The chocolate lion still continued to ask himself, just exactly why he was still in the lands? He just couldn't get his mom to understand, and his brother, hah.. What a joke. But yet, here he was, moping about. He wanted things to be different, to maybe be just how they were when he was growing up. Yet, he found himself at a standstill within in his life.

Kanoro strolled towards the water hole. It was early in the morning, a light hazy mist lingering over the main watering hole. The chocolate lion believed no one would be up at this time, but was he wrong. Already at the watering hole was a dark female, even darker than himself, yet with bright eyes, sitting there, talking. Near her, another lioness lay, not even acknowledging the other. Intrigued, the lion sat back from the lioness, listening to her conversation all the while watching the other female's reaction.

“I still don’t understand why he just wouldn't stay. Do you think I came on to him a little too hard? Maybe I should go find him, explain myself. Or..try again?” Radi said with a sigh.

Kanoro didn't want to intervene, so he waited, listening.

"She's been doing that all morning," The lighter lioness said from the ground, eyes gazing to the stranger. "I probably would just keep walking."

“What?” The lioness stood up quickly, turning around, spotting Kanoro. “Oh, maybe you can help!" she peered over her shoulder towards the water. "Gylfie here is no help, maybe I need a boy to listen. And well, obviously you are one sooo."

"Er...I don't think I can help." Kanoro stated with his ears pinned slightly back.

Radi sighed again. “No? Hmm.. maybe you're right" Though, Radi wasn’t one to stay on a subject for long, she began to perk up at the concerned look that pale lioness gave her. "Oh stop your worrying Gylf. I just gotta find that boy and this will all be good." The dark lioness gazed at her friend, lying on the ground. Her bright eyes focused back on the male.

“I’m Radi! and this, this is my friend Gylf!” the dark charcoal lioness introduced. Even though that was not the name she was born with, she kept it. For some reason, it just fit. “And…you are? I haven’t seen you hear before… but I also don't come out much to this side of the pride. I mean, unless you have a pretty face...”

"Gylfie, actually," Gylfie corrected, rising to her feet. "Radi, enough." She found herself stated quietly.


“Pleasure to meet you then, Kanoro!” The once sad look on the lionesses face was gone, overtaken by her joyfulness. “So…have you been in the pride for long?"

"Born here, actually." Kanoro explained.

"Ah, same," Gylfie grinned. "Radi on the other hand was not. Where were you born?"

“The swamps! But it...burned down a long time ago.”

Kanoro stared at the lioness. "Burned down?"

"You heard her right..." Gylfie confirmed Kanoro's thoughts.

Radi continued, "Oh yeah, burned down. I was on my pilgrimage at the time. You see, that is when we get to pick our true names. And...when I came back, the land was charred. My mom disappeared in the fire, but my dad stayed. He was one of the only one's to do so..."

Gylfie's ears flicked. She had not heard Radi that much in depth about her former pride before.

That got his attention. The chocolate lion stared with his chocolate eyes into the other ones before sighing. “That sounds like quite a story. I am sorry to hear that it happened. I can't say I have experienced the same."

Radi found herself shrugging. "Not everyone does.

Gylfie nodded, as did Kanoro.

“I'm like him you know," Gylfie started, glancing at Radi. I guess those born here don't have much of a story to tell."

“Well, then you can always make your own story!” She swooned. Gylfie snorted in the background at Radi's actions. “Maybe one day it will include something dramatic, like finding love or...I don't know! Something juicy. Of something with a happy ending"

Happy ending? With his family, Kanoro snorted. His family was quite the dysfunctional one. He didn't think any kind of happy end would ever come from it. "Just keep thinking that," he said quietly to the female.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” the lioness apologized. “Here I am ranting and raving. I…should let you go! You probably just came here to get a drink or something. I will see you around, right Kanoro? Ready to go, Gylfie? We need to find that boy!”

The lioness began to bound off, not really waiting for an answer from the chocolate male or her own traveling partner. He gave a nod to the female. He would have to see her around. Her constant go, go, go amused him, but was definitely not something he would be able to keep up with.

Gylfie, deciding she should follow Radi, waved a brief goodbye to Kanoro. "See you around, Kanorp/ Just uh, watch out for her sometimes you know. She has her eyes on the boys...if you uh catch my drift." The light lioness chuckled, trotting after the female.

The lion watched until both of the lioness were no longer in sight, before heading over to the water hole. He hadn’t actually come out here to get a drink of water. He just merely came to investigate the sounds of the talking lioness/

Right now, Kanoro ducked his head near the water, lapping up the cool liquid before raising his head once more to stare at the sun rising in the air. Today was another day. Kanoro was having such a hard time coping with life recently. He wanted things to go back to when he was a cub. Everything was so perfect back then. Why did it have to change?

Instead of lounging at the water hole, the chocolate male turned on his paws, heading elsewhere. He needed to clear his head, and unfortunately socializing with other lions wouldn't do that.