Raiatea = *Greenie
Tawi = Kasai

The dark cub had been sleeping comfortably atop of a small rock that was much to small for her. In fact she looked uncomfortable. The snoring stated otherwise and it was firm proof that she could sleep in almost any position. It was the stretch that did her in. Her body twisted and paws reached out above her head. Raiatea stretched her toes and yawned largely. Relaxing into a position to continue her sleep found her toppling off of the rock and landing like dead weight on the ground with an oof.

Her first reaction, before checking herself over for damage, was to see if there were any onlookers. When she was satisfied there was no one immediately around she began to dust herself off and pick herself up.

Then she whipped around and gave the rock a dirty look. It had betrayed her afterall. Satisfied that her dirty look had done it's work she turned away from the rock and headed for the water. She was thirsty.

: Tawi had taken off from his parents. Ever since his sister was chosen for cleric, they were a little more doting on her. He didn't mind. The more attention she got, meant he would have more opportunity to explore without the watchful gaze of his parents. Sure there may have been other adults nearby, but they were not really watching the cubs. They were just around.

Mstiri had flown off somewhere too. While the male enjoyed the avian's company, the constant squawking and nickname calling of 'Branch' annoyed him. The bird had convinced his siblings to start calling him that too. His eyes rolled at the thought. His name was not Branch, it was Tawi. Tao-wee. Tawi. He snorted, eyes to the sky as if to see if the green avian was nearby. With a new sigh of relief, the dark lion headed for the waterhole.

When he arrived, no others were there. Just how he liked it. He lowered his head to sip the murky water. The water cooled his throat on the hot day.

Walking was always refreshing. She'd been fortunate enough not to stumble across any curious adults wondering where she was off too. Adults liked to meddle and she found herself promising she would never be the same as them when she grew up. No. She'd be a cool adult. One that a cub could rely on to have fun with. (Though she'd likely be just like any of them.)

Raia found that as she walked a bounce returned to her step. The feeling of just waking up was fading and she was excited to reach the water. A drink? A swim? Bother an adult trying to do some work? The possibilities became endless! Her mind was a whirl of ideas when she reached the shores of the waters and even as she dipped her head she didn't realize there was another cub. Her nose touched the waters first and she squeaked a little. It was chilly. Perfect.

Recovering from the pleasantly chilly surprise she finally began to lap at the water and once sated she sighed. It was only as she lifted her head from the waters that she noticed there was company. A fellow cub. She grew unnaturally quiet briefly in embarrassment at her sounds.

An unusual trait for Tawi, being a cub, was how observant he was compared to those his age. He was definitely a quieter lion, one that usually didn't mingle with anyone unless he had too. It was not a surprise to him when the other cub had joined him opposite of the small water hole. What did seem to astound him, was the lack of focus the other cub had. She had not made eye contact with him before getting a drink herself. And the noise she made? His head tilted as his ears perked forward, swiveling slightly in thought.

When the lioness realized she was in company of another, he smirked. His eyes lit up in amusement before he shook his head. 'This is why you should always be aware of your surroundings.' he thought to himself, lowering his head to drink at the water again. This time though, his gray eyes never left the dark female's form. Tawi would wait to see what she would do. He was never one to approach a stranger anyways.

: Green eyes locked with pale grey and her entire self seemed to freeze. Typically not so nervous and actually rather excitable the feelings were new. The cub she had come across was quiet and unusually alert by her standards which left her feeling exposed. "Hey." Was all she managed, speaking wise, but she did manage to feel brave enough to lower her head for another drink. She did the same as him though and stared.

'What is he staring at?' She wondered to herself. The staring was starting to bother her a little bit, but if he wasn't going to react.. neither was she. Though in reality she had narrowed her own eyes. Basically reacting.. silently.

When the lioness cub chose to spoke, Tawi lifted his head. Small beads of water shifted past his lips, making small ripples in the water as they landed. His nose twitched. He did not answer her at first. He just watched her. If this was any other member of his family, they probably would go up to the newcomer to introduce them. If his avian 'friend' was with him, introductions would definitely had been done and over with. Being alone meant Tawi had more time to think about the situation before acting. This definitely caused for a certain awkwardness to appear around the cub.

"Hi." He said softly after what seemed like eons. His gaze shifted to no longer make eye contact. Instead, he was now looking at the lioness as a whole, memorizing her markings in case they were to meet again. After he felt he had enough information in his mind, his eyes focused back to her. He shrugged slightly. He never liked initiating small talk.

"Got a name?" After all, he did now need a name for the face.

Any feelings of embarrassment had faded from her as they ended their staring contest. How could she feel anything, but studied? Her own eyes couldn't be causing nearly the same feeling in him. There wasn't anyway as she couldn't manage such a look. Her narrowed eyes relaxed as he finally spoke. The sound was quiet and had she not been paying attention she'd have lost his voice among the sounds of water and various insects. "Hi." She repeated back. Eyes looking to the water before looking back at him. She took the time to glance over him and try study his features a small amount - the way he had done to her, but honestly she could have easily shrugged off the task. Which she ended up doing about part way through.

"Raiatea.. but you can call me Raia." She responded using the highest number of words in their encounter. "What about you?" Firing back the question she straightened herself up and then seated herself. Her tail was wrapped around her paws and twitching ever so slightly as she waited for him to respond.

Raiatea? Hm, he'd remember that. Raia was even easier to remember. Tawi would likely stick with her full name if they were to meet again.

The lion knew the introduction question was coming. It was a common flow of speech when meeting someone new. Tawi pawed the ground, debating on whether or not he should answer. It was only courtesy, after all, to exchange his own name when another offered their own. Then again, who really needed to know each other names? They were in the same pride, and she would learn it eventually if he didn't say it now.

Opting for the courteous option, the blue cub finally spoke his name. "It's Tawi." he did not go into any more detail. He didn't ask how her day was going, or make any other small talk. Instead, he walked around the water hole, staying a few feet from the female as he passed her. He had satisfied his thirst, and now wanted to explore.

: The silence she received at first made her wonder about the cub. Everything seemed to take a little bit longer with him and the staring? Raia found him to be harmless, but a little slow. An easy misconception considering how much thought he was putting into each gesture. Silent or not.

"That's.. it?" Astonished the cub slowly turned to follow his movement. His name was Tawi and he was.. leaving? The baffled cub was frozen in her place by the shock of the simplicity in their conversation and yet she had felt so much. "I guess it was nice to meet you too." A single brow raised at his back as the cub debated following him.

"Unless I can come with you?" Honestly, she half expected him to say no at this point.

Tawi ignored her comment. He couldn't help but smirk once he passed her. Typical reactions. Tawi wondered how this interaction would have played out if Mstiri was with him. A lot different and louder probably.

"No." he said curtly without looking over his shoulder back at the female. With that, he trotted off, gray eyes set for the northern border. That was normally where his 'aunt' Kgwedi patrolled during the night. He'd love to see what it was like during the day.

A short gasp followed his 'no'. The female was baffled that her perfectly good company was being dismissed so easily by someone that clearly needed to have a little more fun in her eyes. She was fun! She would make his evening better.. Still.

"I didn't want to go anyway."

But her remark was lost to the winds seeing as the cub was already gone. He had gotten away before she could get back at him. Well now she would simply have to hunt him down and say her last words.