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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:10 pm
Aegnor ned Mereth
Festival of Fell Fire

As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, the Aegnor'hini celebrate, for their time of the year has come. Hunting contests are held, games of strength and wit hosted, and the results of the hunting contests are feasted upon by the whole pride. It is a time where spirits are high, and this cycle of seasons is no different! Or it wasn't, until one of the Mori'osta who preferred guard duty to the loud festivities came running right after sunset with news that the leaders thought was still a few days off.

There were strangers on the horizon, full of new and familiar markings alike. It seemed the former Jini-msemi, with Mioyo, Silens'ara, and Utunosse at their head, had arrived just in time for the festivities.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:31 pm

1] No drama, no attempts to guilt anyone [pride owners, judges, shop staff, or other shop goers] into a prize.
2] ...Just use your common sense, follow pride rules, etc. If there's something you're unsure about, reach out to the pridal mule, or one of the pride owners!
3] If you have no pride members, you CAN RP a non-lined species, such as a baboon, crocodile, or warthog, as a Sador! Just remember that preybeasts are not a good idea, as someone might try to eat them.



PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:48 pm

Every post in this ORP is a chance towards this gent! Once the ORP is closed, every post will be a ticket in the raffle for him...minus pride owners, of course! He's a blank slate, though originally was going to be from the same pride that Na'ima hailed from! [Said pride does not exist OOC, so if you go with that route, poke me!] And, as usual, he must stay in the pride as he's a pridal custom!
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:14 pm
Hakuna'jina breathed deep of the early evening air. The sun was newly set, the pride had gathered, and the first of the hunting competitions was about to begin. Excitement and revelry filled the air, and the goddess was beyond pleased. Until a voice she recognized called out. Hakuna'ajiza, one of those who had wanted border duty, away from the bustle of the pride's celebrations for the night.

They had guests.

Moricorm beside her narrowed her eyes, looking up at Hakuna with annoyance once it became clear who 'Junior the 2nd' and the other guards were leading. The former-Spirit Talkers weren't due for another few days.

But somehow they had arrived the very beginning of the festival.

Ithil mantled her wings a bit from her place on Moricorm's flank as Hakuna strode toward the now-stopped group of lions. Hakuna'ajiza bowed his head to her, frowning.

"These...outsiders wish to join us, Ettelen'Shelerana. There are those among them who do not bear our colors." Before another word could be said, the pale coat of the Kinseeker caught Hakuna's eye as her great-granddaughter stepped forward.

"Some of us seek the title of 'Sador', knowing full-well what it means. Most of our group, however, have the colors and spirit of a demon. Some of our group are former members," She nodded to a grey male who so clearly bore the hallmarks of Sparda's bloodline, and the pale female next to him with the old Aikanaro'hini symbol carved into her skin, along with a host of other scars. "While others are brand new, or simply have demonic blood. But we all seek a home. A place in the darkness where we are more." Hakuna'jina had to admit Utunosse had a way with words. A way that certainly had not come from her.

"You have...interesting timing, I must admit. I am afraid a decision cannot be reached right this moment, not with such a number of you seeking entrance, but for now...let us see how you handle the darkness." She looked out towards the gathered pride and opened her wings. "These newcomers seek to join us in the darkness, some returning from the Old! But tonight is our night, and such a decision should not get in the way of that! Shall we see if they have the spirit for our celebrations?"

Moricorm sighed, rolling her shoulders. Well, Hakuna was always more action than words.

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:35 pm
Mioyo hadn't expected to interrupt anything, but the female wasn't afraiod either - especially not with newly-mobile cubs near. Instead the large red lioness remained calm, approaching the demon leaders as she studied therm each in turn, from Hakuna, a familiar, welcome face, to Moiricorm, a less familiar face with her great grandcub shying behind her with startled, round eyes at seeing what he surely thought was a ghost.Mioyo levelled her gaze finally to Hakuna idly.

