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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Holds & Halls
{Search} Come Join The Weyr {Omurntas x Vosin}

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 5:17 pm
The hatching was over, all the new dragons had impressed. Everything was settling down again into familiar routines. Except they were now down a large number of candidates. Which meant it was time for them to go out and search for new lads and lasses to fill up the ranks. True some of the new weyrlings had been from High Reaches, but that was their problem; they knew what they were getting in for when they allowed their candidates to stand here.

Vosin gave a stretch and then grabbed her wherryhide riding gear. "Get up my beloved. It's time for you to help earn your keep." Plus it would be good exercise. for the gold, who was once again getting plumper than Vos liked to see. She could hear the dragon twisting and turning on her bed and her groans of reluctance to get up.

"C'mon you know how much they admire you." Jacket, gloves, and hat all donned, she was getting warm quickly. Vos strolled out to the wrack where she kept the harness for flying. Killakeeth came to stand nearby after a good stretch, and she placed the straps, snugging them securely.

"Where do you think the hunting will be good?" She asked as she finished lacing the last couple of straps and climbed up. With a mental nudge she sent the gold walking toward an area large enough for easy take off. How about Black Sands Hold Vosin? We haven't been there in some time. The black sands are always nice and warm.

She laughed and shook her head. Always thinking of her own pleasures and how to combine them with business. "Very well then Killakeeth. Let's go!" The gold took off in a thunder of wings and circled higher. Vos held on with a wide grin, she visualized the Black Sand Hold islands.

Black. Cold. There was nothing around her. Then they burst into the bright afternoon light above the hold.

As Killakeeth circled, she contemplated her choices. Let's go to the second island today.


Omurntas listened to his masters debating the fruits from the various fields and their stages of ripeness. It was an old familiar argument for the short journeyman. Each fruit had it's own particular time for ripeness, and each master liked to argue when the best time for harvesting was. Omur felt that much depended upon what a fruit was being harvested for. If it was for their consumption, then when it was near ripe or at peak ripeness. For export to the tourists, then a few days away to allow for shipping. If it was to be sent over the seas or by dragonback even, he preferred at least a sevenday or longer away from being ready, to allow the fruit to reach peak freshness when it arrived. It was stupid to harvest when ready to eat then ship it overseas, by then it'd be going bad. A waste.

Speaking of harvesting. He nodded to a fellow journeyman and scooped up his hook and bag. The hook consisted of a long wooden staff with a short, sharp metal hook used for cutting fruit high up free. He shouldered his items and headed out. His orchard should have some good choices today and he didn't want to miss the chance. It didn't bother him that he was going out alone. His orchard was one of the further ones away and not popular with the apprentices.  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:18 pm
They had spent several hours among the local inhabitants of the hold and not a peep from her dragon. Well that really spoiled their plans. Granted it wasn't like they had to bring a candidate back today. She'd just been hopeful. And so had so many other kids. It had been hard to disappoint them. Vosin mounted up. Break time? She offered knowing the gold would always take it.

About time. I saw a lovely little beach on the way in that I want a nap on. The dragon took off and circled around the island. Vosin admired the many groves and orchards that dotted the land. It was such a great place for growing fruits. She loved when they got fruits from here. Maybe she could get some today.

Finally she spotted the beach Killakeeth had been speaking of. It was a quiet, lonely little spot with only one access by land and one by sea. Or by air, she thought with amusement. As the dragon landed she stripped off her extra layers and fluffed out her hair. It would be nice to get away from the weyr for a little bit. Once Killakeeth had settled into a golden lump on the black sand, looking striking as she probably no doubt knew, Vosin eyed the nearby trees. There was ripe fruit there. She could get one and then pay for it later when her dragon was done with her nap. Fruit plucked, she settled on a foreleg to watch the waves come in.


Omurntas moved through the familiar trees. As he did he noted his surroundings. It was almost time to renew the glowing fungus to repel the feline attacks. He paused to harvest several ripe fruits as he found them. These were going to be delicious. His mouth watered at the thought of finding them on the table tonight. He could hope!

Quietly he worked to the sounds of birds chirping and tweeting among the branches of his trees. He enjoyed the quiet solitude he found out in his orchard. Another reason he had picked this spot for his orchard was for the lone black sand beach out this way. One had to travel through his orchard to reach it. There was a lone thin trail down to the beach. Some days he'd spent afternoons there just enjoying the peace and quiet.

