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Uta's Romance & Plot Thread: Open! Still Filling Things In

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:36 am
Welcome to My Plot & Romance Thread!

Here are a few things you might want to know about me!

  1. I love to RP but I am pretty slow. I only have so many hours in the day and between running Echoes of Pern, personal art, personal writing, and hanging out with the husbando, I can be slow to tag.

  2. Though slow, I will try hard not to abandon RPs. Just give me a nudge if you're interested in continuing or are worried I forgot!

  3. I am a sucker for a good romance or long-term love story. I don't need SoAs to hook up quick, though the right character might. I like slow burn RPs, and stuff that takes time. Of course, depending on the character, this can vary.

  4. I like a good tragedy too, or angst plots. I'm usually pretty open to anything, so don't be afraid to offer.

  5. I'm not against same-sex couples, or poly- or harem-groups. Most of my SoA are pretty flexible on that front, though not all. I'll try to specify who is open to those sorts of relationships!

  6. I do like sweet stories and happily-ever-afters, too, and enjoy it when families can stay together. Part of the fun of writing a couple is getting to write them with their family! Family RP is always something I enjoy, so please don't be shy to offer if you and I have relations!

  7. I will rotate my SoA in and out as needed. These are not all of them, but they are some that I am either most inspired by, or need to learn more about!

  8. I tend to test the waters with multiple partners before settling on one. Mostly because I want my SoA to tell me that that's the one, instead of it being forced or contrived.

  9. I'm pretty relaxed and understand even the most epic of plots can fall through. So don't be afraid if a possible pair doesn't work for you, or if you find someone else. Just let me know!! I promise testing waters just means seeing how we both feel about 'em, and whether or not we think something long-term will work.

  10. I'm open for general RP for everyone listed here. Chances are, they all need RPs for breedings anyway, so hit me up for non-romance things, too!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:37 am
Kitwana'antara Singles

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Name: Nyu'li
Location: Kitwana'antara
Rank: Priest
Disease Status: Sick
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Parents: Jinaki x Tariq'ra'd

Personality: Nyu'li is a fairly gentle lion. He grew up in the pride, and though diseased, he doesn't look at his life as if it were half-empty. He sees the world with rose colored glasses, and sees a lot of good out there. He certainly prays and is devout to Pestilence -- he believes that only she can really save the pride from their illness, and that maybe, with enough faith, the pride will overcome its illness. He is patient, he is kind, and he is ultimately a big softy. He is fiercely loyal to his family, and has hopes of someday having cubs his own.

He's not entirely interested in ladies, something he's come to discover only recently, but has hopes he'll find either an understanding female, or a surrogate. Lately, he's often lost in prayer, and tends to be found more at the heart of the pride, helping to do what he can to bring comfort, prayer, and consolation to those who are suffering spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Looking For: A fling! He has a future male mate.

Other Notes: Nyu'li is gay, and while he will never let himself be matched with a female, he's open to a lioness who might not mind being a surrogate.

Requirements: I'm looking to fling him so I can bring some new blood into the Kitwana'antara. He needs all 5 RPs though, so general pride or border RP is good, too! This will likely be a looks sort of fling.

I'm also open to multiple flings, so long as people give me time to get all the necessary RPs. While joining is not a requirement, having cubs to bring into the pride is! :3

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Name: Ezequiel'unai
Location: Kitwana'antara
Rank: Scout
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Parents: Suavice'salva x Blanco'marcado

Personality: Ezequiel'unai used to be a bit of an adrenaline junkie. He lived for speed, and lived a carefree life out in the rogue lands. For many years he did nothing but live for himself -- he raced through the plains without a care in the world, and essentially lived the Hakuna Matata lifestyle. No worries, no responsibilities, no cares, no string-attached. Though he never had cubs of his own, he was a bit of a player -- he'd enjoy attention and affection from anyone willing to give him the time of day, and likely left a trail of broken hearts. Thankfully, this cheetah always saw the silver lining, and was able to talk himself out of any guilty feelings for abandoning past mates.

