The charcoal lioness stood alone in an open plain, watching with disdain as a small herd of antelope bounded away out of her range. She had blown another hunt, and she had no one to blame but herself. Normally she moved with such care and quiet that her prey were none the wiser until she was close enough to launch a strike. Today, she had managed to jam her paw on a pebble, and her loud expletives had echoed throughout the area.

Everything now knew she was here. She had ruined her own chances for lunch, and what was worse was that she could not get the stupid pebble out of her paw pad. She lifted her paw to her mouth, trying to inelegantly wiggle the pebble free. It was embedded a little in her flesh, and the more she messed around with it, the deeper it seemed to go.

It was very annoying. JB cursed as she cut a bit of her paw on her teeth, grimacing at the taste of blood in her mouth that was distinctly not belonging to her lunch. The herd had stopped fleeing, but watched her now with a careful eye that she would not be able to slip away from. Defeated, the lioness turned her back towards her prey, and began the long trek home, noticeably limping along the way.

Shujaa was going to go speak with the pale lioness in regards to her charcoal sister, however he had decided against it. The golden male was not one to ask others for assistance, regardless of relationship that they may share. He was always up for a challenge, even if he did normally give it up after failed attempts. He was older now, so continuously pursuing others was something that he considered every once in a while, if he were to ever continue his bloodline.

The male was a little lost in thought as he walked the Pridelands. Ignoring the sounds of galloping hooves nearby. What caught his attention was a slow shadow moving across the land, hobbling as if injured. His eyes narrowed to focus more on the being, recognizing the female who did not care for his company on their first meeting. Debating whether to leave the female alone or not, Shujaa opted for the latter. He could never leave a beauty injured, even if she seemed to want nothing more to do with him.

Walking in the direction of the limping female. Shujaa gave a small wave. “Something bite you?“ The male asked, small concerned laced in his eyes.

JB lifted her head from where it had focused on the ground in front of her, watching Shujaa silently as he approached. Normally being injured would make her more irritable, but for the moment she tolerated his presence. She needed someone to talk to divert her attention from the pain resonating through her paw. "No, just managed to lodge a stone in it," and then proceeded to make it worse by trying to dig it out. Most of the time it worked, and JB was a hardy enough lioness to be able to rip out thorns and all sorts of things without much bother. The short period of pain was worth the inevitable relief she'd experience from having the item removed.

She began to move forward again, neither inviting Shujaa to follow her nor telling him to bugger off. "I'm going to go wash the blood off and see what I can do about it," she explained with a sigh. This had completely ruined her plans for the day. She wouldn't be able to hunt, and if she met with her father like she normally did, he'd have a heart attack over the 'injury'. She was used to some of her family being over-bearing, which was she was so off-putting. JB felt like it was a good enough balance between them all.

"What brings you out this way today? Did you ever find your jackal friend?" JB could be friendly enough when caught in the right mood... she just normally never was. Talking was helping to distract her, and so she did plenty of it.

Shujaa’s ears flickered as the female spoke. A stone? “Must be a pretty small stone, or wedged in there pretty well if you can’t remove it or doesn’t remove on its own.” He observed, eyes shifting to the paw in question to see if he could see it. He only saw small rivets of blood, nothing more.

He nodded, following after her. She may have not wanted it, but she did not voice her concern. Asking the female if he could help would probably result in an instant no, so he just opted to help anyways. If she couldn’t get the rock out on her own already, she would need the help, and she seemed too proud to even ask for assistance if she needed.

“Wandering. It gets pretty lonely at my den.” He shrugged, not meant to be taken any particular way. His jackal? “Oh. Uhm. No. I’m sure he is around,” forgetting about the original meeting with the female. “He probably found someone else to hang out with.” He shrugged. At least if he said that, and she came across Arun with him he wouldn’t really be lying anymore.

At least she seems more talkative today… the male thought to himself as he followed JB.

“We will get that rock out.” He said with an affirmative nod. He would not give her room to argue with him.

"You'd think I would be more lightfooted when hunting, but it seems to be jammed in there pretty well." She walked forward without use of the leg - she didn't want dirt to get wedged up in the small wound, and if the pebble was near the surface it would only be pushed deeper into her flesh. Blood dripped from the wound, not enough to be alarming, but enough to be an annoyance to the charcoal lioness.

She didn't care either way if Shujaa followed her. He wouldn't be able to do much to help her - if she couldn't get it out herself it would just have to stay in there. Eventually, surely, it would come free. "I like the peace. I grew up with a rather large and rambunctious family, and I'm sure my parents embraced the chaos rather than try to control it."

Eventually they made it to a small pool of water. It would suffice for JB's purposes, and she didn't exactly want to use the pond back by her den and taint the water. She sat down, gingerly dipping her paw into the water. Blue eyes watched as the water tinted red, and after a few seconds she pulled her paw back out and brought it to her mouth. She would get the damned pebble out if it was the last thing she did.

