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21 years || Hufflepuff alum || muggleborn

Simon clarified that he would just watch, but didn’t want to actually handle the weaponry. The moment Eden offered him an out, Simon nodded rapidly. Eden could feel the relief emanating off of him, as though it was a palpable wave of magic or something. It was settled.

”Nonsense,” he replied, as he read Simon’s offer to pay. Sure Eden still hadn’t been switched to a full mediwizard’s pay yet from his training salary, but he certainly was not going to let the younger boy pay. ”How about this, let’s go to that brunch place and we can just chat. Just give me a sec.

he called, heading back for the counter with everything in tow. ”Change of plans, sorry. Just credit the hours to my account? Thanks awfully.”

A few minutes later Eden was back. He guided Simon not outside, but towards a sparse corner of the storefront, checking for any other witnesses. Normally, the way to and from the range wasn’t so far that he felt the need to figure out an apparition spot or a floor path– the bus line was perfectly fine. But Thanks a Brunch was literally in a different country. He signed quickly: I’ll apparate us. Just relax.

Apparating people was an everyday part of Eden's job: usually, if he had just one person to side-along, he'd have one hand bracing the back of their neck and supporting their head, and another on their waist near the center of mass--something in case they slumped or collapsed. So he didn't really think about it when he put a gentle but firm hand on the back of Simon's neck, and with another glance around and barely a pop, they vanished.

continuing at Thanks a Brunch in Diagon Alley


setting Shooting range outside of Cardiff || with Suspicious Simon
appearance 5’10”, fit || wearing long sleeve and vest, with cargo pants
status Note: Simon doesn't like firearms. How has this never come up before?

//OOC: ----
Cinnabun Gryffie


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And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
~"Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls.