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Tara had gone out exploring, she’d left him in their new pride and gone without him. It was okay, he had lived most of his life alone. His lady was the first one to pull him out of his loneliness and when they had joined the firekin together, to have a real home, he had followed her willingly. There was no one he loved more after all. Still when she decided to go back in to the rogue lands she had left him with some instructions. Mainly, don’t spend every day on your own. This was easier said than done, it was hard to make friends when you didn’t really know how to say hello to others. Still he had decided, slowly, to give it a go.

It was then that he had arisen in to a cool, fresh morning on the sands in search of a friend. Ultimately he had decided that the easiest place to find others was around water and luckily for him, he was a seeker. He had jumped at the chance upon joining the pride of searching for water, and he was okay at it. Seeking water gave him plenty of alone time and of course it meant that he could hunt for hares alone. He would often return home with a hare between his teeth, a gift for his girl. Of course over the past week or so he’d just had to eat the meat himself, having pretty much forgotten that she wasn’t home to eat his offering. Still he had carefully preserved the furs for when she got back to show her just how many hares he had captured for her while she was gone. He was pretty sure she would be happy for the super soft fur that was slowly filling up their den.

Back to the matter at hand he had to find a friend. He knew a watering hole was open and freely filling not all that far away and so the yellow and black lion made a beeline for the water. It was a multi purpose trip really. If no one was there, he could get a drink and if someone was, he could have a conversation and fulfil the obligation set by Tara upon her leaving. Truth was this wasn’t the first time her had dome this, he had come every day to try and complete the promise he had made to his mate but every time he came there was no one here so he had simply, drunk his fill and left to hunt for hares. It was full filling in its own way but he really wasn’t keeping his promise to Tara at all.

Rounding the rocky crevices that hid the watering hole, Hachi was faced with a black and white rear. It seemed he had finally come at the right time. Still he hesitated. The few firekin they had interacted with hadn’t been too friendly towards them so maybe he should just hang back and wait to be spoken to. Yes, that was an excellent idea.

Adalie was alone for the moment, she had come down to the watering hole to drink and think. She had met a perfectly nice male, another nanny like herself and she was certainly having a lot of thoughts about him. She didn’t really have anyone to speak to about it though. Her sister and young niece, were gone on the expedition and she didn’t know when they would be back. She was away in her own little world having already drunk her fill when she heard footsteps and an abrupt stop.

Turning herself around the pale eyed female rested her eyes upon the brightly coloured male. His coat of yellow against stark black wasn’t something she saw every day and more to the point, he didn’t have the build of the average firekin, sure he was big, but he was more tall and svelte than muscle bound. She concluded that he must be new as she didn’t recognise him by sight at all, and well, he was fairly obvious compared to a lot of other firekin.

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“Hello.” She smiled softly at the male, he seemed nervous, she wasn’t really sure why, she was smaller than him after all, an ex rogue herself she was hardly of the firekin build, she had been accepted in to the pride by the skin of her teeth and had taken the most carding of positions. She was a nanny.

The yellow and black male paused for a moment when she turned her gaze upon him and he managed an awkward sort of smile. He realised some where in his mind that the lioness before him was a lot smaller than he was and that she wouldn’t be a threat to him. Well that wasn’t necessarily true. All lions of the sands seemed to be well trained and scrappy no matter their size. When she spoke her voice sounded calm and reassuring and he managed a half nod. “Hi.” He pulled himself together and approached the female slowly, carefully, he didn’t want to seem threatening.

Adalie tilted her head curiously, he was approaching her so carefully, like she was a fragile, delicate little thing easily threatened. It made her laugh inwardly. “You don’t have to be afraid. I can’t possibly hurt a big guy like you.” She chuckles.

Hachi stops mid step and grins awkwardly, she was reassuring him? Well he supposed he needed that sort of thing. “Sorry I’m not great at approaching others. My mate and I just joined but she’s gone on the expedition.” He paused “I’m not very social.”

The lioness tilted her head, well that was a lot of a confession. She smiles gently. The nanny in her suddenly felt like she was looking at a cub that needed help and she was perfectly happy to provide that help. “Well how about you get yourself a drink and I show you around. It looks like you could use a friend.”

The yellow and black striped lion grinned and padded towards the waters edge “Thanks.” He smiles tipping his head to take a drink, it seemed he was about to make a friend.