Astrea = KasaiLoki
Raiatea = *Greenie

Astrea giggled a she bounced out of the den. Tawi had already left for the day, he was always leaving so early. One of these days she would find out exactly where he was going. That was, when she could find some free time for herself. Astrea's days were now spent learning about what it meant to be a cleric, and soon she would find herself apprenticing with the other clerics as well as shaman.

"I'm just going for a short walk," she called to her parents, "I'll be back!" Sometimes her parents would want either the twins, Tawi or Faraji to go with her, but they were all out doing their thing currently. She was getting older, she'd be able to take care of herself.

Astrea trotted down the worn path. She saw the familiar green falcon fly over her head. That was Tawi's bond Mstiri. He wasn't with her brother, which likely meant he ditched him again. Astrea's own snake companion was off on her own hunt, which the young lioness was okay with. The blue lioness wondered just who she would meet today! Maybe she'd see Akela again, or Ilkay!

The lioness didn't know whether she should continue to be grouchy.. or would she be sad. When she thought about what the vile cub had said to her she would scrunch her nose and want to pull some fur out. Then when she thought of the damage that had been done her face unscrunched and she grew droopy. Her droopy stage was when she spied another cub who looked horrifyingly familiar.

At first she attempted to avoid eye contact - perhaps a conversation could be avoided? She shared an awful lot of pelt similarities with her newest and only nemesis. But then again a lot of the pride shared similarities, would she let one cub ruin them all for her?

"Hey!" She suddenly found herself shouting at the cub, almost in desperation for a need of a lighter interaction.

"Hey!" She suddenly found herself shouting at the cub, almost in desperation for a need of a lighter interaction.

Astrea paused when she heard another call out. She turned her head, to see a black cub behind her. Oh, a new friend? A female! "and here I was starting to think there were only boys my age." Astrea said with a smile to herself, turning herself to walk up to Raiatea.

"Hi!" She said excitedly. "I don't think we've met before. I'm Astrea." she greeted kindly to the other. The pink reminded her a little of Akela. Were they related? "What's your name?

: "Nope!" Already she found herself at ease. It was refreshing to be greeted with such excitement and come to think of it.. there really weren't to many females around. "I'm most definitely a girl." She smiled warmly at the female. Getting close up with the female seemed to confirm it for her, she had to be related to Tawi.

"I'm Raiatea." She said happily while she tried to recall if her siblings had mentioned meeting an Astrea. The name even seemed familiar. Brushing all of the concern aside she brought herself back to focus. "What are you doing?" Asking abruptly. Perhaps the cub had plans to do something exciting?

"Nice to meet ya, Raiatea!" The dark lioness loved meeting new lions. Raia was no exception.

"Oh, I was just going on a walk. I think my brother might be this way, I saw his friend fly in the opposite direction, which is usually an indicator where he might be. You wouldn't have seen him...would you?" Astrea asked. "His name is Tawi, he looks like me, but doesn't have any pink." she paused. "Well...he has a little pink. on his tail!" The female continued to describe her brother. "He always wanders away so early, I can never see him until it's almost bed time." Astrea sighed slightly. The youths were getting older, soon they would start leaving the nest for their own lives.

"You too!" She responded in excitment, letting the joy of meeting someone wash away her previous anger. Raia had relaxed just long enough to hear the words she had fully anticipated, but wasn't prepared to hear. "You're.. related to him?!" Truthfully she was beyond baffled. The cub before her was sweet and kind. Her brother was, in fact, the polar opposite of her.

"Yeah. He is that way, if you really want to find him." She scoffed slightly and opted to look away from her. "He didn't seem to be in such a good mood when he left." She admitted, but kept it as well hidden as she could about why he might have been in a poor mood. A guilty glint in her eyes were't helping her case though.

: Astrea was taken aback from Raia's reaction. So it appeared she had meet him. She nodded her head. " that bad?" She asked. The reaction she gave him made it seem like this was not a good thing to be.

