Croatoia = *Greenie
Do`al = Felyn

The golden lioness wrinkled her nose, causing the heart that decorated it to become deformed. She was staring at a plant that she had recently discovered which produced a vile smell when crushed. The events which lead to this discovery had just ended and she could see her kill out of the corner of her eye. The lioness was always wary after a kill. Being alone meant that downing something such as a gazelle could keep her satisfied for a while, but it made her a target.

Unfortunately for the lioness her attention span was dwindling on the kill and focused more so on the new discovery. How had she not seen this before? If the taste was anything like the smell it would be ideal for some from of torture. "Pack it up and take it home." She muttered to herself. The temptation of trying the plant was wildly working its way through her and she had to remind herself that she was alone, in the middle of no where, and if the plant reacted poorly to her system she would be weak. Weak lions could easily be taken and subdued. Croatoia nodded at her own request.

"Get the kill, get the plant, and get home" Her plan seemed sound, should nothing interrupt it.

"So soon?"

The voice was sudden, thick as gravel and rumbled deep through the male's chest. Though the look on his bright face was pleasant enough, his eyes rested on the plant and rose to her own, slightly narrowed above the jovial mask that stretched across his jowls. Not much slipped by the seasoned rogue, least of all the scent of a fresh kill, nor the odour of something else, foul and rancid.


He had stepped out from the foliage only enough for his shoulders and head to pass the dappling shadows, content to slip back into them if she proved to be the sort that attacked first and asked questions later. It wouldn't have surprised him, especially given his rather convenient timing. For what it was worth, his eyes entirely avoided the scent of the gazelle. For the time being.

"And with a plant? How peculiar."

He did his best to ease whatever tension his presence might have produced by offering her a charming laugh.

"Is there somewhat special about it?"

Just a normal lion making normal conversation.

Shivers prickled her back and down her spine as a deep voice penetrated her otherwise silent surroundings. She rolled her shoulders and exhaled slowly before turning to face the source of the voice. Standing, stark against the dark terrain, was a vibrant male of reds. "Yes." Her response was clipped and her eyes narrowed slightly. "If it's any of your business." She couldn't manage to make her tones friendlier, not that she found it to be necessary.

Oh crap. A thought occured to her that the lion was likely there for her fresh kill. Silently she took a few steps towards the kill, but maintained eye contact with he audience.

"Yes, though I wouldn't consider it peculiar." Of course her sense of peculiar was likely skewed. Her eyes had begun to relax slightly, but they he laughed. The situation suddenly seemed a little more light hearted and yet she still felt the need to defend herself along with her prizes.

"I'm not sure yet - besides the smell."

Her ears flicked backwards and then returned to their attentive state. The sound of a few rocks clacking against stone had briefly caught her attention. "I'm sure the smell alone has its uses." Still her thoughts provoked other concerns.

"Did you want something?"

The exaggerated laughter had done it's job partially - even if she still seemed wary of his presence (and rightfully so, he thought), she wasn't moving to attack him and that set him more at ease in his little game.

He made no indication that he noticed her stepping closer to her kill and, in fact, let all of his attention drift down to the flower as if it suddenly were the most interesting thing in the world. He still thought it peculiar to be so interested but she wasn't wrong - everything had its uses and, moreover, so did every skill. He very much doubted she would have stopped to take notice of something so random if she didn't have some idea of how to apply such a use.

"Forgive me," charm dripped from his words as he bowed his head, though one ear flicked at the sound of shifting rocks, too. For a moment he wondered if she had another party member he had failed to account for and, for the first time, his muscles tensed visibly beneath his vibrant fur. Yet, his words never faltered. "My sister is out hunting and I merely mistook the scent of the kill for her own. We must have strayed closer to pride grounds than we thought."

It wasn't a complete lie - Makri was no doubt out, somewhere, hunting something. Or someone.

"Now I'm mostly just curious, if you would forgive an old rogue's intrusion. Do you deal in herbs often?"

Concerns had drifted from the kill and to his lack of attention towards the kill as she presumed any predator she came across would want a piece. Croatoia wasn't about to trust that this stranger was any different than the presumed and so she remained wary, but if they were going to quarrel it would have likely happened already. Plus.. that laugh.

Tension was relieved as he spoke to her. The charm in his voice was doing the trick whether she cared to admit it or not. Flabbergasted by the betrayal of her own body she nearly over compensated by getting ready to tell him off or say something vile, instead she chose to inhale slowly then exhale. Typically Croa was in control of her surroundings and so this wasn't familiar territory. "You're forgiven." She muttered with a wave of a paw. "No need to fret about a pride. Unless I've stumbled upon one as well." Fear struck her lightly, but was washed away quickly with his next question.

"I do." She started off simply and considered how much she would dare to share. "I enjoy what herbs can do." A small, wicked smile grew on her maw. Yet another way her body betrayed her, but she couldn't help enjoying her 'work'. "What about yourself?" Her question was more of a habit and she realized how silly it may sound.

Observant as he was, Do'al caught the betrayals in her demeanor. He wasn't certain if she trusted him yet, but he was content enough that she wouldn't attack him without proper cause that he chanced moving forward and out of the shadows he had been hiding within. It gave her the first view of his bright coat in full, marked with graceful arcs and glimmering tips. Unlike his sister and her wicked mask, there was nothing about him to give away his awful intentions.

At least today she seemed to interest him more than her kill did.