"My apologies. I'm afraid our schedule had to change to offer a safer haven for the little ones." She nodded to her daughter-by-mating, and stood her ground, a faint smirk on her face.

"There are those here whom know the expectations. The only ones unaware are my children. Their father I believe is already a demon. That's not a problem, is it?" Her brow raised, and that -- that was the time Primitus took to arrive, and blinked, freezing and staring. Wait. Cu-- whuh oh. Whuh oh.

"I have more?! MIOYO!"  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:18 am
[This ORP is now open to both Aegnor'hini members and former Jini-msemi members who joined Silens'ara, Mwale-na-vimeti, Utunosse, and Mioyo in the journey to the Aegnor'hini!]  



Familiar Phantom

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 5:07 am
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Makeda wanted him to go hunting. Of course she did. The very thought brought a none-too-kind snort to his muzzle. Hunting was most of what she did now that they were back home. As much as she tended to complain about it, he was a little amazed that she hadn't just run off on him in the roguelands. Though now that it was for sport, supposedly - now that it was for the festival, rather than sustenance - now she was eager to go. And wanted him to tag along on top of it all, imagine that.

Berihun found that he just couldn't force himself into the right mindset. Ever since the festival had begun, he'd found his thoughts occupied by other things. The darkness, and the doubts of his peers. The derision of a certain pale-coated lioness. The legacy he was supposed to be maintaining. What all had he accomplished, really? Besides finding the Aegnor'hini, he'd come no closer to his intended goal. No closer to being a demon.

He suspected that one of the reasons he was moodier than usual was the lengthening of night; it felt too much like something building, an oncoming storm. Beri wanted to say that it seemed like time was running out, but that wasn't quite it. Felt more like the right time was on its way.

Apparently, he wasn't the only one who thought so. The golden male stepped forward at Hakuna'jina's words, hungry gaze drinking in the unexpected guests. Blood and bone, were there a lot of them. And their spokesman didn't lie: most bore the colors and manner of demons. Old demons. Maybe the sort that he could learn from.

The sador in question skulked just behind the lion. Her own eyes raked over the newcomers, wariness stifling the desire to find out more about them. She knew how she looked, purposely placing herself behind and below Berihun. Anxiousness preceded her. She looked away. More new faces, many of them scary ones. Not to mention the effect they were having on Golden Boy. Makeda put a bit more distance between her paws and his tail at the intensity in his eyes. Wasn't it enough for him to be happy where he was? They could go hunting, stay safe. But she didn't dare bring it up to him. Not when he looked like that.

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Muladhara had arrived home later than many, but it wasn't too hard to settle back into the routine of things. Settle a scrap or two, get into a few of her own... It hadn't taken much to shake off the dirt of weakling rogues, and cover herself with the sulfur scent of home.

Nevermind that she kept thinking of a few good fights out there, past the borders. Nevermind that she'd come back shaken and empty-pawed. As she had before, the stocky lioness shook off those unpleasant doubts.

This was more the sort of thing that should be on her mind, anyway! Their festival. Their time. She could have done without the occupation of strangers on their borders, but at least these looked more promising than the last lot. As far as Mudha was concerned, old blood was welcome home. Especially if they were willing to accept the destiny written in their pelts. Doubly so if there was not a single leopard among them. She turned a grin toward the strangers, though whether it was meant as greeting or challenge was unclear. Really, the red female was just eager. She couldn't wait to see which of them would come forward to embrace the celebration, and the dark.

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An unruly mop of deep blue peeked out from his mother's side. Though he was giddy to be here - and had been so the whole trip - actually getting to see the place they had spent all this time walking to was sobering. Not that Zulvan would ever admit being cowed to anyone. No, he was only...taking it all in. Yeah, that was it. He couldn't show up all bouncy and playful if he wanted everyone to take him seriously! Otherwise they'd think he was just some cub. He didn't think he could bear that. Not in front of his mother, and everyone who was expecting them!