The young cub paused, listening to the words of the other. She was curious now. "I mean...I can find him later," her gray eyes watched Raia, similar to how Tawi would stare, but at least she backed her gaze with words instead of silence. Something must have set him in a bad mood if the other cub expressed it. "Mstiri probably did. That crazy falcon is always putting him sour. Especially if he calls him 'Branch'." She giggled slightly at the nickname. "I'm sure you just caught him in one of those tangents. He's usually not like that." Or at least, he use to never be like that.

Raia was barely watching the other cub by this point. She was far to caught up in her relationship with that foul brother of her current companion. "Might be for the best." Her tense form relaxed a small amount and she sighed in an effort to release the pent up anger. The only reason she was truly mad anymore was because of her own actions.

"It wasn't Mstiri." Raia stumbled over the pronunciation of the birds name. "Though he did call Tawi 'Branch'." She mused softly, but then recalled just how agitated the cub had grown at the mention of this nickname. "I.. may have caused it." She admitted in a tone soaked with sadness. She closed her eyes shut a moment before her gaze returned to the cub. Her eyes were damp. "Astrea. Why is he so mean?" Tawi had brought something out in her that she hadn't anticipated. He seemed so mean and cruel, but that final glance back at her told her more than any of their interactions had.

"He seems so nice."

Astrea continued to frown, but did not say anything else. Instead, she continued to listen to Raia.

"The blue lioness shook her head. "No, you didn't cause anything. Don't say that. Tawi can just be..." what word should she find for him other than, "Tawi." Yeah, that about summed it. But then again, Raia was talking to his sister, and having grown up with him she could not express it any other way. She shook her head at the next question. Tawi wasn't mean, he was just...different? He liked things done a certain way, and if it wasn't done that way then he became the way the female had described him. It seemed like he was more off since she had started her apprenticeship as a cleric. She shrugged, the two were likely not related. At least, not in her mind.

"I can talk to him if you like. I'm sure you did not do anything," she reiterated. "He really is...nice." Astrea did not mean to hesitate the last words. "Or...if he was really mean to you we can make him pay?" Not that the small female was one for revenge, if Tawi had acted irrationally towards the other, he should not be allowed to get away with it. Astrea shrugged at either suggestion. If she told her parents how Tawi treated another, she was sure he'd be grounded to the den for a few moons to make him 'think' about what he did. And it guard training coming up, she was sure he would not like that.

"Well if that is Tawi just being himself than it's a wonder he has friends at all." Though she couldn't recall if he did or didn't mention friends, she simply assumed everyone deserved someone. "No, don't worry about talking to him. I'll do it myself." She said the words with a sigh.

"As fun as it would be to get back at him.. I don't think it'd be right." A small smile broke through the sad appearance Raia wore. The idea of getting back at him had left a mark on her though. It didn't seem like that awful of an idea, but to include his sister in on it? She wondered how much he might hate her for it. "Well actually.. let me think on it." A chuckle echoed from the youth as she collected herself up and decided it were time to head on home.

"If you see him, tell him I say hi." She remarked. "I'll be heading home." Raia so desperately wanted for Astrea to pass along that message. Stir up some small drama among the family members about her. She mused about what that might be like. "See you later Astrea!" She said before prancing off.

"If you're sure..." Astrea stated with a frown.

She did not mind talking to Tawi, and she'd probably end up speaking with him the next time she saw him anyways. He'd likely deny everything, but it was worth a shot, right?

Astrea then giggled at her change of heart in regards to getting back at the other blue lion. "Okay," she winked. This could be, if she decided to take action.

"Oh, don't worry. I will! Be careful going home," she looked up towards the sky. There was still some time left in the day. "Don't be a stranger, Raiatea!" she called after the prancing form, turning back in the direction she was originally heading. She had a lot to think about, especially this conversation she would have with Tawi.