Name: Singer
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Causal shrug
Weyr: Unaffiliated to Western Weyr?? Probably
Rider Rank: Search?
Previous Rank/Craft:Ranger

Physical Description: Singer hair if tended to could have been a sleek lovely mass of black, instead it is usually a mess of short, frizzing, and tangled black mass that Hraeth wails over. Mine, mine, please, take better care of yourself. Appearances are important!

He's sloe eyed and long lashed with a gently pointed chin and high cheekbones and surprisingly smooth mid tone skin. He dresses mainly in what ever was at hand and covers and keeps him from getting chapped.

Positive Trait List
Negative Trait List

Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Hraeth
Age: 7
Color: Bronze
Size: 46'

Physical Description: Hraeth is a sturdy bronze of elegant proportion, he is handsome and he fully well knows it. He is bright for a bronze with delicate pattering.

Personality: I'm sexy and I know it. Hraeth thinks he is the gift to all, bask in his glory, in his brilliance, he knows you want to be near him ladies, gentlemen.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: User Image Name day gift

The Northern Continent
[NPC] Telgar Weyr
It was abandoned until Thread's return. The Hatching Sands were sometimes used for queens in need, but the weyrling training was spotty at best.
Cernoth x Bomunth
15 Eggs (3 stolen)
1 gold / 1 bronze / 1 brown / 3 blues / 6 greens hatched at Telgar
1 brown / 1 blue / 1 green hatched weyrless
Brown ???th :: Deceased :: Egg stolen, did not impress
[ADOPTABLE] M'xon & Blue Vigmalath :: ??? :: Egg stolen ::
Played by ???
Tyila & Green Mishaath :: High Reaches Weyr :: Egg stolen :: Played by ShinosBee