearly 5'9" Lisnu is quite a tall young lady, although "lady" is not exactly among the terms she would use to describe herself. Being used to hard labor since a very young age and spending so much time around fishermen and sailors, the girl has an overall boyish and, as some would even put it - crude feel to her. Be it in the way she carries herself - shoulders always slouched, as if she is unable to walk straight and carry her body's height at the same time, or the way her face looks most of the time - half-closed sleepy black eyes, hiding away under bushy brows hanging low.

Her height is toned up by her rather skinny frame- both legs and arms could easily serve as reminders of willow sticks. Nonetheless, her limbs seem to have a huge load of stamina running through them, almost as if they were not the limbs of a girl but ones of a quick crawler which is something that can often be visible during acts of agility she performs. Despite the overall feel to her body and even contrasting to it, both her limbs end in long and graceful fingers. Her torso is stiff, straight and one could swear he is able to count each and every single one of Lisnu's ribs even through her clothes. The girl's breasts are practically nonexistent which only contributes to her plank-like build.

That being said, the young candidate's skin is soft and fair with a natural mellow redness on her cheeks at almost all times, contrasting with her sleepy and at times grumpy glare and bringing a healthy dose of life into her appearance. And the rosy cheeks are only enhanced by the heart-shaped form of her face. Another feature that should be considered are Lisnu's plump and creamy lips, despite the fact that they're often seen in a pout. Her soft, round and clear face is surrounded by wavy and mousy-blonde hair, worn at a messy shoulder length. One would rarely go ahead and say that Lisnu has a conventionally beautiful face but there is definitely something alluring to it.
Lisnu really enjoys to keep herself busy at most times. She is a firm believer that hard work eventually pays off and all the time she spends being productive has led her to a more private life with less friends and less social contact. This does not mean she is not friendly and, if she fancies somebody's company, she is very easy to talk to but growing up in Tillek Hold constantly surrounded by the company of foul-mouthed fishermen her sense of humour and reactions could be percieved as rough and out of place. She is trying to get her mouth to speak a tongue more appropriate for a girl her age as her mother would often snap when she hears her daughter's dirty and practical jokes.

She has grown used to working very hard even if you do not really like your craft, which at first was how she felt about fishercraft. She does believe that when you do something you should try and put as much of your body and mind into it and do it as good as you possibly could. This is indeed what she plans on doing with whatever task she gets her skinny hands on and is also what could bring problems and extreme exhaustion as she would often believe she can take on more than what she could endure,

Though, once she can call you a friend her heart of gold is quite obvious, the girl also likes to keep some things to herself. She would often prefer to not share too much about her emotional state but rather listen, make jokes and talk about daily life. Lisnu feels like there is not much to state about her emotions and fishermen's life has taught her that sometimes you can only count on yourself to make it through the day and then make it through the night. This, however, is something that might change as her life so far has been a smooth sea and she has not yet had to endure the weight of true hard times. Or she has simply not found a friend she can completely confide in yet.
Positive Trait List A hard worker; Sensitive; Has a strong survival instinct.
Negative Trait List Secretive; At times bitter; Overly ambitious;
History: Apprenticeship and everyday life in Tillek Hold. [...]
Other: Tenderness to you was only talk about a bruise.

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? Yes
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP them or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? Yes or No