The ex-hunter was still familiar with many of the hunters in their pride, Su-kanya being no exception. While he had never spoken to her before he knew how she was or at least had a general knowledge of her.

It was crazy to think that there were still members in the pride he had yet to talk to and he was hoping to remedy that one lion at a time. He wanted to be more connected with the pride itself and it's members and figured this was as good a start as any.

Spotting the pale lioness hadn't been too hard, her particular coloration made her stand out, in a good way. Giving a warm smile he approached her slowly.

"Afternoon Su-kanya." He didn't want to crowd her or anything so kept a fairly decent distance between them but was still close enough for them to speak without shouting. "Have you been well?"

That wasn't too invasive of a question he hoped.
