The lands were bustling to say the least. Almost daily it seemed like new lions wanted to join. It kept Kgwedi on her feet. She enjoyed her job, and it showed with every interaction she encountered. Recently, the lion had been promoted to the position of rogue guard, an uncanny position for her as she too was once a rogue prior to living her life in the Mwezi lands.

Today however was a day off for the dark pelted lioness. She had worked many patrols before she decided she wanted just have a day of relaxing. Some of the pride members were getting ready to leave within the next few weeks, so Kgwedi would find herself working more shifts to cover the guards that would be protecting the travelers during their trip. Amongst the group, the lion Yoru, Kgwedi found herself sneaking more glances towards when they were near. She was curious to get to know the dragon winged lion a bit more, and if the two would happen to become closer, what would this trip do to them?

She shook her head, removing those thoughts from her mind. She wandered down the worn paths that most lions traveled, spotting two of the more recent lions initiated into the pride. What were their names…

Just a little away from the lioness, Maisha and Navu found themselves going over the plan for a hunt they planned to execute.

"Got it Mai?" the lioness asked her mate. She knew he didn't. Maisha was quite a terrible hunter.

"Um..Sure?" Lies. There was no hiding it within his lightly colored eyes. He shrugged when Navu turned to him. She knew him a little too well. He flashed an apologetic smile to the other.

Navu shook her head, sighing. She'd go over the hunt plan again, however, she spotted Kgwedi walking towards them. "Oh! look! Company!" she said excitedly, rising from her feet to greet the guard. "Hello, Kgwedi." the lioness welcomed.

Since the two had been here, they hadn't had a chance to see the dark female. It was not their intention to stay in the pride for more than a rest, but Maisha did not want to leave. If he didn't want to go, Navu would not leave either. The two had decided to stay, and from there, went under the initiation process with the moon flowers and the long sleep. Navu was the first to wake, Maisha shortly after. It definitely was quite a different experience, both lions had agreed. the male had worried neither may wake up, or what if only one woken? The other would be devastated. Those thoughts were gone when both had indeed awoken, and from there, welcomed into the pride.

Kgwedi smiled as she approached, bowing her head. "Navu, Maisha," she was glad the names had come back. It was always awkward having met others and forgetting their names by next meeting. It did not happened often, but the time it did, Kgwedi vowed she would not have it happen again.

"How are you two today?" The lioness asked.

"Good..." Maisha started. He was a lion of little words. It worked well being paired with Navu. She was his voice in certain situations. Meeting with others always made the starry lion the socially awkward one of the group. It was like that ever since he was a cub. Radha, his sister, was his voice. When the two had lost in touch with each other, the lion had become quiet. Even at his first meeting with Navu, Kiwimbi at the original introductions, Maisha maybe had uttered a word or two. In the quietness of their own home would he become more vocal.

The white lioness shook her head at her mate's reaction. "We are well, Kgwedi. Just going over some hunting plans for tonight." She glanced over at Maisha, before turning her gaze back to the other female's. "Although, I'm not sure how well the hunt will go," she said quietly, just out of reach of her mate's ears.

Even though Maisha had not heard what Navu said, he shrugged. "We will be well up until tonight." He hated hunting. But, he was a member of the pride, and every member needed to participate. Maisha preferred to watch the little ones of the pride. That was what his father had done back when they lived in the desert. Hunting, even though at night, was an arduous task for the male.

Kgwedi almost leaned in to hear the words Navu spoke before chuckling slightly. "I see." She grinned. "Is it just the two of your hunting?" She was unsure how the hunter schedules looked like, keeping mainly to the guards.

At Kgwedi's tone, Maisha shrugged again. "Normally we are by ourselves..."

"But, there are others that hunt other grounds." Navu continued from the lion's statement. "I think it's best for us to keep it that way for a while." Until Maisha is up to meeting others. she said quietly in her mind.

Kgwedi took the hint and nodded. "Well, if you ever get a chance, my friend Inzi is a good hunter. Terrible guard, you can even tell him I said that! I'm sure he wouldn't mind the company if you two decide to join up with others. He's a bright blue male, lazy during the day, you can't miss him!" she added with a wink, laughing.

Navu smiled. Maisha's lips even turned to a slight upward at the description of the other male.

"We will need to meet him one day." The lioness stated. "We are usually around this area during the day. If you are ever with him, feel free to bring him over, right Mai?" she glanced over to the male who nodded slowly from behind her.

The darker of the females smiled, nodding. "Sounds good. I will definitely remember that the next time I am with him." Kgwedi looked towards the sky, before glancing at the two. "I must be going. I promised a few others I would stop by this evening before the rounds begin." With the influx of new members, Kgwedi found herself busier than ever. "I hope you two have a good evening, and a successful hunt." She added, walking past the two as she headed towards the main dens.

"You too," the two chorused, Maisha in a murmer while Navu was more in an excited goodbye. Once out of sight, the former swampie turned back towards her mate.

"Okay, Maisha." She started, putting on her no nonsense tone. "This is the plan again for the hunt."

The male groaned. This was going to be a long night.

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