Discord Logged rp between KasaiLoki's Imre and SilverLutz's Halisi

Imre huffed. Where did Atilla go now? He was had been gone for about a week now. The dark lion searched all of their favorite spots to be together with no sign of the brown male. Shaking his head, the teal eyed male sighed. Maybe he went for a hunt? Out of the pride. Without him.

"Ughhhh." Imre dropped to the ground. It was not like Atilla to not tell him where he was going, and Imre was too much of a worry wart to trust he wasn't getting himself into too much trouble.

"He'll be back. He'll be back." the pridelander chanted, closing his eyes as he rolled onto his back. "He'll be back~ he'll be back." What if he did not come back. What would Imre do? Nope, he wasn't going to think of that. "He better be back is all I got to say," Imre finally said to himself, eyes narrowing, before finally letting the subject drop.

Halisi had just finished her shift with the new cubs in the pride and was heading for a drink when she heard someone chanting not far off. He'll be back? Curiosity won over and she changed her course, moving towards the voice rather than the watering hole. She found a dark lion laying on the ground speaking to himself and looking mildly irritated. Or perhaps anxious?

"Are you all right?" she asked, keeping her distance just in case he was angry. She didn't want to be the subject of his wrath, after all!

Hearing the voice of another, Imre quickly rolled over to his feet. It must have been a sad sight for others to see him in this state. Usually he was more composed.

"Oh...Yes," his voice faulted. He was not okay, but this lioness did not need to know that! It'd be rude to have another deal with his problem. "Sorry, Atilla has been away, and he did not tell me where he was going and I sure he is fine, but he usually comes home at night and he hasn't so." Well, so much for not expressing his problem to the female. "Er--sorry." he sighed.

"My apologies. It is quite unlike me to ramble. I don't believe we have met? My name is Imre." The dark lion bowed his head in greeting.

Halisi tilted her head slightly as the lion said yes, but then went on a mini rant about what was supposedly bothering him. It seemed he was anxious about a lion not returning home when he said he would which was a very sound reason, in her opinion, to fret.

"That's all right. It sounds like you needed to get that off your chest," she said with a small smile. "I'm Halisi. It's quite easy to go through many years without meeting everyone in this pride," she added with a little laugh. "But I'm sure your friend is all right. Perhaps he found something interesting that's keeping him away."

"Especially with how big this pride is and has become," Imre agreed. When he had first joined the pride, it was smaller than it was currently, but you could still go months or possibly years without knowing all the pride members. Imre usually stayed on the border, so while he was fine with meeting the newcomers that entered the pride, if those had been born previously in the pride prior to him arriving, or born after he had been a member he'd likely not know them. Atilla probably did, he was a bit more of a social butterfly than Imre was.

"For his sake he better." Imre muttered, Otherwise he is sleeping outside the den for the foreseeable future. the male thought to himself.

Back to Halisi. "That is a beautiful name for a beautiful lioness." He smiled to the other. "Are you one of the huntresses of the pride?" There were many roles that Pridelanders portrayed. Imre found himself ranked among the male hunters with his mate, although as much as he was at the borders he'd probably rank better as a guard-type role.

The reaction from Imre made Halisi giggle softly, lifting a paw to hide her smile. His complement made her flush under her fur, her ears pinning against her head in embarrassment.

"Thank you," she said softly before shaking her head. "Oh no, I'm a Nanny. Hunting was never my forte." She had been quite relieved when more official ranks opened within the pride to take her off hunting duty completely. She could do it if she had to but she always enjoyed watching over the youth of the pride much more. It was far less stressful and teaching the cubs the basics of being a lion was far more rewarding to her.

"It could be why we've never met. I'm usually around the sitting grounds or Pride Rock," she added with a nod. If he hung out here most of the time it was possible they'd never crossed paths before.

"I bet that is a rewarding rank." Imre said thoughtfully. "I always wondered what it would be like being a father." He had tried to become one too with some of the lionesses of the pride, yet none seem to take. There he went again, his thoughts beginning to stray away from the lioness before him. He was being a terrible host. See what happened when Atilla did not tell him where he was going?

