((Discord rp Log between Kasai's Unole, Enzi and LSX's Chuma)

It was that time of year. U'no'le Kanesda found himself traveling with his family as well as the remainder of the Bird clan, to the location of this year's festivities. U'no enjoyed this particular time of year, the pride would come together as a whole. The golden lion would get to see others he hadn't seen from other clans in a while, as well as meet the new lions that wished to join the pride. Saying he was excited was an understatement. Inside, the male was giddy with anticipation. Although he was one not to display his emotions so readily, the dark blue bird perched in his orange color mane was bouncing about.

"I can't wait to see the others!" Enzi chirped, flittering his wings to hover just above U'no'le's head.

"Same." Was the lion's response. His green eyes scanned the area, looking around the traveling clan. His parents were tailgating, which was usual considering his father's condition. His gaze drifted downward to the genet leading the white male, her tail ever so slightly touching his father's paw to guide him. He smiled. The Kanesda clan had been rather lucky when it came to be bonded with familiar. His sister, himself, mother and father each had their own traveling pair for company, hunting and overall companionship.

One much more vocal about her excitement was Chuma, from a rogue family that'd joined moons ago she had seen festival after festival and this year she felt like getting more involved! Alongside the other travelling Bird clan she half-walked, half-trotted with a spring in her paws as she moved from member to member asking if they were excited or nervous or nervously excited or excitedly nervous - she reigned in on folks that seemed to be focusing ofcourse, didn't want to break their focus. Nor did she want to put them off. This was a fantastic time!

So fantastic that she almost lost her footing as she avoided one of the little familiar and bumped her side gently into a big body of yellow and orange fluff, immediately she spun her head to glance at the male she'd bumped into with all her butterflies and excitement and her ears flattened with a more than embarassed smile on her muzzle. "Oops! Sorry about that, did I hurt you? Gosh I hope I didn't hurt you, I'm just so eager to meet everyone! I love the ceremony!" Reign it in Chuma, you didn't even ask this guy's name! Smiling her ears perked forward as she looked from lion to bird, then bird to lion. "What about you two? Are you two excited?"

U'no'le made a small ompfh as he was bumped. The action did not cause him any pain, but more so surprise if anything. The blue and white bird atop of his head glided off at the bump, eyes peering at the other that caused his lion friend to mis-step. The lion's ears twisted, listening to the rapid speech, following along. Enzi would always speak fast, so comprehending the lioness's words was not very difficult.

The lion shook his head, opening his mouth to speak. However, he was cut off when by his bird.

"Oh no, no. You didn't hurt us. You're fine!" he cheeped quickly. "We are so excited! It's not every day we get to meet others, right U'no?" Enzi asked flying around both the feline's head.

U'no'le nodded, again about to speak but being cut off.

"Oh, how RUDE of us. U'no, we are being so rude! We are in the same clan and yet I don't think we have had the pleasure of actually meeting. I am Enzi, and this is..."

"U'no'le!" The Kanesda almost had to shout to get a word out. The action caused the bird to stop flying, landing back in wirey mane. "err..U'no'le Kanesda," he said a little more quietly, noting the side glances his family members had started to given him. He shrunk down slightly. "Y-yes," he hesitated slightly. "I-we are very excited." he repeated what Enzi had already stated.

"It's always fun seeing the new lions join. And--"

"The Sky Ceremony! We are going to kick butt this year, right U'no?" Enzi interrupted, causing the lion to roll his eyes.

Chuma, being one so used to quick words had no trouble keeping up with the bird that spoke to her, smiling to the avian as she listened to it and every now and then peered at the male who she'd actually bumped into and seeing how every time he got cut off. It made her smile slightly in amusement, poor guy, but atleast he had such an eager little friend! When he did eventually get a word out - even if he did nearly have to shout the lioness blinked in surprise before giggling just a tad despite herself.

"Well it's nice to meet you too, U'no'le and Enzi, I'm Chuma!" She gave a soft bow of her head as her bright blue eyes danced between the pair, not seeing the odd glances of the other Bird clan members or simply not caring as her focus seemed to be on these two. "I actually joined through one of the festivals moooooons ago, I love seeing new faces and wondering what they'll get to do and what clans they'll join-"

At the mention of the Sky Ceremony, the lioness' expression brightened as she looked at the pair and almost did a little skip with her paws as they walked.

"You're entering too??? This is the first time I'm entering," She gasped slightly. "Maybe we'll get to tussle with each other! Either way one of the Bird Clan members will get to compete onwards! Even if we don't I bet you'll do great!"

U'no nodded at the mention of her entering.

"He's been watching the Sky ceremony for a few years. Ta'la'la entered a few times! She didn't win, but U'no here, he watched what she did and thinks he can do better. I know he can!" The bird stated excitedly.