Especially since it looked like they were right in the middle of something cool. There were so many of them! Lamplight eyes went wide, determined to take in every last scrap of laughter and hullabaloo. Everything was fresh, new and loud - particularly a voice that called out his mother's name. The boy's brow furrowed, chest puffed out defensively at anyone who would yell at his Mom that way.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:24 pm
It was strange, being back in the lands where she'd fought so hard to be recognized as the demon she was. Back in the lands that, even when she'd willingly left them to make sure her pale cubs going forward would have a better chance, had forever marked her. And now they'd returned, bearing new names in a reborn pride. Mwale-na-vimeti spotted Moricorm past the now-winged Hakuna'jina and nodded to her half-sister, small smile on her muzzle. She noticed Mioyo's little boy puffing at the surprise the starry god had showed, and reached out a paw to comfort him. "Ease, young one. No one will cause us harm here. Your mother especially."

Anameleth was beside herself with excitement at the new faces. More blood, old and new! And on one of their days! Oh the excitement! "Let them see what they wish to join! Let them learn what it means to be of the night, of the hellfires! I'm sure even the old blood among them need a refresher! It's been too long since they last stepped paw here!" The giggle from Dorielle beside her spoke that her grand-niece agreed. And likely looked forward to the sport they might present.



Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:52 am
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Makri was late to arrive as it seemed so many others were - except the new comers who, even to her new and untrained eye, she could tell were not all demons as the pride dictated they ought to be. It seemed something peculiar to her, even as someone unfamiliar with the blood of this pride still, and thus she thought it best that she hang back and keep her nose where it belonged.

That didn't mean, however, that she entirely ignored the proceedings. Her eyes caught every peculiar hint at mingled bloodlines and, too, lighted upon markings shared between both groups. Interesting. She would have to ask Balthier what he knew about these families, later.

Instead she took a seat quietly, proudly, sitting tall and rigid and as regal as any lioness sure of herself might. She was a demon now, after all, and had not to worry over among these lions.

Ctrl F Greenie
If you wanna jump in here? (sorry just editing something didnt mean to double quote QQ
PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 10:28 pm
User ImageTania wasn't far behind her brother and she watched as a figure whos colors and markings resembled that of herself and her siblings arrived. She hadn't met father yet but was aware of who he was at any rate. She watched as her brother puffed up a chest towards him and she almost snickered. How brave he was seeming but what good was that going to do.

"He seems thrilled doesn't he mother." She said looking at the very large male with a curious tilt of her head.

Nudging her brother a little bit she gave him a smirk. "What do you think of all these new faces?"




Winter Wolf

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 10:48 pm
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The sour looking red lion in the corner was none other than Angra mainyu. He'd made his choice with the previous gathering - choosing to ignore the leopards as actual demons. How could they be? His blue eyes were narrowing towards the new comers, much like they had when he'd seen the leopards on the horizon. "Another group. How many will we absorb before we cannot sustain ourselves." Not caring who was listening he spoke his complaints, definitely out of turn, but he'd been defiant from the start. Even with the newcomers bearing resemblance to some of the members he was familiar with he couldn't get passed them being outsiders.

"Speaking of outsiders..." He mumbled to himself as a purple pelted lioness came into view. Angras blue eyes followed her as she took a seat and without hesitation he stood, strode over to her and seated himself. His tail wrapped around his paws and he gave a small uninterested yawn. "What do you think so far?" He queried her, giving a sidelong glance, his question seemed light hearted. Angra looked away from her and glued his eyes to those that had traveled here. He was reminded of a time when even he was an outsider, but that didn't make him ease up. He was tied by a big family through blood - his sons and daughters. More would be on the way soon, Gods willing.

Crap tag, yw. xP
PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 11:10 pm
She peered around for her sister who had to be close by. Though she did have more than one she was looking for one of them in particular. Joia was by far her favorite sister but she wouldn't tell her that or any of the others. It was just a personal preference. Just like her brother was her favorite, but once again she'd never let them know. "Where is she...." She was seemingly lost in the sea of faces.

