“Where are we going, Navu?” The star pelted lion groaned, walking slowly behind the female. They had been traveling for seemed like days, and he didn’t know how much more he could go. They decided to travel at night, for it was easier for the darker pelted male, but some days where they couldn’t find a proper place to sleep, the duo found themselves traveling more. It wasn’t like the male was always complaining, but this last leg of the trip he seemed to be doing more of it.

“I don’t know yet,” the lioness sighed, looking towards her mate before gazing ahead. “We will know when we get there though.” It was cryptic. Maisha did not like that response though. It was Navu’s constant go to during their travels.

“May I am just cursed.” The male stopped, wanting so bad to curl in a ball under the growing moonlight. “The Dawnwalkers dispersed, and now your home.”

“Our home.” She corrected.

“Our home…” he sighed. He had met Navu on her pilgrimage. He was such a lost soul then. He still was today too, but at least he had some guidance from the female. The swamplands had hit a tragedy, but Maisha did not know much about it. Navu either, as she was heading home from her name quest when she saw the migration. The two had made a home together in the mountains before those born of the swamp decided to wander back or elsewhere. Maisha had enjoyed the mountain life. It was quite the opposite of what he was used to in the desert. He didn’t think Nav enjoyed the lifestyle as much. When those started leaving, he could tell a longing in her eyes as she wanted to leave too. That was partially why they didn’t stay amongst the tattooed lions. Maisha agreed to follow Navu though wherever she went.

"You are not cursed," Navu started, glancing at her mate. "We have...just run into a series of bad luck." She offered. It would be anything to distract Maisha's opinion that he was cursed.

"Right. Bad luck." The starry male just wanted to flop on the ground, curl up and call it a day. He would if the white lioness was not with him. Instead, he still followed her. His light eyes gazed around. "Are you sure you don't know where you are going?" He asked. The terrain had changed a few miles back. They were definitely not in the mountains anymore, and the air was not as dry as what Maisha was use to in the desert. It was more...humid?

"Pretty sure. The swamps I grew up in were not far from here. A few days travel, maybe?" She said, glancing in the direction she thought the burning swamps use to be. "Maybe we should rest." She could tell Maisha needed it. He was lagging, and his overall attitude was no helping their movement situation. "Do you think you will be okay traveling tomorrow?"

Maisha grunted as he plopped on the ground. It was his direct answer to Navu's question, without using the words he was thinking.

Navu sighed, snuggling up to the male. Things needed to get better, if not for star pelted male, then for her own sanity.

The dark lioness had been watching the two from the distance. They had been walking on the Mwezi'johari terrain for a while now, and had yet to realize it. Dark red eyes watched as the two decided to lay on the ground. The two looked tired, especially the male. Kgwedi's nose twitched. While the two hadn't come directly up to her, they were still approaching on the pride's territory. As a guard, it would be best to let them know. The two did not seem like a threat.

"You all lost?" Kgwedi called out. She was once a rogue, she knew what life could be like away from a pride's territory.

Maisha shot up like a light, Navu following slowly.

"Not really lost. Just don't know where we are going." Navu started, glancing at Maisha who was trembling slightly. He was never a fan of meeting new people, this lioness was no exception. "Are we...on your lands?" The lioness asked, backing away slightly. She bumped Maisha to do so as well.

Kgwedi shook her head. "You are close." She took a step forward, but when the two backed up, she stopped. "My name is Kgwedi. I am of the Mwezi'Johari lands. Our borders are just beyond the hill," she nodded to the north. "You all seemed tired, lost." She started.

"Mwezi'johari?" Navu asked, turning to Maisha. "Have you heard of that pride before?"

The starry male shook his head, still not uttering a word.

Nav sighed. "We are tired. We have been traveling for a while now. We are from the Jini-msemi lands. We once hailed from the swamps until that burned. My name is Navu, and this is my mate Maisha. Our pride has since dispersed, and we are looking for a new place to call home. We did not mean to intrude on your lands."

Kgwedi could not help but smile. "Like I said, you are not quite to our lands. We are not a hostile bunch though," she offered, hoping it would ease the minds of the two. The poor male looked to be quite nervous.

The dark lioness thought for a moment. "Looking for a home?" She thought. The Mwezi'Johari had recently opened the borders to let others in. "Why don't you guys stay here. You both look too exhausted to keep traveling. At least, recovery your strength, and if you don't want to stay, you will be refreshed to start your journey again." Kgwedi offered.

Navu thought for a moment. It sounded like a good idea. "What do you think, Mai?"

The lion paused, looking between the two females, before nodding slowly. "It would be nice to have a better place to sleep..." he said softly.

Navu smiled. "Works for us then," she turned towards Kgwedi. "And if we decided we wanted to stay, what would we need to do?"

Kgwedi smiled at the two. She was glad the male had actually decided to speak. She turned her attention back to the lioness in the travel party. "Well, our rank depends on the moon. Any newcomers will be brought to the shaman, where a plant is given to you to make you sleep. When you awake will determine what your rank would be among the pride." The lioness explained.

"Has anyone not woken from their slumber from this plant?" Maisha asked, hesitantly.

Kgwedi paused for a moment to think about it. She shook her head. "I can't say. Guards are not there when others awake." There might have been the cases where the lion could not handle the moon flower. Kwedi did not know of any particular case however.

Maisha just nodded. Navu flashed her mate a sideways glance, before heading back to Kgwedi. "I think we would need a day to mull over this. But, a safe place to sleep would be wondrous." She advised.

The moon lioness nodded. "Follow me then."

As a guard, she would need to take responsibility for these two. If they decided in the morning to join the pride, she would then escort them to the shaman. If not, she would be happy to escort them off the lands for them to continue their travels. She'd have to see if Nteo or Inzi would be able to assist her. Although neither were guards, both had accompanied her on many patrols recently that she would trust them completely.