As he made his way closer to the beach, he noticed there was something new there. Through the trees it looked like a giant, golden rock. Since the sand there was black, why should it have a golden rock? "Shaft it!" He muttered under his breath, setting his bag down so the fruit wouldn't get damaged he crept closer, using the trees as a screen to sneak up.

His mouth practically dropped to the ground when at the edge of the trees, he could make out that his "golden rock" was really a napping gold dragon. There wasn't any reason for a rider's dragon to be napping here unless it was pirates. Omur tightened his grip on the hook and stepped out calling loudly. "You there! State your business!"  



PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:56 pm
Vos was startled out of her revere by a deep male voice that sounded rather aggrieved they were there. She pushed herself off her perch and walked around the other side facing the trees to see who'd asked the question. Killakeeth raised her head to look at the man and gave a warning rumble in case he meant harm to her rider.

"Peace Killakeeth. I'm sorry to startle you sir. We were just taking a break from our duties." She didn't like the way he held that stick with its sharp hook. He could do some damage and the way he stood said he was ready for trouble. She could see scars on one side of his face, so she bet he knew how to use it.


Omur made a disgusted noise in his throat. Taking a break indeed! Pirates were on permanent breaks unless they were stealing something. "Don't think you can lie and wiggle your way out of this pirate! Get off my beach!" Ok maybe it wasn't his, but the orchard right nearby was and it was so easy to come up and take some of his fruit. Which it looked like she already had, he added mentally, noting the fruit in her hands.

"And you owe me payment for that fruit! It's called stealing you know!" He didn't know why a goldrider would be a pirate, but it couldn't be good. He wanted her gone and he didn't care about her reasons.  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:33 pm
A.... a pirate?! Vos almost laughed aloud at the absurdity of it all. "Me? A pirate? You really think I'm a pirate." She couldn't help it, a chuckle escaped her. "Oh my oh my. Now we've been called everything! You have it all wrong my friend. Let me start over. I'm Vosin and this is Killakeeth. We're Searchriders. We've been zigzagging all across this island looking for suitable candidates. We were taking a simple break."

She glanced at the betraying fruit in her hand. She had meant to pay for it! "Ok, I'll admit it was rude of me, but I have the marks to pay for it, and I was planning on it soon after Killakeeth finished her nap." Vos dug into the belt pouch for the mark to toss to him.

The gold had risen to her feet and looked more interestingly at him. She felt something. Something she had been looking for all day. You! You are suitable to be a candidate, she said directly to the young man. Vosin, he is candidate material. The gold hummed pleased with herself. Vos was surprised. They'd searched all day, and now they found him? "Uh... well it looks like you can come to the weyr if you want."


Omur glared as she started to laugh. Did she think he was joking? Of course he thought she was a pirate. Why else would he call her that? He continued to frown and scowl, which with his scars usually cowed apprentices, while she introduced herself and her dragon. "I don't believe it." He flat out called her lie. Searchriders didn't spend the afternoon napping on a beach. Plus, "gold's aren't search dragons." What? Did she think he was stupid? He knew the teaching ballads well as anyone.

He was slightly mollified when she did offer to pay for the fruit. Omur thought a pirate would just have tried to run instead of having to pay for something. It could still be an act. He had no way to know if she would have done what she said she was going to. The intense gaze of the dragon was making him a bit nervous now.

Everything was abruptly brought to a halt, by a voice inside his head. A female voice. Omur squeezed his eyes shut. What? Him? A candidate? The rider had probably asked her dragon to say that to get her out of trouble. He cracked his eyes to look at her. Her face seemed as surprised as him. "I don't believe you. You told her to say that." He sounded unsure, it wasn't usual for a dragon to speak to another other than their rider.  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 8:41 pm
Unbelievable! Who would have thought she'd find her candidate while in the middle of being in trouble? Only her and Killakeeth could of course. Vos wondered if other Searchriders had this much trouble? Or was it because her dragon was picky about the type of people she picked? That couldn't be it.

Now it was her turn to frown. "Most golds aren't search dragons," she corrected. "Killakeeth and I are special." She didn't want to spend all her time at the weyr brooding a clutch or not. She wanted to see the world! Searching for candidates was simply a handy excuse.

Now she was faced with another problem. What if he didn't want to be a candidate? "I most certainly didn't," she refuted. "This is her job when she's not clutching." Vosin considered the situation carefully. "Look let's go talk to your master. If they don't believe me, then I'll happy call someone from Western they know to confirm that I am indeed a searchrider from there." Vosin hoped she sounded reasonable.

