Discord Log

He had been in the pride for nearly four full moons when the sky festival was announced. It was a new and interesting announcement and as he had been in the pride for so little time he had listened and learned and followed his pride mates to see the tribes come together for this annual tradition. The tournament had been very exciting and watching the new, solemn faces join the pride reminded him of his own initiation in to the halls of the Mantis clan.

It also gave him time to reflect. While others were meeting and greeting across clan borders with friends and family members they had not seen for the better part of twelve moons, he stood alone. It hurt his soul to see others so happy, he didn’t begrudge them of course, but it left a decidedly stale taste in his mouth that he would not be greeting his siblings or his parents here. He would not feel that welcome headbutt or even a groomed cheek. He knew he shouldn’t dwell but it was hard to let go when it felt like a part of his heart was missing.

With the greetings, and marriages and lions gaining their new tattoos he had moved away, isolating himself from the noise and racket that many bodies brought. Of course he was still close enough that if he was approached he could be social, he remembered he used to be very social. He knew he really should make an effort but it really was just easier to rest and watch and reminisce about days gone by.

Tana had joined many moons ago as well, but had happily done so. It had started as a simple search for more than what she grew up with--the Pridelands was such a quiet pride and growing up there was great, but in her much younger years she just wanted...more. And in her search for this elusive concept she had made a home in the Ela'wadiyi, and she was more than happy with her choice.

The lioness was seated in the outskirts, happy to enjoy from afar as there was always a hint of jealousy that ate away at her when she watched the wedding ceremonies or other such activities that involved families. Whatever else she might say, however else she might act, she missed her terribly and didn't do so well when she was reminded that she had yet to find one of her own in her home. When she was too tired to sit up she went in search of a little more peace in quiet, not so far as to be deemed a loner but far enough that the festivities wouldn't easily snag her attention away from a bit of solitude. In her search for a comfortable place to rest she spotted another lion, and having always been a curious lion, even as a cub, she made her approach.

"Good afternoon," she greeted the male politely. "Sought out some peace and quiet as well?"

The orange maned male lifted his head from the doldrums that his solitude had brought about only when the lioness spoke to him. So lost in his own thoughts that he had not heard her foot falls, he looked at her surprised for a moment, the look was almost akin to shock but he quickly shook away the fog from his gaze and gave a genial nod. “Yes, it is interesting this festival but it brings back sour memories.” He paused and frowned, a distasteful grimace spreading to his maw. He hadn’t meant to say that. He was sitting out here letting his sour mood dull only his own senses, yet here he was, passing on his sullen attitude to another, and to a stranger just to add insult to injury.

“I’m sorry, that just slipped out.” He sighs heavily and half attempted to turn his dour expression in to a short smile. This attempt of course did not succeed, it was rather difficult to go form grump to happy in a heart beat. He decided it was ultimately better to just give up the goat and settled on a neutral, or what he hoped, was a neutral sort of look.

“This is my first festival, it has been, an interesting experience. I needed a break.” He sighed turning his duel eyed gaze to the rambunctious actions of others not too far away.

She watched him curiously, mostly wondering where his thoughts were that his reaction was a bit delayed. And based on his words she could easily tell he wasn't in the best of moods, though that had never stopped her from wanting to pull someone into a nice enough conversation. Often times she found conversation helped dull unpleasant thoughts, provided it was small talk that was on light and pleasant topics. Talking was, to her, a salve for her own problems. Either that or exploring, because she still loved to wander about her home in search of new things.

The gold lioness took a seat, smile filled with amusement as he stumbled through some attempts to pull himself into a better mood than he was feeling, only to ultimately give up and settle on neutrality. It still looked a bit sour to her, but she didn't mind at all.

"It can be a bit much," she said softly, smile steady as she nodded, following his gaze to a small group nearby that was participating in some kind of activity. She raised a paw and waved it a bit, as if to dismiss something from their conversation. "If you need a break I'm not judging. I did too, and I've been here a while. There are bits of it that I'd rather not see, so." She shrugged and then nodded at a space a little bit closer but still a polite distance away.

"I'm Tana, by the way, of the Sky Clan. Mind if I join you? I don't much like lounging on my own if I can avoid it."

Hikaru gave a curt little nod, and his lips turned just a touch in a smile. He actually appreciated the company, though too much of it was why he had wandered out here to take a break, the lioness seemed to have the same thought trail as he. It just got a bit much when you were used to being on your own, or not used to being alone. He really did wish that his own family would just stumble out of the crowds. He knew that wouldn’t happen though and it left a lump in his throat.

