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It had been a long time since he saw Anvesana Caritra. He had flown over it in order to get a better look and how it had grown. When the original pride had been attacked, he was a silent observer. The pride had been special to him, more so then other prides. Not only was the pride destroyed, but the stories that it protected were now lost in the sands. The pride had been reborn though. Still small, but he hoped that it would someday it would rival the pride it once was.

During his first visit to the pride, he had met a lioness who had taken fancy to him even before she knew that he was a god. She gave birth to a single daughter, a lioness who was named Tihamtu. The mother died not too long after her birth. When Utako had learned of her death, he went back to the pride to assist with Tihamtu, but found she grew sick when he was around. He decided to keep his visits to Anvesana Caritra limited.

Today was one of those limited visits.

He descended to the ground and saw the lion Devaraja waiting for him. The lion didn't seem too happy with his appearance. Regardless, Devaraja gave the god a bow.

“I am not big on formalities Devaraja.” Utako said. He transformed into his mortal lion form. The darker lion seemed to relax just a hair. When he first met Devaraja, he thought the lion looked mature for his age. But now, he could see his black hair speckled with some silver.

“Most of us prefer you in your god form. It makes you look much more regal.” Devaraja said. “But, of course, it does not matter what the pride members think of you. As a guest, you should feel comfortable.”

As they walked into the pride from the desert, Utako made a mental note that there hadn't been much of an increase in the pride population. He knew that the seers would be tucked away somewhere safe but there were only a few pride members walking around.

“You know if your pride was more relax with visitors, you might attract some new blood.” Utako pointed out.

“The risk is too great. We still have a long ways to go until we are comfortable with outsiders.” As much as he and the pride appreciated advice from a god, how they ran there pride was their business, not his. Kelos was still young and was not ready to take full control of the pride. Once Kelos was older, the discussion with how outsiders were dealt would be handled. “If you do not mind, would you tell me why you are here?”

“I wanted to see how the pride was shaping up and if you needed any of my assistance.” He said, taking a spot next to the pond. Devaraja sat beside him. “While I am here I also wanted to check up on Tihamtu. How has she been doing? Has she had any episodes since the last time I was here?”

Devaraja honestly was hoping that Utako would leave Tihamtu alone. The last time Utako had come to the pride to see Tihamtu, she had been flooded with visions. And after he left, she was ill for days. Even when she felt better, she could not remember anything about her visions. He did not want to blame the god for her situation, but he was certain that Utako was the cause of her visions.

Tihamtu had been having issues lately. Because of how sick she had gotten, the Rahasya decided that it would be best for her to stay in the pride where she would be safe. There still needed to be test of what caused her visions. If they could make it manageable, then perhaps she could go exploring with another pride member, but until then, she needed to stay. Seeing her father and causing her to be sick would just make things more difficult on all of them.

“So far she has been in good health. She was sick for a while after you left but we took good care of her. Right now she is with the other blessings.” Devaraja explained. “While you are here, perhaps you would be interested in meeting our new Nayaka? He has recently been re-born and I am sure that he would be honored to meet you.”

The few pride members that were out and about, would glance at the two of them, but left them alone. Utako wasn't sure who they were more intimidated by, him or Devaraja. He had heard that Devaraja could be intense when it came to rule breakers.

“Well since I am here, I guess I should see him. But before that I really should see Tihamtu. I was supposed to help raise her. I feel like I have been neglecting my duty.” Her mother had died when she was a cub. He was in the pride when it happened and promised to stay as long as he could. Then Tihamtu started having her visions when he was around. He left and she got better. When he returned to her, she started having them again. He hoped it was just a thing that happened when she was younger.

“Utako, I am going to be honest with you. Tihamtu will not be happy to see you. She has been isolating herself from the other pride members for a while now, even the other blessings have been unable to really hold down a conversation with her. Talking with you might just re-open old wounds.” Devaraja gave Utako a pitied look. To be unable to see ones own cubs was difficult to imagine. But it was for the good of the pride. “You should give her more time.”

Utako stood up and stared down at Devaraja. “If Tihamtu doesn't want to speak to me. I am fine with that. However I will not allow you to speak for her. Tomorrow I will come back to the pride and talk to her and the new Nayaka. Tihamtu can tell me then if she needs more time or never wants to speak to me again. Whatever she wishes, I will do. Is that understood Devaraja?”

Arguing with the god would be pointless. He would have to go to Tihamtu directly and see what he could do to keep her content. “Of course Utako. As always it is a pleasure to have you in the pride. Tomorrow when you meet the Nayaka we will be sure to have a feast ready for you.”

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