Killakeeth rumbled, you will become a candidate. She sounded completely confident.


Could it really be true? He'd never even heard of a gold being a searchrider. Usually they stayed at the weyr unless they took their riders somewhere. He frowned thoughtfully at this gold. The payment for the fruit had been pretty much dropped from his mind as he considered other problems. Like possibly become a candidate? He'd never even considered going there or wanting to go there.

The first sensible thing she'd suggested so far was going to his master. Which was exactly opposite of what a pirate would do. Now he was starting to doubt she was actually one. Then she threatened to call someone from Western, which he was fairly sure a pirate would never do. Grudgingly he nodded.

"Aye. Let's go talk to the masters first. Then maybe I'll hear you out. But I'll get there on my own two feet." He didn't trust her enough to ride the back of her beast. She could easily whisk him off never to be heard from again. Nope. He'd walk or trot there and see if she kept her word. Again the dragon spoke to him, and he felt uneasy. She sounded so sure.  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 1:25 pm
Vosin was relieved when he agreed to at least talk to his masters, then listen to her. It was a start, a tiny foot in the door. She felt her offers helped convinced him to at least give her a chance. She wanted to laugh and ask that he didn't trust a gold dragon? Instead she kept her thoughts and feeling to herself. Although she saw Killakeeth had caught the thought and looked at her with amusement.

"Very well. I shall see you there." Vos swung up to her saddle and directed her gold up. In a few lazy spirals, they were high enough she could see the buildings where undoubtedly the masters would be. She let Killakeeth take her time to laze her way over there. The less time she had to face them without the potential candidate the better. Killakeeth seemed to sense her intentions and continued to circle, drawing out a crowd of wondering spectators. You just wanted to show off, she laughingly told the gold.

And why shouldn't I be admired? Ah here he comes finally. With a great sigh, she settled to the ground and let her rider slide off. Her eye watched the young man approach. Vosin slid down and saw several masters approach. She nodded greeting to them.

"Good day gentleman! I've come on Search, but unfortunately my potential candidate didn't believe me. Would you mind putting in a word for me to him?" She waved to the young man slowly approaching.


It had been a long jog to get back. He could see the gold pair circling slowly over the hold as if waiting for something. Or someone, he thought as he realized who it was. Omurntas was a bit out of breath as he slowly walked up. The pair had landed as he'd come out of the groves and the redheaded woman had spoken loudly enough for him to hear. He realized she had waited to talk to anyone until he was there so he couldn't accuse her of influencing. Smart.

He looked at the masters who had turned to look at him and cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I've never heard of a gold searchrider," Omurntas explained. It sounded like a sad excuse now with the eyes of his masters upon him, but he stuck by it. Although he was impressed she had come.

One of his masters stepped forward and waved to the woman. "This is Vosin of Killakeeth, Omurntas. She is indeed a searchrider of Western."

Oh. She hadn't even introduced herself, and his masters knew her name, her dragon, and her rank. Now he looked stupid, but at least he was sure. He sighed and turned to the woman to bow to her. "I apologize for my behavior. If you don't mind giving me a couple days to decide?"  



PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 2:06 pm
She grinned at the introduction by the master as Killakeeth rumbled her appreciation at being included. "Thank you good sirs." Vos nodded acceptance of his apology. "It only makes sense in these new times." She considered his request for a moment. "Of course. We don't force anyone to decide right away. We'll be back in two day's time. If you've decided by then, have your stuff ready to go." With a nod to those around, she mounted back up and the pair leaped for the sky.


Omurntas watched the pair vanish right before his eyes. He was deep in thought as he walked away, and didn't see those around him, some happy and some envious. He had a big decision to make in the next few days!

*2 day time skip!*

It had been two days since she'd located her possible candidate. Vosin hooked up the rig to her harness for carrying passengers and baggage. She was almost doubtful it would be needed. He hadn't seemed particularly impressed at being chosen for the honor. He will come, her dragon said calmly as she craned her neck around to watch her rider.

"You picked him, not me," Vos muttered under her breath as she tightened the last strap and buckle. "There. Let's go." She swung up and directed the gold back to the hold. In the spiral down, she leaned over to look for the man or any extra baggage. She didn't see either and wondered if he'd chosen not to come after all.


