Mx Cherie

My Lady,

I used to see my size as a disadvantage. Everybody associated my small stature with weakness. In some ways it is true, in a fair fight I am not going to take out a Rider that is a foot or two taller than I; but then again I rarely fight fair. It never occurred to me to pose as a child before, but given how successful the ploy was I might have to play the role again from time to time.

I was on one of his ships for two days, we were told we were heading to some kind of auction house. There was about fifteen of us below the deck and the ages of the other girls ranged from ten to sixteen. I, rightfully presumed to be the eldest, was selected to be the leader of our pack. They looked at me for guidance, and I told them to stay calm. The crew was heavy handed, but I drew their attention towards me if I could help it. I presumed this is what my Lady would have wanted. Sacrifices have to be made.

On the second night I was taken to our friends cabin, I had caused enough of a fuss to have him want to break me. He said the only reason he held back was for the auction, we arrived at the auction house on time the next morning, and one by one my fourteen fellow passengers were sold off. I was lucky however, it seemed our friend had become interested in me, the little bird he wanted to break.

That is what I wanted though, he took me back to the home he was renting at the docks and that is where the tables turned. If I can boast, overcoming him was almost too easy. A wire around his neck whilst he slept, the chains he had kept me in being used against him - are all criminals so foolish? So they think all young girls are so weak? Not that I am that young anymore; still my point stands.

He had rented this home for a whole week, told the owners not to disturb him under any circumstances. He had to launder the money he had made you see- and he had me. We are now three days into our stay, and I think he is going to break soon.

I have attached the location of the auction house, the names of my girls, and the names of the people who bought them (though I am sure the names are aliases). And though I can not return his head just yet, I have included in this letter a few of his teeth to sate your lust for now.

On the seventh day I will leave this place with your prize, and any other information he provides. By the time this message has reached you I will have probably returned to the Western Weyr, and am waiting for that promised transport home whenever you are able to provide it.

My love,

Your Nightingale.