It had been a few days since JB had harmed herself during a hunt. The wound on her paw had successfully scabbed over and was well on its way to healing. Walking hurt, and hunting for herself now was out of the question. It was small, but she didn't want to risk the opportunity for the wound to become infected and deepen. The Pridelands were bountiful, and in times like these it was good to have a large and supportive family. When she couldn't exactly take care of herself, there were others around to have her back.

She laid outside her den, her charcoal pelt blending into the rocks behind her. Between her forelegs rested the remains of a young antelope, partially consumed by whomever had it first. Her father had brought it over earlier in the day. It was the kindness of her family that allowed JB to relax and focus on taking care of herself. Shaji had departed not long ago after speaking to his daughter about her health and... boys.


For some reason her father was as persistent as ever, and he had seemed to brighten up a great deal when JB mentioned that a Pridelander male had helped her after she had gotten herself hurt. He had egged her on, asking what she felt about the boy and if he was handsome. JB became... quite exhausted of the conversation. At some point she told her father just what he wanted to hear so he could leave her alone.

That was probably a mistake, but she wouldn't worry about that now.

Shujaa wanted to make sure he had given JB her space. After their initial meeting, he knew the lioness did not seem to like the persistence of a male. Their next meeting, Shujaa had helped with that rock in her paw, but did not stick around for the aftermath. As a bit of time had passed, it was time for the golden male to check on her. He hadn't even spoken with Otea to see how her charcoal sister was doing.

He moved slowly over to her den, spotting the dark form amongst the rocks. There was even a meal for her there. Good. Shujaa had not even thought about hunting for the lioness to keep her off her paws. At least someone brought her something. he would have felt really bad if she had been hungry due to not being able to hunt herself.

"Well, you seem to be getting better," the golden Pridelander said with a smile. "Even able to hunt? That's quite a kill." He mused.

"How's the paw?"

It was as if the moment she thought of Shujaa again was when he showed up, though this time around she wasn't sure what to think of the male. Their time apart had been the best decision Shujaa could have made. She tended to take to others who respected her space. The only ones allowed to break he boundaries (constantly) was her own family. Shujaa had helped her a great deal with getting the stone out of her foot, and she couldn't even recall if she had properly thanked him.

Having him show up now was not as terrible as it could have been. She looked up at the male, though did not get up to greet him properly. "My paw is almost better, but I didn't make this kill." She shrugged her shoulders, seeing no point in with being dishonest with the male. "My father brought this for me. He stops in so often there's no point in hiding when I'm hurt."

She nudged the kill away from herself, bloodying her face in the process. The least she could do was share the meal with Shujaa. "Help yourself, I've all but had my fill of it. You can think of it as payment for helping me out the other day." JB was a kind lioness, but she was also one that was difficult to get along with. She knew what she liked and what she disliked, and so didn't bother dealing with things she did not enjoy.

Shujaa made a 'ah' sound, as JB mentioned who had caught the kill. It didn't matter really. "Your father sounds like a pretty good guy for bringing you this then." He had never met the lion personally, but he felt one day Otea would probably drag him to meet the lion one day.

As the lioness nudged the meal towards him, Shujaa shook his head. "Ah...thank you, but I am going to have to pass. Besides, these are usually good for a couple days, so, in the (what sounds like rare case) your father doesn't stop by with a meal tomorrow for you, you will have something left over." He said with a nod.

"I just came to see how you were doing. And...it looks like you are doing better," his dark eyes glanced towards her paw, glad to see no stream of blood leaking from it. "I probably should not overstay my welcome. Is there er...anything I could get you before I head out?"

"He is, just a little... overbearing still." But, Shujaa likely already knew that. JB had spent enough of her time complaining about how smothering her family was. It was probably fair to give them just as much praise, because they were almost always there for her when she needed them. She had supportive parents and a vast amount siblings to seek out for support.

She pulled the carcass back to herself. If he didn't want it, that was fine. She wasn't going to insist he take something that he had no desire for. Finally rising to her feet she picked the carcass up and dragged it away to the side of the den to have for later. JB wasn't going to eat it now in front of Shujaa, otherwise her father would have a heart attack at her poor show of manners.

Returning to the same spot she sat down, gingerly keeping from resting her full weight on the limb. "No, you don't have to get me anything. My family has me covered in that regard, at least." She paused, wondering if she really should send him off so soon. The lion had came all the way over to check up on her, after all. Blue eyes flickered back over to Shujaa, "I could use some company to the watering hole to quench my thirst and clean up." She loathed to admit she didn't like the idea of wandering far from her den without company, especially with her paw still not in mint condition. If something were to happen, she'd be at an immediate disadvantage.

Shujaa watched as she dragged the meal back to her den. It had happened so quickly, that before he could even offer, she was already heading back. Well...okay then.

He nodded however at her suggestion. "I'd be happy to accompany you." Well, if this wasn't improvement, Shujaa wasn't sure what would be. Perhaps his staying away, hands off approach, was working to break down JB's outer shell. She was just like a normal lioness underneath the rough and toughness after all.

He stepped closer to the female, waiting for her. "If you need to lean on me or anything, feel free. I promise, whatever happens in the next moment is between you and I, and your family will not know." he joked. He didn't think JB would so willingly show weakness, but his offer still stood (even if it was in a joking manner).

"I say from your movement just a moment ago, you will be back to hunting in the next few days. Perhaps head to your father's place to surprise him, that way he may not visit for a little bit?"