The golden lion shrugged a little bit at the comment of being light footed. “Everyone is entitled to have an off day every now and then. Today just must have been that day for you.” He reasoned, frowning as she hobbled without the use of her leg.

Shujaa snorted. “I’d kill for a rambunctious family.” He commented. “I grew up with all sisters. I am sure you can figure out how well that went.” He knew the female had sisters, Otea being one of them. “But if you like the peace,” he began, “why did you move your den so close to that waterhole? Surely you get some chaotic neighbors at time? Especially in the heat?” He could only hear the shouts and giggles of youngsters playing.

When they arrived at the pond, Shujaa watched as the pond water turned a murky red, cleaning the wound. When her paw lifted, the water cleared a little bit. He eyed her trying to grasp the pebble with her maw, shaking her head.

“May I?” Shujaa asked, coming closer to the female. He didn’t expect to use his teeth, but he was pretty sure one of his curved claws would be able to dig into the wound and pop out the rock. It would be uncomfortable, but it would likely save her from destroying the paw pad on that foot.

"You say that, and the moment you get what you want you'll regret it," JB answered with a smirk. The lioness licked her paw pad, hoping that a gentler approach would help ease the pebble out of the spot it had wedged itself into. "Hmmm?" She stopped her tender ministrations, glancing back at Shujaa for just a moment. "Well, any family is fine so long as it isn't my own. Over time they tend to figure out the best way to annoy you. I don't mind the cubs or the small families around me for the most part." JB had moved so far away from her parents' den just to avoid having to see them every day. She loved them, yes, but at some point it was just too much.

"I make it sound like I hate my family, but I really don't. We were all just clustered into one den so long that I think it drove most of us crazy. My mother's first litter scattered to the wind, so much so that I think every single one of them was trying to avoid having to babysit us." The den had been large enough, but there were more than a few cubs and adolescents occupying the space at the same time. Her mother's first litter had been large, and the second even larger.

She looked back at Shujaa, furrowing her brows at him. It wasn't that she didn't trust his offer to assist her. The charcoal lioness just hated needing help. "Fine." Sighing, she held her paw out for him to examine, though she stubbornly refused to make eye contact now. How embarrassing.

Shujaa shrugged a little at her comment. "Your family doesn't seem that bad?" He had met Otea after all, and her cubs. At her clarifcation, the golden lion nodded. "I guess under that situation then it can be understandable."

To say he was surprised that the lioness was willing to give her paw to him was an understatement. The charcoal lioness had a tough exterior, and to accept help from pretty much a total stranger had to be hard for her. The way she was refusing his eye contact was a clear sign of that.

Taking her paw gently in his, Shujaa looked at it with a tilted head. There was the small pebble, embedded deeply in between the paw pad. "It's funny how such a small stone can cause so much damage." He said quietly, his other paw lifting and a claw unsheathing. "Er---you might want to brace yourself a little? It may sting?" He waited for her reaction, before the claw dug into the wound, hooking under the stone before popping out. The whole ordeal did not take long, but he wasn't the one with the claw digging into his paw.

He let go of her paw, reaching for the bloodied stone. "Pesky little thing." He handed the pebble to JB to look at.

"They are very overbearing," she concluded with a sigh. She didn't exactly expect Shujaa to understand the delicate balance of love and aggravation that came with her family. Her father visited her on a weekly basis, and though he had gotten better lately, he usually did his best to subtly ask her about her love life. Shaji was not very good at subtlety.

"Just get it over with," JB instructed him. It would be easier to just grab it as quickly as possible and yank it out. She would prefer the short bout of pain over having to hobble around with a stupid pebble lodged in her foot. The lioness braced herself for the pain, and as Shujaa's claw dug into her paw pad she held back a hiss of discomfort. The expression on her face reflected how unpleasant the brief experience was, but she tried not to let on to how much it hurt.

With the pebble gone she drew her paw back to herself and out of Shujaa's own grasp before it got too awkward. There was a little bleeding, but that was to be expected. It would probably be wise of her to stay off it for a couple of days until it healed up. That was the benefit to having a large family - she could have someone hunt for her. Her dad would more than likely jump at the opportunity to help her out. Did she really want to ask? No. But she likely would have to.

"Thanks." JB glanced down at the pebble, but refused to have anything more to do with the thing that had ruined her day. "I would have loathed hobbling around with that thing stuck in my foot all day. I'll have to repay you some time."

Shujaa chuckled. "No problem. I'm no healer, but I would probably recommend staying off the paw for a couple days. Or cover it when you need to go out so nothing gets in it and makes it worse." He offered, unsure if the female would take his suggestions or not. He didn't mind either way if she did or didn't, but at least he offered.

The golden male shrugged at her suggestion of repaying him. "No need. You'd probably do the same if we were in switched roles." Or maybe she wouldn't. After all, he didn't know her that well.

He rose to his feet, not wanting to wear out his welcome with the female. "See you around. Hopefully next time it'd be under different circumstances." The male flashed her a grin, heading in the direction opposite of where they both had come from. He'd seek her out at another time, make sure that foot wasn't infected.