As the years went by, he began to grow restless, and eventually found his calling helping out those in the Kitwana'antara. Unlike the lions of the pride, he is immune, and found that those within the pride were eager to hear of his tales, and of course, for any outside news and information. He found he enjoyed getting to entertain, as well as having a reason to travel. Getting to come and go as he pleases, this cheetah calls the pride his home, but spends as much time out in the roguelands as he does within the pride itself.

Ezequiel is a lover, not a fighter, and now that he's older and a little more creaky than he used to be he's considering finding some long-term companionship, and maybe even having some cubs of his own.

Looking For: A mate -- preferably one who might be willing to join the pride.

Other Notes: He's happy to go for males or females. He'll seduce anything with legs, so this doesn't even have to be another feline -- just someone whom he might find a connection with! If it's another male, or someone he can't breed with, then he'll at least want one fling with hopes of bringing in some new blood into the pride.

Requirements: He's not leaving the pride. While he could have a relationship where the other party isn't part of the pride, he's not planning on leaving it.

Offers/Testing Waters:
Bai Lin (AstoriaFallen)

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Name: Elwynn
Location: Kitwana'antara
Rank: Nanny
Disease Status: Immune
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Parents: Sliabh x Awani'shairi

Personality: Elwynn is a sweet, large, leopon. She has too much love in her heart, and no one to give it to. All of her life, this sweet lady has wanted nothing more than to care for others -- she fussed over her siblings, fussed over her father, and now has the duty to fuss over the cubs of the pride. And you can bet, Elywnn is going to do exactly that!

This leopon takes her maternal duties with pride -- though she is happy to care for the young, she is no pushover, and she will put her paw down when they get too out of line. Sometimes. Usually. Okay, maybe not as often as she should, but she can't help it -- look at those innocent, adorable, faces. No cub is turned away from Elwynn - -she would just as happily look after a littler of wild dogs or hyenas or birds just as easily as she would mother lions and leopards and all the hybrids in between.

Ah, but something is missing in Elwynn's life, and that's having found a true connection. She has not found a mate, and is waiting to find her one true love -- though she worries she might never find it as she is infertile. So far, Elwynn has only ever looked after other cubs as a Nanny would -- though she has hoped for an opportunity to take in and adopt a family all her own.

Looking For: A mate! As well as some cubs of any type to adopt.

Other Notes: Since Elwynn is infertile, adoption will be her only choice. She's open enough to understand that if she took on a fertile mate, they might want to go out and fling or be a surrogate -- she is not against this idea.

She does want an OTP though -- someone who will love her and stick with her and choose to be with her, despite her infertility. Species isn't important in her case -- and adoption is going to be in her picture. If she can't have cubs of her own, she'll find ones who need her, someway, somehow.

Requirements: She is staying in the pride -- so any potential mate needs to already be joined or be willing to join, sorry!

https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=25230609 - Elwynn x ??? [Open]

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Name: Uzochi
Location: Kitwana'antara
Rank: Warrior
Disease Status: Sick
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Parents: Al'hattal x Caoilainn

Personality: Uzochi is a warrior in the Kitwan'antara. He's on the larger size for a lion, but by no means the largest. He's an amicable sort, for all that he's trained to kill and defend. Much to his despair, he did wind up inheriting the illness, which means he will never get to actively pursue threats to the pride. While he's not a fierce or temperamental creature, he can be a bit more on the serious side. He wants nothing more than to protect the pride, and ensure those within its borders are safe and secure.

He is loyal, reserved, and the sort of lion who could easily be swept off his paws. He is a lover, and would have no problems juggling multiple partners if he thought he could get away with it. Honestly, he wants nothing more than to meet his true love -- someone to stand by his side, someone to fight for, and someone to make his heart truly sing. Until then, though, he'll have no trouble bringing comfort to others -- or being eye candy.

While he's not necessarily the most charming of lions, he's a good guy, and one who can slip easily in and out of love as needed.

Looking For: A lion mate! Either gender is fine.