"I believe you are probably right, Halisi." The male stated. "I guess some days I should really head towards Pride Rock for a visit. I am sure I am missing out on a lot going on, huh?" He asked with a hum. Though, the central location of the pride usually meant a lot more politics, and Imre wanted to stay away from that particular subject.

Halisi nodded in agreement. It was much more rewarding for her than hunting, especially when the cubs she had watched over grew up and began to contribute to the pride in their own way. She smiled slightly as he let another train of thought distract him for a moment before he swung back to speaking to her again.

"Oh, there's not too much," she said with a shake of her head. "I could say the same about coming out here more often as well. Cubs are wonderful, though," she said with a little chuckle. "I should know. Not that I've had any of my own but I've had lots of practice."

"Well, I say we call it a truce then. You come visit the borders more, and I'll go visit the inland more?" He chuckled. If he had more friends near Pride Rock, it definitely would give them an excuse to visit. The Pridelands was spread over quite a bit of acreage, so not going to certain parts of the pride was to be expected unless there was something of high importance going on with the royalty or council.

"Being a nanny, I bet." He was a little jealous of Halisi's life being surrounded by cubs. "None of your own? You look like a fine catch, just haven't found the right male yet?" Or female, if she swung that way. Imre did not discriminate, he was mates with Atilla after all. He loved everyone though. Hopefully his question was not too crass for the female.

"Sounds like a deal," Halisi said, a smile on her face still. She didn't talk to other adult lions often, keeping the company of the other nannies and cubs, but it was nice to speak to others that were of her age group.

The question had her laughing again, although it was a little awkward. "Ah...I suppose that's the reason. I don't really put myself out there to find someone, though. I'd love to have cubs of my own but I'm not very outgoing. I suppose I've been hoping someone would find me rather than the other way around."

Imre shook his head. "Nonsense." he said in reference to her not being outgoing. A lion or lioness did not need to be outgoing to attract others.

"If it's not too bold to say, I believe we could both make each other's dream come true on being a parent." He offered quietly, watching Halisi. Atilla wouldn't mind either, that boy wanted to be a father just as much as Imre did. Maybe that's what he was off doing. The charcoal male perked just a bit thinking that. Maybe he'd come back with cub, or a lady friend carrying them.

"It's been quite lonely anyways with Atilla gone, I definitely wouldn't mind the company." He said with a lopsided smile. @Tag Lutz
Lutz - Today at 5:14 PM
The offer took Halisi by surprise and she had to consider her options for a moment. Imre wasn't overbearing and she felt fairly comfortable around him, that much was for certain. She could have cubs of her own with no attachments...but what of this Atilla? She had assumed he was a friend of Imre but the way he continued to speak of him made her realize they were a bit more than simple friends.

"I wouldn't have any qualms about it," she said after a few minutes of thinking. "But...this Atilla wouldn't be upset, would he?" SHe didn't want to be a home wrecker after all. Although she was fine with a simple fling not everyone was.

Imre could not help but laugh out loud at the comment of Atilla being upset.

"Oh no, Atilla would be quite fine with it" He grinned. "Both of us have been trying to become parents for a while now. Part of me believes that is what he is up to now." He hoped it was the case, at least. Smiling fondly at Halisi, Imre shook his head. "I assure you, he'd be ecstatic. You'll have to meet him one day. He's a big goof, hard to understand half the time with his accent, but loveable none the less," he winked.

He was quite happy she was going along with it too. It benefitted both lions, between the short lived companionship, to the long term of actually becoming a parent.

Imre's reassurance was comforting and after a moment the lioness gave a little smile and a nod. If all parties involved were okay with it then she couldn't see why not to proceed with the suggestion.

"Oh yes, I'd love to meet him," she agreed. "Especially if he's going to be an adoptive father." She hesitated for a moment, hoping she had assumed corrently this time, before nodding towards the direction she had originally been walking in.

"Would you like to come with me to the watering hole? I was heading there just now before I heard you. We could figure out the logistics of just how we'll do this." Not the physical part of course, but she would certainly want Imre and Atilla to both be involved in raising the cubs.