Omurntas had agonized over his choice for two days. Word had spread fast around the hold. Some of his colleges and apprentices had come up to congratulate him, and others to mock him. The latter he could tell were jealous. Jealous that he'd been chosen and not one of them. But really that had no effect. It was his choice to go or not. His masters had spoken to him about the honor and the rare chance to become a rider. None of that had really impressed him much. He'd pretty much decided to decline when the two days were up. Omurntas lurked under some trees as he waited for her to show. Would she? he wondered, or would she send a green or blue to pick him up? He was almost surprised to see the gold in the sky once more.  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 2:22 pm
She was rather disappointed not to see the young man or any bags. Vosin hopped down to the ground and went to talk to the masters who had come out of the building.

Killakeeth remained crouched where she was. She could sense him nearby even if her rider could not. Blue whirling eyes turned slowly until she looked at a particularly leafy spot that mostly appeared empty. Killakeeth could sense the presence there and occasionally see a ruffle of the branches and leaves.

Why do you not come out? Is a gold not good enough for you? She rumbled.


He felt a shiver down his spine after the rider had walked away to talk to several masters. It was when the voice blossomed in his head that he realized the gold was looking directly at his hiding spot. He clearly hadn't fooled her. Omurntas coughed. "Uh no. It's just that...... I don't think I want to go."

Him a grown man, and hiding from a dragon. How stupid he felt. His apprentices would laugh to see him now. Slowly he pushed his way from among the trees, keeping the dragon between himself and the others.

The gold gracefully settled her large bulk to the ground. Shaft if he hadn't realized how big she was. "Uh, thank you for the chance... but I just... um... don't....." He gazed at the faceted eyes larger than his own head.

You are happy here. You like the plants. She sounded thoughtful as if considering this. The weyr also has some fields, but I am not sure they are like these. I don't pay attention to plants much. He was surprised by her comments. No orchards? That..... seemed odd. Suddenly he was struck by the urge to go to the weyr and set up an orchard. It would take Turns or decades, probably longer, to get to where this one was now. He nodded, "alright. I'll do it." The gold gave a happy croon.

Omurntas stepped around the gold and approached her rider. "I'll go." Belated he realized he hadn't packed anything since he thought he wouldn't be going. "I um... I'll need to pack a few things!" Quickly he hurried off to get a bag ready.  



PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 3:02 pm
Vos had been talking to the masters for some time. The impression she got was that the young man wouldn't be coming to the weyr with her. All of a sudden he popped out from behind her gold, said he'd go, and then said he needed to pack before bolting off. She smiled tolerantly.

Said something didn't you? The woman eyed the dragon who was looking far too smug to be innocent. I told you he'd come.


He rushed back to his rooms. What to pack? What to pack?! Omurntas looked around frantically. He didn't want to keep the goldrider waiting. He stuffed some clothes and a few personal items into a bag. There was so much more he wanted to take, but wasn't sure he had time or the space at the weyr. Maybe he'd be able to come back some day and pack a little better.

As he turned to leave, he saw his favorite master standing in the door way. Solemnly he shook hands with the older man. "If I don't get a dragon, I'll probably be back. If you can see this stuff packed up, I'll send for it when I can. Sorry I'm not more prepared."

"No worries lad. We'll see to it. Now get ye gone. Don't keep a dragonrider waiting! Especially a pretty one like her. And I expect to see you back riding your own dragon." He winked and slapped Omurntas on the back as he passed.

Head held high, he exited the door and approached, bowing. "Thank you. I'm Journeyman Omurntas." Belatedly he realized he'd never introduced himself before. Looking at her, his master's words came back. He flushed slightly and wondered how old she really was.

Vosin regarded him quietly when he finally arrived. "Well I'm glad to see you've chosen to go. I hate to tell my gold when she's wrong." She eyed the only bag he brought with him. Well surely the headwoman or candidatemaster could see he got whatever he needed. Vos attached the bag to the saddle and reached down to offer him a hand up.

Killakeeth crouched down and extended a foreleg to help. Slyly she glanced at her rider, this one is quite handsome Vosin. His scars are most becoming. As she expected her rider flushed more than the boy had and quickly got him up and strapped in for the short trip home.

Vosin only noticed him in that way when her dragon said something. She wondered how old he could be, since he was a journeyman. Trying to keep her blushes hidden, she worked as fast as possible, and took off as hastily as politeness allowed.
[IC RP] Holds & Halls

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