“Hikaru, I joined, recently, Mantis clan.” His words he knew seemed clipped and short and he kicked himself for sounding rude. If his mother had been there she would have scolded him. He would have taken it gladly, though he had been an adult for some time even angry words from his parents would have been welcomed. He felt so, torn, what was he supposed to do in this situation?

Taking a deep breath the orange maned male tilted his head at the golden female. “Thank you, your company is much appreciated.” He managed, his words flowing at least a little more freely. “I’m afraid I am not much good at the company thing. It is hard, seeing, seeing families, together.” He squeezed the word families from his lips, the word felt dry on his tongue and his throat felt constricted. He had nothing against them, he just wished his own was here.

The touch of a smile gave Tana a little more hope in having more of a pleasant conversation with this male as she made herself comfortable in the spot she indicated earlier. She set her bright red eyes on the distant sight of the festivities for a moment, a small bit of loneliness mixed in with the fondness in her gaze. Finally, she turned back to the male.

"Nice to meet you, Hikaru," she said with a little nod, finding his name rather interesting in that she'd never heard anything like it before and yet it still rolled right off her tongue. The clipped tone didn't go unnoticed but she thought better than to nitpick; he'd already apologized for a similar tone earlier, and she had a feeling it was still for the same reason. Her ears flicked as a small bit of silence fell and she watched, waited...and was surprised when he thanked her.

"Of course," she said, her smile brightening a bit. His mention of families had her chest tighten a little bit as well, dampening her smile just enough to be noticeable. "Family...that's more or less why I had to take a step back. Sometimes I can handle it," and she shrugged. "Sometimes not, it just depends. Company does help a little bit when it's the latter."

He looked up at the lioness surprised. Of course, he wasn’t the only one in the world to have lost family bit to be found by a kindred soul, it shocked him to say the least. The sadness in her previously joyous smile made his heart ache. He understood that sadness, understood that it made the world feel, empty. Swallowing audibly the orange maned male gave a nod.

“Same. It’s hard.. It’s hard to see others celebrating their families.” He grimaced, it was a confession he had never made to anyone but he felt that perhaps he had found someone who would really understand.

“I keep imagining my brother will come wandering out of the crowd.”Just the word brother made his heart tighten. He was a twin, losing his brother felt like losing a half of his being. “He never does though.” He pauses for a long moment “I’m sorry, you probably don’t want to be depressed. I don’t even know why I said all of that.” His ears twitched in his mane and he turned his duel eyed gaze away. The sadness he knew lurked in his gaze, he didn’t want anyone to see that or the tears that he forced away.

She kept her gaze steady on him, quiet and understanding, if anything, as he spoke. From the sound of it he seemed to have lost his family in some kind of tragedy, and so they had separated from their families for different reasons but still to her it felt like they were kindred spirits. She nodded along, sighing a little as he explained his feelings with a bit more depth.

"It is, sometimes," she said softly, and then shook her head. "And you don't need to apologize. I've heard it isn't healthy to keep these kinds of feelings bottled up, and hearing about it doesn't depress me. If anything..." she squinted, not sure they were familiar enough for her to say anything too forward, before slowly continuing. "I dwell on such thoughts often enough that, if you ever need a listening ear..."

Tana let the offer trail, for him to accept or reject or ignore, if he wanted.

His ears twitched as she spoke and he turned his odd coloured eyes on her. It was a strange thing to say to someone, really, but clearly the female cared. Even about someone that’s was nearly a stranger. “Thank you. I think I’d like that.” He smiled a straight smile, he was actually grateful to have met the lioness here. He needed a friend and something in her tone told him that she understood what it was like to not have a family any more.

“It will be nice to have a friend, that understands.” He nods his head and settles his chin on his paws. “I think I’ll rest here for a little, if you want to stay you are welcome.” He sighs looking up through his bangs.

Hey might have been a stranger but Tana had always been more the compassionate sort, a trait that gradually replaced her wanderlust as she got older. And considering it was such a relatable issue and he'd already started talking about it with her--she knew how difficult it could be to share personal things of that nature--then offering a bit of her time was the natural thing for the lioness to do.

"Of course," was her reply, and she offered him a gentle smile, tail flicking slowly behind her, just a small show of happiness that he accepted her offer. "And if you don't mind, I think I will stay." Tana settled down, a quiet sigh escaping her as she made herself comfortable. "Just for a little while."

xSyrius Lionwing