JB inclined her heads towards Shujaa, silently happy that the male had accepted her request. She would have felt a little guilty about chasing him away so quickly after he had just gotten here. His presence was certainly more welcome after he had helped her with her paw. That moment at least seemed to be a turning point in their relationship, where JB was slowly beginning to accept him as a friend at least.

The lioness rose back onto her feet, walking slowly over to close the distance between herself and Shujaa. It was the most willing she had been to get close to him, but she also knew that if she made a wrong step she'd certainly lose her balance. It was better to keep Shujaa close, just in case. "I hardly need that much help," she answered with a roll of her eyes, though she did not seem to be offended by the comment.

She began the walk, her pace slower but steady. It was just an injured paw, and JB could get along just fine if she wanted to. Since Shujaa was here, she figured there would be no harm in being extra careful. "Uh huh, and rob him of the pleasure of his weekly walk over to see me?" JB couldn't be quite that convinced to go see her parents of her volition yet.

As JB walked, Shujaa made sure he was right next to her. He did not mind the speed she chose, knowing that whatever pace she chose was for her comfort.

He laughed out loud. "One of these days you will need to take me to see this father of yours. I'd be lying if I told you that he doesn't have me intrigued." His laughter quieting down, he couldn't help but smile. "We may have more to talk about then." He murmured, mostly to himself.

When they arrived at the water hole, Shujaa continued to follow JB until she had settled comfortably on the ground. He would wait too when she was done, and help her back to her den if necessary. "How long did it take for you to put some pressure on that," he asked, glancing at her paw. "I'm still pretty floored just how well that little pebble got wedged up there." She must have stepped on it just right.

"Maybe," she answered, one of her ears flicking back. "But it's probably a bad idea. My father is dead set on seeing me with a male, has been for years now." It was a little embarrassing to talk about this now, but she had brought the conversation up herself. She might as well follow it through. "He used to set me up with males all the time, and I think he'd even be happy if I decided to just one-night stand them." JB snorted, understanding her father's concerns about her becoming lonely.

But it was unnecessary, she didn't need a male. No matter how attractive some of them had been, she had turned them all away at first meeting. Shujaa was the only unrelated male she had let meet her more than twice.

They made it to the water hole, and she had her fill of water. Instead of immediately turning to head back home the lioness laid down at the water's edge, nodding her head towards Shujaa to invite him over. "Only a couple of days. It was just such a deep wound that I was worried stuff would get into it," she replied, flipping her paw over now to inspect the scab. It was freshly developed, and certainly not ready to be licked clean. It was a hard instinct to ignore, but for now she left it alone.

"I guess it doesn't really help that Otea has had multiple litters, huh?" In his younger days, when he first joined the pride Shujaa was all over the ladies. Otea included. It was only as he aged his 'typical boy' ways were mellowed, and that he was looking for something a bit more serious than an actual fling. "Find your best gal pal then and tell your father you are in a relationship with her. Technically you aren't lying, especially if you are very good friends?" Maybe then that would stop JB's father from thinking she was lonely?

"I kid." Shujaa said afterwards, unsure if she would take offense to such a comment or not.

"That would have been bad. At least that scab will keep the infection out for good, and you'll be back to your normal self." He sat next to the female as she inspected the wound. "I am truly happy though to see it getting better." Shujaa shifted his paws, thinking. He held off his thoughts, not wanting to upset the female by voicing them. He needed to get to know her more, before he even thought about asking. Especially after she had just made the comment about her dad always trying to hook her up with others.

"When your paw is one hundred percent healed, you'll have to show me your hunting skills." She seemed like someone who would be proud of them, why not show them off. "I'll consider that as payback for the other day," he grinned.

"No, it doesn't," JB agreed with a little frown. It didn't even matter that Otea hadn't taken a mate for herself yet. In their father's eyes, all of them were perfect. Having a mate was not a necessary prerequisite to having cubs. It was perhaps why her father was eager to direct her to any and every male, hoping blindly that she would at least be attacted to one. Shaji had gotten better lately, and stopped throwing males her way and instead contented himself with hoping JB would find one on her own.

"That would be the easy way out, but I can't bring myself to lie so boldly to him." It wasn't that taking a female as a mate would be shocking. Her father would genuinely believe it, and hope too much that it worked out for his daughter.

JB nodded her head in agreement, "Sounds good to me. I can show you a two or thing about hunting," JB told him with a little smirk. She was a skilled huntress, and rather notable in her neck of the woods. On occassion, JB even bragged about it, but she wasn't about to show her inflated ego off to someone who was kind of a new friend. "Give me a couple more days to heal up and I'll take you out to my favorite hunting grounds."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Shujaa told JB. She was actually inviting him out to show him her skills. Plus, she was taking him to her favorite hunting spot? Baby steps!

Although they had just gotten here, the sun was beginning to set, causing darkness to blanket the land. "It's getting late," stating the obvious, as always. "Shall we get you situated back at your den before I take my leave?" The male asked, continuing his comment "I'd hate to leave you here, though I am sure you can handle yourself," he added quickly, letting her know he did not see her as weak with the injury she had sustained. He took a chance to glance into her blue eyes. How similar they were to Otea's, yet, different.

"Yeah, we better get heading back." She had invited Shujaa along for the little trip, she would not deny that she wanted him to take her back to her den. It was better to travel with a companion than by herself, especially with her paw. The lioness lifted her gaze, and for a moment her eyes locked with Shujaa's. She felt something stir in her, but pinned it immediately on embarrassment. She flushed, glancing quickly away from him.

"Okay, let's go," she told him as she rose to her feet. It was better to push pass that brief, awkward moment. She didn't want to dwell on the fact that he had a handsome face. Turning away from him, JB led the way back towards her den.