xxxxJ A C K S O NxxxC A I L E A NxxxH A W T H O R N E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Jack, never Jackie

              AGE 17

              BIRTHDAY 9 May 2029

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 10 3/4in, Wenge, Welsh Green Heartstring, Pliable, Bent shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Bisexual

              FACECLAIM Childhood - Roshon Fegan [x]
              Adulthood - Keiynan Lonsdale [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Spanish, Scots-Gaelic, some Haitian Creole

        xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
            ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

            HOUSE Gryffindor

            YEAR Seventh]

                Quidditch - Captain; beater
                Music club

            BEST LESSONS
                Care of Magical Creatures

            WORST LESSONS

            CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Get away driver
            DREAM JOB Maybe finding and catching criminals. Or working with dragons.

            xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                OWL SCORES
                    Astronomy ~ A
                    Charms ~ O
                    Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                    Herbology ~ EE
                    History of Magic ~ A
                    Potions ~ EE
                    Transfiguration ~ A
                    Alchemy ~ EE
                    Arithmancy ~ A
                    Art ~ EE
                    Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                    Wandless Magic ~ A

                NEWT SCORES
                    Astronomy ~ X
                    Charms ~ X
                    Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                    Herbology ~ X
                    History of Magic ~ X
                    Potions ~ X
                    Transfiguration ~ X
                    Elective ~ X

        xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            ◊ MISCHIEVOUS Jack and his twin are always looking to spice up life; be it with pranks, jokes, tricks, or funny cartoons. He tries to keep it funny since it's never funny when someone cries.
            ◊ LOUD He's honestly tried to be quiet, like twice in his entire life before he discovered it's just not in him. He likes being heard and sometimes the only way to be understood is to have it shouted.
            ◊ CURIOUS Jack loves the Discovery channel, mainly because of his dad's fascination with dragons that sorta dragged him along for the ride. But now it's sort of..everything. Once he finds something he's interested in, he will attempt to learn all he can about it.
            ◊ DARING Life was meant to be lived! He loved adventures and don't things that other people thought couldn't be done. Even if it ended in injury; scrapes were just stories.
            ◊ SINGLE-MINDED Once he's gotten an idea in his mind, Jack's very hard pressed to release it. Depending on the idea, it'll literally bug him until he's found the answers or a solution.
            ◊ IMPULSIVE Jack's very big on jumping in feet first and has yet to completely regret it. He generally thinks stuff is more fun if you don't think it over too much.

                Playing pranks
                Dragons and lizards
                Bath bombs
                His slingshot
                Playing outside

                Being cooped up somewhere
                Being cold
                Being told to always "pay attention"
                His dad's punishments, they're way harsher
                Being scolded by his abuelita in Spanish; the guilt is always like, tripled

                Playing around with his siblings
                Watching the discovery channel
                Learning to skateboard


                Acts before thinking

                Losing his family
                Falling off a cliff

        xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            CHILDHOOD Jack was born about twelve minutes before my his twin brother Will to his parents Joseph and Naitanna Hawthorne. He doesn't bring up that fact too much unless he really wants something from him or wants to try and boss him around. Key word is "try." It was just him and his brother for about five years before his parents discussed with them that they wanted to adopt a little girl and soon enough brought home a girl their age named Isabella. It took him awhile to warm up to her, a little longer once he realized she was technically older, but after some well equipped fights in the mud he deemed her an acceptable sibling. Not much has really happened after that; he started school and made some friends (and maybe one or two enemies who's counting), hung out with said friends, not really interesting stuff.

            SCHOOL YEARS
                ◊ FIRST YEAR His first year at school was pretty amazing! He'd been a bit bent out of shape having his twin go into a different house (even though they knew it was a possibility) and it'd been weird sleeping with a bunch of other kids instead of just one but he adjusted. It kinda helped Londy was with him. Plus it didn't stop them from switching robes once in a while!
                ◊ SECOND YEAR His second year was pretty great. He made reserve beater again along with Londy and yes he'll admit it (to himself and no one else) he was the tinsiest bit jealous that Will made starter before him but then seeing him almost get pummeled every game sorta took the sting out of it. Plus it'd been fun rooting for him and Cian every game they weren't playing Gryffindor. Next year was his year though, barring he didn't die from his extra classes.
                ◊ THIRD YEAR This was his year! Jack finally finally made starting beater and managed to not get knocked out an entire season again! Some of his extra classes were a bit difficult, and he was pretty sure his mum could tell when he and Will started switching for her art class, but so far it's been good.
                ◊ FOURTH YEAR This year was...a whirlwind. He got placed back as a reserve which sorta stung even if he was happy for his cousin and he started sort of dating this guy in his year named Colby. Colby was still coming to terms with his sexuality so he asked to keep their relationship a secret which Jack complied with, even if it meant having to meet in secret to do, erm, couply things. However this got old quick and throughout the year they would have multiple rows about it until just after Winter break, he would confront Colby and break it off only to get told that he'd been basically nothing but a stress relief for most of the year. He'd felt pretty low after that and not even the combined pranking efforts of his friends and family could completely buoy him back to normal.
                ◊ FIFTH YEAR This year was pretty great, even with the dreaded OWL's. He got named vice captain (which was terrifying but awesome!), he didn't think about Colby for literal months until a slight problem occurred in the form of a hella public breakup. He and his brother went to console the poor kid, the other Will in Slytherin, and they ended up all planning ways to make his exgirlfriend and his own ex to regret toying with people's hearts.
                ◊ SIXTH YEAR Jack's first year as captain went pretty well if he did say so himself. It was still nervewracking but at least next year he'll know better. After watching first hand how disastrous his twin and cousin were at their love lives, it made him wonder if he was ready to jump back into that rat race. He knew not every person was like his and Will's ex but a part of him was still a bit worried.
                ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

            POST GRADUATION Information

        xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                Parents - Joseph and Naitanna Hawthorne
                Siblings - Wilson and Isabella Hawthorne
                Grandparents - Thomas Hawthorne, Melinda Gonzales-Hawthorne, Gerald and Jarai Ellis
                Aunts/Uncles - Lochland and Cydney Ellis, Leslie and Nastassia Lovell, Arianna Hawthorne-Wynters, Seth Wynters, Chantale and Rose Ellis-Hall
                Cousins - Mackenzie Hawthorne, Aine Ellis-Hall, Galen Hall, Theodotus Ellis-Hall, Louise Ellis-Hall, London Ellis, Mahalia Ellis, Ridley Lovell, Ian Wynters,

                Best Friend - Wilson Hawthorne
                Gideon Edgeworth
                London Ellis
                Andi Masters
                Cian Quinlan
                Donner Eide
                Dagrun Eide
                Cyrille LeBeau
                William Bennett

            ENEMIES Colby Domnall
            PETS A black Ragamuffin cat named Beast


        UPDATED 1/10/19

        ■ Age, Year, and Bio updated for new year

        PENDED BY Weasley 12/12/17
        ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [05/16/2018]
        RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY Weasley 4/23/19