"Herbs? No, not really."

He raised his nose to the air as he moved a few feet closer, still wary of getting within paw's reach, but making a show of his interest in that awful, atrocious scent. Immediately, he scrunched his nose against it, marring the pretty lines that crossed his face. At least that much was not a show - it burned the inside of his nostrils so that he had to blow hard out of them in an attempt to rid them.

After he gathered himself, he plopped into a seated position, regarding her with that same open curiosity.

"I am a collector of followers, myself. I take interest in those that develop certain skills. All knowledge is worth having, especially the sort that others might deem," he paused, considering his wording, "dangerous."

When she noticed the way his weight was adjusting she tensed up and drew in a breath. Then the lion did as she suspected and immerged from the shadows giving way to his full appearance. Without hesitation her blue eyes cast a glance from the tip of his nose to the tips of his toes and held back a gasp. Light seemed to reflect against the males pelt in a fashion captivated her eyes - she simply couldn't look away. Never in her days she had seen such an astounding thing. Incredible.

Snapping back to reality at the sound of his voice was the best thing she could have asked for. Never had she gawked so openly.

"That's to bad." The lioness admitted with a sour tone. His actions sang a different tune. Croa watched as he stepped paw step after paw step. It was slow, intentional, and wary. She wasn't entirely shocked of the wariness, the pair of them were strangers. She hadn't yet seen an opportunity or a point in sharing her name and so she anticipated they might stay strangers. Her curiosities lay with why he had shown any interest in her at all. The herbs were rank, he hadn't shown any interest in her meal.. what was he after?

When his nose wrinkled a small grin replaced her scowl. Croa prided herself on being able to withstand scents. Though it was likely due to being surrounded by various nostril stinging scents for most of her life.

Then he seated himself.

Growing more curious by the moment she followed suit. It was apparent a silent agreement had been made that neither party would attack each other she saw no harm in it. "Oh?" Her response to his statement was simple. "Do you travel with those you may have.. collected?" Though her curiosity was peaked she wasn't sure how she felt about being selected for such an opportunity.

"I agree all knowledge is worth having."


He hadn't missed the gawking but neither did he make it obvious that he'd given notice. It wasn't an entirely unusual reaction - he had been blessed with a wonderful camoflouge. Instead of reacting, he just rolled his shoulders, drawing a non-chalant attitude over himself. There were miles to go before she was going to be comfortable enough to talk openly with him and, though the kill had drawn him, he was intrigued in a way that so rarely happened anymore.

"Now they've all scattered to the winds, settled with families or atoning for sins." The pleasant smile he wore surfaced again, though he had laden his voice with a jesting darkness as he mentioned atonement. "Not everyone is suited to a rogue's life forever."

A deep chuckle escaped him and he shook his head a little, sending the red mane tossing about his face.

"No, now it's just my sister and I. Do you travel alone?"

Good, she couldn't see any outward signs that he had seen her gawking. That was promising. Once? Which meant to her that he had indeed moved as a small caravan. If they had been free to go then they weren't captive. Her facial expressions loosened and she became increasingly more interested in what he had to say.

Croa was intrigued about them having left. Not for the sake of knowing why, but more so to understand what sins were involved. "I do travel alone." She admitted warily. To admit she was alone took every ounce of her. Trust was not an ally of hers and so she strugged to comprehend what trust she was finding in the male. Her life story was still carefully vieled. "You'll have to tell me more about these sins." She'd love a good history lesson.

"Perhaps over a bite to eat?" She waved a paw towards the meal she had protected from him at the beginning of their conversation. "If your sister is close enough by I wouldn't mind if she joined us." A test to see just how close she had been. Croa hadn't felt like she was in immediate danger, but she grew nervous.

This might be why others travel in groups. Thoughts rang out and basically smacked her. Yet she had been fine all those many moons.

"I've honestly got no idea how far she's wandered and, truth be told, you absolutely would mind if she joined us. Makri has very little tact." The smile on his lips had remained steady for her benefit, though now it settled into a knowing smirk. "She's extremely abrasive, putting it politely."

The invitation to eat, however, was exactly what he had wanted. Given any other lioness he might have contested the kill and taken it but he was honest when he admitted to being curious. He did want to know more about her little hobby - how deep did it go and what did she do with it?

"That's an offer I'm willing to take." He pushed himself up again, slowly, and moved a few steps closer. His large, vibrant paws picked out their placement carefully and his eyes never wavered from hers, doing his best not to spook her or make her rescind the offer. There were often times reason to fear him but not her, not today.

"I would like to know more about this hobby, too. It's not every day you find a carnivore with a deft paw at herbology. It's a rather unique skill, I'd wager."

The lioness snorted slightly at the comments regarding his sister. "It'd be nothing new." She remarked with a sneer to match her snarky tone. Croa almost finished her thought out loud with 'sounds like my family' but bit her tongue. It was an unnecessary comment.

Blue eyes watched as the male approached in a gracious manner. His steps were purposeful and she could appreciate his care in the endeavor. Her offer appeared to be just what he had wanted and she couldn't deny that she had been enjoying his company. It was a win/win situation in her books. "We are certainly a rare breed." The pride in her tone grew as she spoke. "Not often do carnivores taken the time to appreciate the plants around them and what they are capable of doing - easily." She admitted as she shifted to allow easier access to the carcass without stepping completely into her bubble.

"Be my guest." She raised a paw and waved towards the meal.