- mynsed -


Winter Wolf


Familiar Phantom

PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 9:24 am
The little male's eyes were serious, even after being deflated by Mwale-na-vimeti's assurances. One might think he'd take offense at being so gently chastised, but Zulvan seemed to think better of it: he leaned into her offered paw and nodded, although he did not take his eyes off of the waiting crowd.

"I dunno," he admitted, starry tail-tip moving to brush his sister's paws. "Seems like we interrupted them, although they...look happy to see us?" Although it seemed to Zul that many of them were 'happy to see them' the same way they were often happy to see dinner - but he wasn't going to say that.

"Do you know any of them?" he asked Mwale-na-vimeti, turning to the lioness. "Why wouldn't any of them hurt us?" She sounded awfully sure of it, and there were quite a lot of felines around. Too many, it seemed to him, to be assured that they were completely safe.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 11:31 am
Hakuna raised a brow at Primitus, then rolled her eyes. "You've always got more somewhere, Prim." She let the whispers of excitement and derision roll over the gathered demons in turn, understanding that not all would be excited for more potential new blood, and not all would be wary of it. She had learned, in her seasons as a leader, that everything came in waves. Utunosse moved back to the rest of the group, letting the darker pelted lions take charge for the moment. She would be a sador, she knew. She had no demon, despite the demon-blood in her veins.

Silens'ara stepped forward to stand beside Mioyo. "I will step into the darkness once more. See if this new festival holds better than the Old one." Osp joined him, something inside him wiggling in anticipation.

"So shall I!" His parents raised him on tales of the demons, in case he found himself called there during his Name Quest. It seemed it was to be home anyways.

Consonum primly planted her red self by her mother and siblings, looking over the demons beyond them and the male who was obviously their father. So this was where they'd been going in such a hurry. Well! It was about time they got there! Such an interesting place, though. "We have family here, don't we? Beyond Father?"


Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 11:48 am
Noh had been holding back since things began, studying everyone before raising a brow at the cubs huddling at Mioyo's ankles. And that moment was when the pale chil stepped next to Angra to address those showing apprehension.

"It IS a surprise, but to see so many demons returning to their calling, and with so many new -- that is a good sign. Our numbers still hurt from our trials. And if the pale ones seek to be sador, how can we fault them for aspiring to be better than common blooded creatures?" Noh smiled, licking Angra's cheek before drawing to bow.

"I for one welcome those stepping into the darkness, first time or no. It is unity that brings us our strength and raises our voices to be heard. After all, were it not for the acceptance of fresh faces, sador or not, the pride may have crumbled away to naught."

Mioyo tilted her head at Primitus in amusement first, simply smiling at Hakuna.

"Doesn't he always? I promise though, simply old friends, nothing more."

Primitus, however, finally calmed, with only his wings ruffled some. He was turning into Daima and he knew it. Regardless, though, it was nice to see his own children, and he bowed his head to Zulvan first, laying down to admire his cubs as a tiny pale female peered out, looking tyo her siblings and then up at the male. Ceto wasn't sure about any of this, but her mommy wouldn't let her get hurt, right? Even if Daddy seemed nice he was new, and so she let Zulvan greet everyone, as Mioyo bowed her head.

"Itoo seek to step into darkness, if youwill take me.If nothing else my children if their father will."

Primitus blinked, then looked to Hakuna. He hadn't missed the derision, nor long-winded speech about outsiders, nothing. Still, he knew these were weary travellers.

"I see no cause to refuse them, Hakuna, Moricorm. They proved courage merely coming to us. And it appears to be a group aware of what to expect, so it is not as when the jotunn were taken in. And the sador are always welcome paws, especially given they have so much choice. Obviously smarter than common creatures."

Was he playing to ego? Yes, then his gaze shifted warmly.

"I welcome the opportunityto work with new blood to teach, as well." His tone was tinged by Gaius' steel, warmed by the god's tender heart. Iyt seemed the oild demon agreed.

Das Tor


Astoria Fallen

Ctrl F Greenie

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