The lion shushed his friend after a moment. "I think, regardless of who wins," he started, "will be a good first time experience." U'no did not know if he was going to win. He really wasn't a 'fighter'. But, he would be representing the clan so he hoped he would do well. And if he didn't, maybe Chuma would? He'd be ecstatic to see a bird clan member be the winner this year.

"I think we will both do fine. I'd love to see two bird clan members at the end to take first and second." He didn't know if that had ever happened, but how cool of bragging rights would that be for the clan?

"Bird clan is the best!" Enzi whooped, bouncing up and down. He was not biased at all, was he.

Chuma smiled warmly at the pair, her energy balancing out just a bit as she watched them both inquisitively before nodding to the mention of experience with the fights. It would be a good experience! And a lot of fun! "Even if I lose, I don't mind, there'll be so many interesting things to see at the festival! New cubs, new marriages, new faces, it'll be fantastic!" To her even if she didn't win, as long as she took part that's what really mattered to her and she was more than happy to take part in such a culturally rich festival.

At the mention of the 'Bird clan' being the best, a chuckle escaped her and she held her head high. "That's the spirit Enzi! And yeah, I'd love to see it too! A Bird clan member all decked out in the Sky ceremony champion regalia, it'd be fantastic!" She then smiled to U'no again. "And we'll have fun in the process, so win-win!"

U'no'le could not help but agree. Although the Sky Ceremony was one of his favorite things to watch during the festivities, there were others there as well. The Tree Ceremony he would need to make sure he did not miss (so long as his round for the Sky Ceremony was during it). Some of the other events he would be fine with missing, but he knew that would be something his parents would more so enjoy.

"Are you excited to see the new members of the clan?" The male asked as they walked. He never was a good candidate for remembering those who joined; his lack of knowledge of who Chuma was was a prime example. However, he would try to make an effort on remembering the new faces now so when the clan begin to travel, he was not put in the awkward position of 'who are you again?'.

"I know I am." Enzi announced. "Maybe some other birds will join too!"

The yellow lioness smiled and nodded as she walked alongside with all the Bird clan, watching U'no and Enzi with the same cheerful expression as she listened to them before nodding to the bright golden lion's question. "Oh definitely, I remember when my parents and my siblings came here, all the faces and the new opportunity for a home...and so many friends and new places to see, I hope everyone that gets to be part of the Tree Ceremony feels the same excitement I did when I joined."

She was puffed full of positivity and energy over this whole venture, the festival was possibly one of her favourite times of the year. At Enzi's note on more birds joining she smiled brightly in response. "And maybe some snakes and genets, who knows! It's so exciting!"

Being born in the pride, U'no could only see the excitement that others held during the Tree Ceremony. He'd take Chuma's word on it.

"Yus!" Enzi exclaimed. "We already have some genets in our family, but I'm sure Aadi and Linaeve would love to see others." He didn't express interest in the snakes, having not met one personally before. "But mainly birds." The blue bird joked.

"Right, mainly birds," U'no said with an eye roll, shaking his head. Being of the bird clan, birds were like the messengers between the pride. Their clan was notorious for having the feathered friends around so much the clan was named after them. "I guess we will see once we get there." The lion said matter-of-factly.

"Look!" Enzi started with a gasp. "We are here!"

Bright eyes gazed forward, spotting the meeting spot the clans would all join together. Every year, the pride seemed to get just a bit bigger, and this year was no exception. "It's going to be a great year."

Eyes widening just a bit as Enzi announced their arrival with the rest of the clans, Chuma's smile could barely be contained on her features as she looked over the meeting spot and hopped ever so slightly from one paw to the other in her excited little dance. Looking to U'no she gave him a much gentler bump to the side with her own and aimed a friendly smile his way.

"This is gonna be great! I wish you best of luck, U'no!" She then looked up to Enzi with the same cheerful expression. "And you too, Enzi, for any new bird friends you make during the festival!"

U'no'le smiled.

Their seemed to be a lot more chatter amongst the clan members at their arrival, some beginning to move faster, heading to friends from different clans they had met in previous years. The yellow lion did not mingle much with the other clans. Maybe this year, after the Sky Ceremony, he would do so. After all, he'd likely be pitted against someone from a neighboring clan rather than his own, so it would be a good place to start.

Enzi bid a quick farewell to Chuma, before flying out, scoping the grounds and other clan members from the sky.

The lion watched his friend leave, before turning his attention back to Chuma. "I guess I'll see you around! Again, good luck as well in the tournament!"

The bird clan member waves a goodbye to the lioness, before heading off with his family. He'd get the scoop from Enzi when he'd return from his flight of the layout of the meeting grounds. Even if he didn't win, hopefully this year would be another win for a member of the clan.