Where In The World Is Snagem?

Now that you're a member of Team Snagem you need to get to HQ. A backpack of goods was left behind by a Claydol that randomly appeared before you and left as quick as it appeared. Why didn't it just take you with it? Never mind.

Inside the backpack you find various items including a communication device, a SNAG. The SNAG shows you a map of Kalos, indicating that Snagem's HQ is in Johto, more specifically Mt. Silver. The strange thing though is the map also says that location is inside the mountain. Any who, you're told to find your way there as your final initiation.

---Get to Snagem HQ from wherever you are in the world.

---Be careful going through Mt. Silver, the wild Pokemon are fierce.

---You will be rewarded with a Pokemon Egg containing any Pokemon you wish (non-legend and lowest stage of its line). You may have the egg hatch whenever you feel like. It's already been pre-warmed.

---2x Snag Coins and varies from there.

The Azure skys seemed to go on for all of eternity. Fenrir sat first class as he flew from Unova region to all the way to Jhoto and he was more then ready for it to be over and done with. This Hour after hour flight was getting on both hax's and Fenrir's nerves specially Hax. The luxury pokeball that hax resided in would rock back and forth in Fenrir's belt more and more as time progressed. " Attention attendants of flight 69, we are coming upon Goldenrod city and request that all electrical devices be turned off and that your seat belts are buckled up. We hope you've enjoyed your flight and thank you for flying with us today." The flight attendant announced just minutes before the plane descended down onto a new vast region full of pokemon never before seen by his own eyes.

As the plane landed, Fenrir proceeded to dealt with his ears popping as the plane descended through the altitudes onto the paved runway before eventually coming to a complete stop. People all around him grumbled as they got to their feet feeling the jet lag hit them well before they even started walking to exit the plane. Fenrir did not know what to expect when he exited the plane, walked through the generic white walled corridors of the air port to collect his luggage and then leave the building. You'd be surprised by Fenrirs reaction, his personality caused him to have very little interest in things outside of anything to do with pokemon. "Well first things first," Fenrir said as he reached to the ball that rocked on his belt and watched it expand to normal size. "Freedom yours!" Fenrir said tossing the ball Into the air only to have a very irritated Hax rocket out of the sphere onto the ground infront of him.
"Axeewww!" The pokemon shouted at fenrir before giving him a dirty look as to say the next time you do that your dead meat. "Dont look at me like that Hax. You and I both know that was the only way for you to come along unless you wanted to hang around transport in a cage," Fenrir replied to his only friend. Axew looked up Into fenrirs deep water blue eyes with a hard gaze before looking away as to say "Hmpth!" After a minute, Hax took his place at his partner in crimes side signaling readiness for the path ahead.

Nodding, Fenrir pulled out his SNAG gear remembering the contents of the instruction manual hoping this Claydol pokemon will be able to help with avoiding all trainers and most of the wild pokemon. "Claydol come hither!" Fenrir said amusing himself with his wittiness, Hax however just shook his head and nudged Fenrir's lower shin. Dissapointment was evident on Fenrir's face as he looked down at Hax with a look that said " Common! That was a good one." But then something appeared startling both human and pokemon alike. "Clay?" The ghost type chirped as Fenrir grabbed what he assumed was Claydols shoulder " Mt.Silver" Fenrir commanded. "Dol!" Claydol screeched before teleporting them to the east coast of the region that Fenrir would soon come to find out that the rest of the journey was not going to be the cake walk he thought it was.
"Lets roll out," Fenrir said taking his first step Into Mt.Silver along with Hax for the first time ever only to have something round and hard slamn Into Fenrir's stomach launching him backwards. Like a pebble tossed experty, the pokemon cause the trainer to skip along the ground Into a near by tree causing Fenrir to let out a loud grunt. Feeling the after math of his head bouncing off the hard back, a light wetness could be felt runing down the front of his forehead. With his vision blurred, Fenrir could only count on his hearing to clue him on the happenings of his surroundings and the racket was making his head throb hard.

Small explosions, exploded all around Fenrir. He could hear trees collapsing one after another and what sounded like boulders shattering. As his vision cleared more and more; The two small shadows that bounced around eventually turned unto Hax and what looked like... a larvitar? "What the hell... a larvitar? It's way to soon to even start thinking of crossing one" Fenrir said to himself as two extremely powerful base form pokemon went head to head in an all out battle. In the shadows of the pokemon, It seemed like he could see the afterimage of a Tyrantiar and Haxorus Boasting raw power. It was a unimaginable sight, Hax would be on the offensive and then would be forced onto the defensive. The two pokemon swiped back and forth at each other countering each others moves one after another.

Larvitar attacked Hax with brick break only clash with Hax's Dragon claw and only for Larvitar to overpowered and sent flying backwards. But that didn't even come close to the end, rebounding off the side of Mt.Silver Larvitar came back at Hax with a vengence just to land a heavy counter against a last minute Giga Impact Launched by Hax. The area around the two pokemon gave in and then was sent flying in every direction, If It wasn't for the fact that Fenrir was resting against a tree wounded, he would of been sent flying as well. When the smoke cleared both pokemon were in thier respective stanced breathing with all kind of scuffs,scratches and what would probably turn Into bruses. What happened Next blew Fenrir's Mind as both pokemon began continuesly using Dragon Dance over and over again until the two launched torwards each other.

Both little pokemon moved so fast, it was extremely difficult for Fenrir to follow them with his eye's as sound barriers shattered one after another. Larvitar's Protects were destroyed by Hax's slash attacks only to have His substitutes obliterated by Larvitars smack down attacks. Blows were traded back and forth like that with both pokemon roaring at each other in a rage far primal then anything Fenrir could even begin to comprehend. But in the end, Fenrir noticed Hax's final mistake in what would be considered His most memorable battle to date.

Hax acted rashly launching a GigaImpact one last time only to have Larvitar side step Hax just to latch onto the tiny dragons left leg using the moment of the GigaImpact and send Hax right Into the side of the mountain. What happened next made Fenrir's heart stop as he began wishing he had a second pokemon; Larvitar started powering up a Hyper Beam that was going to do more then severly cripple Hax for the rest of his life. Grabbing a Lard tree branch, Fenrir launched himself at the larvitar swinging the makeshift weapon as hard as possible praying to the gods above that he didnt miss. And thankfully the branch connected just altering the aim of the Hyper Beam so that it missed Hax causing the Larvitar to cry out in surprise and maybe a little bit of pain.

Quickly Rushing over to an unconcious Hax, Fenrir picked the little dragon type pokemon up and bolted Into the entrance of Mt.Silver with everything he had. When he pulled the flashlight out... he couldn't recall but Fenrir ran and ran and ran through the dark corridors taking everything that was thrown at him from random pokemon as he dashed. After what seemed like days of nothing but running and hiding just to get to his destination, Fenrir came Into what seemed to be a clearing of sorts where Snagem guards saw his rapid approach. The problem though was the fact that Fenrir was running on fumes and with that he was, he launched himself and hax at the guard falling short by several feet holding his closest friend to his chest protecting Hax with all that he was. His last thought was that finally they were safe and in the end atleast they achieved thier goal.