Other Notes: Uzochi is Sliabh spawn, which means he has a lot of relations within the Kitwan'antara itself. While I'm open to pairing him with other K'A members, it might be safer for him to pair up with a rogue. If another male, he'll need to be allowed to at least find a surrogate and fling.

I'm also open to having him break a few hearts.

Requirements: The lion must either be in the pride or be willing to join.

Offers/Testing Waters:

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Name: Jahangir
Location: Kitwana'antara
Rank: Warrior
Disease Status: Immune
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Parents: Mittere x Nemanja'janan

Personality: Jahangir is a strange mix of his parents. There can be a ferocity within him that is absolutely unmatched... but it is generally wrapped up in a ball of laid back ease. While he is not as apathetic as his father, he does tend to go through life with a thick hide, and a bit of a careless heart. It's not that others pain doesn't affect him -- he just isn't going to let it throw him into pieces. Pain is pain -- but a lion can grow from it. He tends to bottle his emotions, and releases them usually through aggression. This is not directed at other pride members, but he will take it out on others when he's sparring with his fellow warriors, or better yet, when he's taking down some sort of threat.

Part of Jahangir wishes other prides would heckle them, just so he could go out and show them that they'd better not mess with the Kiwana! The pink maned lion tends to have a healthy dose of arrogance, and is pretty certain he can get himself out of any situation, no matter how sticky. He has a cool head, and can be a great tactician -- but he also has a foolish attitude about how much he can take.

Looking For: A lion mate! Either gender is fine.

Other Notes: Jahangir is a seer. He tends to have premonitions about the future, but he doesn't often share this with others. Furthermore, he tends not to make much sense of the visions, and usually takes the confusion out by sparring or hunting.

Requirements: The lion must either be in the pride or be willing to join.

Offers/Testing Waters:

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Name: Sethunya
Location: Kitwana'antara
Rank: Bard
Disease Status: Sick
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Parents: Moto'nafsi x Tarafa

Personality: Sethunya is a bard. She is joyful, sweet, and not at all shy. She is the sort of lioness who absolutely adores being in the spotlight, and the attention that it brings her. More than that, she loves being able to entertain her pridemates, to bring them a little bit of joy, or at least a little bit of distraction from the burden of their illness.

She is a lover of love, and absolutely dreams of someday falling head over toes for some handsome male, or maybe becoming entrances by a beautiful lioness. Though she wishes she could go out and explore, she loves talking to the scouts to try to find inspiration for future music, dancing, and singing. She'll happily create stories, or take kernals of truth, and toss them in exaggeration, all for some epic entertainment she can perform for the rest of the pride.

Sethunya is ill, but her disease hasn't kept her down! She'll be your best friend if you let her.

Looking For: I'm happy for Sethunya to take on a mate and fall in love with a sweet OTP, as well as for her to have a temporary thing with a rogue. Both could also work, if she had a fling first!

Other Notes: Lion preferred!

Requirements: For a long-term mate they need to be part of the pride or willing to join. For a fling, she's happy to have a liaison with a rogue.

Offers/Testing Waters:

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Name: Yejide
Location: Kitwana'antara
Rank: Healer
Disease Status: Sick
Mate: None
Offspring: Taya'mfupa (Andranis), Naladi'Layla (Hanging gallow), ???
Parents: Rogue

Personality: Yejide is no spring chicken. An older lioness, she has served the Kitwana'antara since they took her in as a younger lioness. She was having a troublesome pregnancy when she collapsed not far from the territory. Scouts found her, and though they warned her of the illness, Yejide knew it was get help from their healers, or die. Though the pride did their best to keep her separated, in case she wished to leave the lands, Yejide chose to stay.

She had always been looking for a place to belong, and this pride had cared for her when she needed it most. While she might regret dooming her children to the fate of illness, they had a better life with security than they did alone in the rogue lands.

Though her children have grown, she has been a quiet member of the pride. Yejide has always been more aloof -- like her black coat, she's practically a shadow among the pride. She tends to be quiet, and though she is nothing but gentle, warm, and understanding while healing others, and easing their hurts and pains, she seems to keep to herself. She is quiet, and seems to prefer to watch than to actively engage; almost as if she's keeping to the sidelines for a reason.

