"Heli wait up!" Esme called as she raced after her brother who was quite a distance ahead of her and their parents. Kahini and Rio watched the two of them with a warm smile as they walked along towards the pride's border. They wanted to take them to the spot they had taken that Goddess that one time, it was such a lovely spot and they knew the children would enjoy it.

"They're growing up so quickly." She said looking at her mate with a warm smile and he gave her a smile in return. "Yes, they are." Leaning in close he bumped the side of her neck with his face gently and breathed against her ear with a raspy chuckle. "We should have more soon." Winking he ran his tail along the side of her body and brushed it against her cheek as he padded ahead to join the cubs.

She felt herself flush slightly and looked at the ground but kept a smile on her face. Yes, she wanted a large family. It had always been something she had dreamed of for as long as she could remember and finally she was at peace with a male who made her feel alive and whole once more.

"You'll have to catch me then!" Helios called back to his sister as he gave a cheeky grin and dashed around some bushes and smaller boulders. "You're faster than me, this isn't fair!" She exclaimed with a pouted lip.

Rio came up behind their youngest daughter and swiped at her tail playfully. "You'll catch him one of these days, don't you worry young one." She looked back at their father and then gave a nod. He was right, eventually she'd catch him and be faster than him!

Kahini watched the three of them for a moment and couldn't believe her good fortune for having met him when she had and then the two of them had been blessed with a family all their own.

"You're right. I'll just have to keep practicing, right papa?" beaming up at him she bounded off after her brother once more.

Kahini came up beside him and leaned into his side. Despite her size she was fairly light so he didn't have to strain against her weight as she leaned against him. "They're going to to great things." He said giving her forehead a lick before they continued onward towards the lookout.

The two cubs had scampered ahead of their parents and had reached the lookout before them and had forgotten what it had been they had been chasing one another about. They're gaze stared out across the vast lands that stretched out before them and they suddenly realized how much bigger the world was around them. They were but tiny specs in the existence of a much larger part and it was truly engulfing as they stood in awe of it's sheer enormity.

The two adults came up behind the cubs and Kahini pulled Esme between her front legs with one of her paws, almost in a way that was to show she would protect her from the largeness of the world. Rio stood not far to the side and gazed out over the view and smiled. It was so beautiful and he was glad he could share this moment with his family. At least part of it. The rest of the cubs were with a sitter.

"Momma, it's so big." Esme finally spoke and looked upwards towards her mothers face with wide eyes. "I never realized...... So our pride is just a small part of it all?" She asked looking back out across the horizon.

"That it is my sweet child, that it is. Maybe one day you'll get to see more of it." She said hoping that one day her children would get to see the world and it's many wonders that it had to share.

Helios was amazed at everything and shared the same thoughts as his sister, but remained silent. He listened as their mother and her spoke and he took in those words and held them close. So there was more to the world out there than just their pride, so that meant there had to be other lions and other creatures? Of course there was. His mom and dad had come from out here and they were getting a little taste of that. It was truly amazing and the white and yellow male was amazed by all of this.

Rio was glad that they would at least be able to get a small idea of what the world around them was like, though he hoped they'd never have to experience it's hardships. Both parents had been blessed that their children had been born into a decent class range so that they'd be able to do notable things within the pride. Not that they frowned upon those that became slaves, they could have a litter later on that might end up in the low class but they wouldn't think about that now.

"We will stay here for a little bit longer but then we should get heading back, we don't have to leave your brothers and sisters waiting for too long." Kahini said to the two youngsters as they continued to look out across the horizon.

It was going to be dark soon so it would be best if they started back before long. Esme and Helios looked up at their parents and smiled, they felt special to have been afforded this opportunity and couldn't wait to tell their siblings, though they wouldn't boast about it in a bragging sense. They'd probably try and bring them here at a later time anyway so that they could share in what they had seen.

Rio gave a wave of his paw. "Come now children, let's head back now." The four of them then turned and began to walk back towards the pride's borders. It wouldn't take them long to get home and then it would be time for the cubs to go to sleep.