The white lioness had still been wandering for quite a bit. She just… needed a break! And if that meant going closer to the borders then that’s just what she would have to do! At least she knew how to find her way home, or find shelter in case the desert decided to try and bury her, but she wasn’t exactly sure what she was doing out here, other than avoiding some pridal duties for a while. She wanted to continue to think about the trip she had been on, or just reflect over what she was doing, but even the desert didn’t give her that comfort, nor did her stomach. It was starting to grumble in protest at being empty, and it was a bit too far for Shula to wander back to the inner part of the pride to try to get a bite to it. Unfortunately, Anga hadn’t come with her, so it would be a bit harder to spot any possible food that was wandering around in the area.

Shula sighed, she would just have to try to catch something on her own. She started to wander in the direction of one of the few water holes that managed to pop up around here, hoping that she would at least find some animal that she might be able to catch and eat for lunch.

It took a while, with her stomach growling ever louder, before Shula caught sight of the source of water and, luckily for her, there seemed to be a few gazelles near it! She was lucky, though she had to keep herself close to the ground in case she was spotted. She didn’t know how good gazelle eyesight was, and she wasn’t that much of a hunter, but hopefully they wouldn’t be able to spot her until it was too late. Though her mostly white coat didn’t help in concealing her, but there were a few tiny sand dunes dotted around that she could hide behind and make her way ever closer to the gazelles.

And that’s just what she did, though she really hoped that they wouldn’t be able to hear her stomach. If there had been a way to shut her stomach up she would have done it already, but the only real way to do it was if she could get some food in her belly.

Slowly, ever so slowly, she continued to make her way toward the gazelles. A couple of times they lifted their heads, and Shula cursed in her head that she had been seen, but each time they had relaxed again and gone back to drinking. It was taking so long! Shula now appreciated what the hunters did a bit more, however, eventually, she had gotten close enough to one and POUNCE! She had leapt at it as hard as she could, claws out, teeth ready to rip, and unfortunately for the gazelle, she got it right where she wanted it! She took it down quickly, and took her time eating her meal slowly, enjoying her catch, though she knew she would have to go back to the pride and thank the hunters for the work they did every day.