Looking For: A lion mate! Preferably someone who isn't going to wander off like Jawara did, or break her heart. Someone who is in it for the long haul. Perhaps someone more outgoing than she, or another fellow shy violet.

Other Notes: Yejide has some cubs in the pride already. She had a fling with a charming lion named Jawara -- and while they parted ways before she knew she was pregnant, her children are part of the pride.

Requirements: The lion must either be in the pride or be willing to join.

Offers/Testing Waters:


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:39 am
Prideland Singles

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Name: Mchumba
Location: Pridelands
Rank: Hunter
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Parents: Vikali x Ushaufu
Siblings: Mahoka, Kitunda

Personality: Mchumba takes after his nam, which means sweetheart. This red maned lion is an absolute overgrown cupcake of a male, and he is as tender-hearted as they come. Due to his upbringing, though, he has some... interesting quirks.

To start, he lives a bit in terror and awe and jealous of females. For the longest time he had wished to have been born a female cub, if only to get his mother's positive attention. He was raised to be a good, tame little cub, and to leave all the hard-work, thinking, and usefulness to the ladies of the pride. As far as Mchumba is concerned, the ladies of the pride are all something untouchable, and he truly feels they are high above him. He is subservient to all females, and will blindly follow their every order or command or request.

While he is an older lion, he still gets nervous around females, and tends to prefer to spend his time either alone, or with other males.

Ah, but Mchumba knows how to be a good male. He keeps himself clean, and knows how to strut; he knows he was meant purely to be eye candy, and he plays the part as well as you might expect. He's definitely a lover, not a fighter, and is about as squishy as you'd expect a lion to be.

Mchumba lives half of his life in fear, and the other half desperate for any sort of positive attention.

With age, he came to understand that his interest in male company expanded beyond simple friendship. While he does tend to keep this part of himself quiet and buried, now that he's older, he may have finally sprouted enough of a spine to actually try to find another lion like him. If nothing else, he'd like to find someone he can befriend, and love in secret; unrequited love is probably better than never falling at all... right?

On the other paw, he would like a family all his own, or at least some sweet cubs to adopt and raise. Family is important to him. Ideally he'd like to find a female as a surrogate, but another part of him is terrified of having to ever approach one to ask. Whatever is a boy to do?

So, for the most part, this red maned lion just lives in quiet terror, and quiet despair over life. He desperately wants his dreams to come true, but is also fairly certain his mother might kill him if she ever found out the truth.

Looking For: A male mate. An understanding female to have a fling with so he can have a family. Cubs to adopt.

Other Notes: He just wants a family. Adopting cubs is fine by him, too, but I wouldn't mind letting his line live on.

Requirements: They've gotta be a male, and preferably, join the pride because I don't see Mchumba ever leaving.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:45 am
Ela'wadiyi Singles

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Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:45 am
Rogues & Other Prides

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Name: Mihr'senka

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Name: Xieros

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Name: Ajali

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Name: Atuf'hadi

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Name: Isanne

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Name: Forouza
Location: Rogue
Rank: Huntress (ex-Banu)
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Parents: Obadias & Tombeto'ureanu

Personality: Forouza has always been a bit of a quiet and introverted individual. As a cub, she preferred to play by herself rather than in larger groups or with others; this isn't because she doesn't like to be social, it's just that she can be painfully shy. She'd much rather listen to others and offer a shoulder of support or agreement, as opposed to speaking up herself.

With age and maturity, her quiet nature has yet to ebb. She is incredibly polite and quite a submissive female. Despite her quiet and soft-spoken mannerisms, Forouza is quite intelligent and possesses many dreams. She hopes someday to find a mate she can love, and ideally, he might learn to love her back. Due to her upbringing, though, Forouza also knows that such a thing might not ever happen - whomever she bonds with, though, she will devote her life to them.

She does better speaking one-on-one; larger crowds still intimidate her, but once she warms up to others, she tends to open up significantly. Those who do encourage her speak find a warm-hearted, loving, and creative individual.

