It wasn't looking good for Hisse down in front. Tadmor could only watch in horror as his mate was bested at every turn. He rooted loudly for her at every turn but it didn't seem any good. Before he knew it the two lionesses were done and he was left there a little speechless. Hisse was an excellent fighter so it was confusing to Tadmor how she could have lost. However he didn't know much about the lioness who had won so maybe she'd been trained better. After all this was a pridal tradition.

Beside him sat a lioness who looked remarkably similar to the one Hisse had just fought against. Tadmor had to do a bit of a double take.

"Whoah you look like that lioness that was fighting," Tadmor had to say that out loud. If it wasnt for the differences in tattoos he may think they were the same lioness.

"Oh that's my twin." The lioness gave him a once over before turning back to the stage. A lion beside her piped up.

"They're sisters and my daughters," He sounded quite proud. "One more win and we may have a champion in the family." His chest was puffed out in fatherly pride. Tadmor had been sitting next to family members of Hisse's opponent the whole time which shouldn't have been a major surprise but it was. He felt him self swallow some of his own thoughts about the match with his personal bias.

"Wh... Well.. that would be nice," Tadmor settled on.

"Nice? It would be more than that. It would be grand," Wana's chest was puffed out even more in pride, "Though even if she doesn't happen to win I'll be proud. To think that my daughter is so close to being champion though," He couldn't help but feel that pride go to his head a bit. "She just cut through that last opponent with ease. Surely she'll win it," Wana went on.

"Sheesh dad knock it off. You're going to fall over if your head gets any bigger," There was a side smile on Mimiteh's maw. "Any ways... We've never seen you around fella.. Who are you here to watch?"

"Actually.... Hisse's my wife so .. I was here for her." Tadmor made a bit of a face.

"O-oh," Wana bit his lip. He may have said a bit more than he actually would have liked to have said some of which may have been insulting. "Well she put up a fine fight."

"Dad you just said that she was defeated with ease," Mimiteh was grinning at the trouble her father was in.

"Oh... Well I mean I guess that it could be taken as such but I meant..." Wana was looking for the words in a fluster.

"It's said dad. It's fine that you're happy that Onawa won. I sure am," Mimiteh had no trouble admitting this. It made her feel a sense of pleasure to see her dad flail to try to be polite though. Mimiteh didn't burden her self with being overly polite as it was a waste of words. But she enjoyed when others did.

"Well....." Tadmor felt a little awkward, "It was a good fight and your daughter.. and sister sure had a lot of talent. She was quite impressive. Hisse was a guard in her last pride and brought up to fight," He felt a little more awkward saying the last part after how quickly Hisse had been beaten.

"Mimiteh can be a little insensitive... As can I ," Wana began, "Sorry we didn't mean to .. well..."

"No need," Tadmor sighed, "I can't say I wouldn't be the same if Hisse had won. You're proud and thats fine. It's a friendly match."

"You guys are new aren't you? Wolf clan?" Wana tilted his head.

"Yea. Wolf clan. We're pretty new to the pride and wanted to enjoy the festives. Can't say we've been disappointed." Tadmor smiled sheepishly.

"Well welcome. I'm Mimiteh and this is my father Wana. " Mimiteh offered, "I'm not a huge fan of these dry introductions though.... Honestly I rather not continue this conversation with fake pleasantries so I'm gonna jump straight to talking at you. Your wife could use some more training for sure. She got beat pretty bad." Mimiteh was met with a paw to the head from her father. Wana was not happy with Mimiteh when she was so rude.

"Owwww," Mimiteh was smiling though. She knew she was being bad but it was interesting.

"Interesting..." Tadmor frowned. He wasnt sure how he felt about being talked to like this from a total stranger.

"You have to forgive Mimiteh. We may have dropped her as a cub one too many times... down a mountain... " Wana wasn't so happy with his daughter at the moment but Mimiteh didn't seem to mind the negative attention.

"Lucky I survived so I can point out interesting truths," Mimiteh was now having a good time as she was quite amused by her own antics.

"Well... uh... hmm." Tadmor was at a lose of words. "I have to say I ... am confused..? But I am guessing you don't mean any harm Mimiteh.... I don't really appreciate this kind of humor though." He didn't want to start trouble so he chose his words as carefully as he could.

"I am sorry ..." Wana lowered his head.

"I ..." It wasn't true that Mimiteh felt sorry for her words but she didn't want to get smacked over the head again, "I am... entertained. " She got smacked on her head again but it was worth it.

"Well... uh my...My name is Tadmor.... So.. I guess this introduction is good and done.... See you two around the pride maybe..." He kind of hoped he didn't run in to Mimiteh again. Tadmor didn't want to start trouble with in the pride but he kind of wanted to knock some sense in to her himself.

"Tadmor, I am so sorry for the way my daughter behaved. She has a very creative way of expressing her self and she's not always the warmest. But she means well even if she won't apologize. I m not really sure what else to say except that you're always welcome around our family and our home..." Wana felt a little ashamed of Mimiteh.

"Yeah yeah yeah... but at least you can say you'll remember who we are now," Mimiteh's face grew a serious in an odd way.

"Uh..." Tadmor could tell Wana meant the apology and he wasn't quite sure about Mimiteh but she was right that he'd remember her good now. He wasn't sure that was such a great thing though.

word count : 1116