Forouza is a traditionalist, and though her pride is no more, she still tends to follow its ideals. She struggles day by day, with freedom she never asked for, and no support or family to surround herself around.. She's been rather miserable, and isn't sure where to go, what to do, who who to follow. Thankfully, she knows how to hunt, and can at least keep herself fed, but she feels endlessly despairing without other banu, or a mate to call her own. f

Looking For: A male lion mate! Preferably a sweet romance -- she was a super sweet lioness, so I'd like a happy and kind romance for her.

Other Notes: She was from the harem pride the Ukuucha'wafalme, but since it has disbanded, she's out there all alone. I am open to other harems, but also a monogamous group, too. I think monogamy would blow her mind, though I could see another part of her enjoying it.

Requirements: Male lion. She will join a pride for the right story. I

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Name: Hephzibah

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Name: Isoba

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Name: Jelah
Location: Roguelands
Rank: Huntress
Mate: None
Offspring: None

Personality: Jelah is a lioness with a bit of spunk. She grew up in the Ukuucha'wafalme, and while she had loved her pride, she actually wasn't too distressed when it disbanded. All the freedom she envied in Pad's is now something she has herself! That said, she has found the rogue lands to be rather lonely.

The first thing someone notices is that Jelah isn't afraid to speak her mind. She grew up loud where other banu were supposed to be quiet and never was afraid to speak up or complain if she witnessed mistreatment. None of this has changed while out in the roguelands.

A lover of stories and legends, Jaleh is ready to find somewhere to settle.

Looking For: A male lion mate!

Other Notes: She was part of the Ukuucha'wafalme, and would not be against a harem or poly group, but also does not mind being monogamous either.

Requirements: None. Just someone she can connect with. I'd prefer a long-term relationship than just a fling, though with the right story, who knows? Hit me up! Preferably someone talkative, or perhaps another traveler like herself.

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Name: Ngozi

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Name: Nyimak
Location: Firekin -- Motoujami
Rank: Huntress
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Parents: Azar & Khin'del

Personality: Nyimak could be summed up as a bit of a spitfire. She's very proud of both of her family and her pride, and tends to be extremely competitive. Dueling is something she loves to do, but is also something she expects to win. If one were to ask what her hobbies were, they would be summed up as the following: fighting, training, dueling, and winning. Everything else is secondary.

Strong-willed, stubborn and hard-headed all seem to sum up this young female. She was once considered bossy as a cub, but age and maturity have calmed her down a smidgen. Despite her shortcomings, she does have a good heart. While she may give her siblings a hard time, she also would be the first to defend them. She wants nothing more than to make her family proud, and will do whatever it takes to make a name of herself.

Looking For: A mate! Either needs to be part of the Firekin already or a rogue.

Other Notes: She probably isn't going to fall for someone she can push around. She needs to come to respect her mate, and she doesn't look too kindly upon soft and tender squishy things. I suspect this will be a slow-burn sort of romance, since she's pretty defiant and not likely to fall easily for anyone.

Requirements: Just need to be part of the Firekin. :3

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Name: Zahyia

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Name: Msiruhu

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Name: Jawara

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Name: Filira

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Name: Fiametta
RPs The Time Is Now - Fiametta (Uta) x Thanda'lau (Kaisanti)

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Name: Eshne

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Name: Chaku

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Name: Ohenewaa

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Name: Oseye

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Name: Shahalad

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Name: Tendaji

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Name: Uhuru

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Name: Yafeu

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Name: Zarasa

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Name: Akhzar
PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:08 pm

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Name: Nemanja'janan


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:14 pm
[b]Disease Status:[/b]
[b]Mate:[/b] None
[b]Offspring:[/b] None


[b]Looking For:[/b]

[b]Other Notes:[/b]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:14 pm


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:15 pm
PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:15 pm
And I'll cut the tape. I plan on filling this out as I go. I was only going to post a few SoA but I guess I had more than I thought!

If you're interested in knowing about a particular one listed who doesn't have information, just let me know and I can prioritize them!


Shy Mage

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