User ImageIt had been rather quiet of late. Her older sister had gone out in to the rogue lands with the expedition party and her older brother, though he checked in on her occasionally, was spending time with his own family. It meant that the den where she lived was quiet. Somehow without Geei there the silence echoed through the den.

With this in mind, she had decided it was no good just sitting around at home and with only a few cubs around on the sands at the moment she was finding her time to be a little unfulfilled. It wasn’t unusual to feel thirsty on the sands and she knew full well that the water seekers had come back with a new font just a few days earlier and this was where she was heading.

The sand shifted gently between her toes and she paused to look up at the sun slowly dropping towards the horizon. Another day gone another day alone. She wished the expedition would come back already, she missed her sister, more than she had realised she would when she went.

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It was a very quiet time of day, cubs had been escorted back to their parents cheerful and no longer full of energy and he was happy to get them back to their respectful dens. The expedition had been longer than he'd expected and he was thankful he'd not been opted to go, he was big, strong, mostly muscle honestly and forever thankful to be a Cub Sitter in these times.
The idea of possible conflict put him in a sour mood. It put cubs at risk, it put soldiers at risk, it put lives in general at risk.

He shook such thoughts away from him as he pawed across the sand that was slowly cooling with the evening sunk sinking past the distant line of land and sky, noticing a dark female on his way that he hadn't noticed before as he tilted his large head briefly to the side. Big blue eyes taking her in curiously.

"Ma'am? Are you alright?"

Pulled from her own reverie by a voice she didn’t entirely know Adalie turned her pale eyes on the big red male. He was big. Her own family was large too but they weren’t born in the firekin, they were built differently. This male he looked like he could certainly hold his own in a fight. She quietly thanked which ever gods had been watching over her the day she joined the moutoujamii, that she hadn’t been faced with this mountain.

With her mind returning to the where and now she blinked owlishly and laughed gently “I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.” She whispers, the moment of awe at the large red male had pushed his question from her mind. She actually wondered why she had been so struck, over half the pride was red, that was a part of who they were. Maybe it was his different shade of red that had piqued her curiosity.

His question suddenly came back to her and she smiled apologetically. “Yes, I’m fine, though please, call me Adalie, or Ade if you please.” She pauses for a moment to take stock of the situation “I was just off to the new water source, would you like to join me? You look like you have had a busy day.”

Blinking at the dark female in silent curiousity he couldn't help but let a smile tug on his bright white muzzle at her laugh and almost sounding like she'd been shaken out of some sort of revery, maybe he'd interrupted a thought of such? The slight pang of guilt vanished quickly enough as he padded over with the same warm expression. "Damu, a pleasure to meet you Adie."

At the offer of water he felt the slight scratch in his throat and chuckled just a touch. "It wouldn't be unappreciated...and no no, not busy at all." He shook his head as he gestured for her to lead the way to the water with a gentlemanly reach of his paw. "Just tending to cubs and such, always a good day."

Picking up her paws she started to walk towards the new water source. “I usually look after the little cubs, there are very few around at the moment though and most of my family is off in the rogue lands. My life is a little, quiet, at the moment.” She sighs and shrugs her shoulders lightly.

As she moved, he walked alongside her and smiled at her words, puffing up silently in pride at his profession. "Cub sitter, there isn't many around right now you're right, but that doesn't mean there's none and they are a paw full." He spoke like it was a hassle, but his expression spoke otherwise. Cubs enthralled him, their stories, their joyous little temperments and thoughts, they made him very happy. When the female mentioned the rogue lands he rumbled thoughtfully.

"Yes, everyone seems to be busy trying to make allies...I wonder if they've been successful." There was a reassuring expression as he looked her way briefly between padding over the sands. "Besides it's fine to complain, better to get it off the chest..and yes they love to clamber over me, they like to 'hunt' me like I'm a big antelope, it's good practice."

The laughter and sparkle in the female's eyes made him blush under his fur, making him thankful for being so rosey red to begin with as his huge paws shifted the sands. "I'm sorry that your family are away thought."

The little black and white lioness looked up at the big male and smiled gently, he was funny, he clearly loved being a cub sitter. She could imagine him being chased around and falling over as if they had captured him. “I’m sure you are a marvellous antelope.” She giggles and takes a few steps ahead of him, her tail twitching in the air. “I was born in the rogue lands, so I know my family will be safe, they know how to survive out there, but it doesn’t stop me worrying.”

“I’m guessing by your size that you were born here yes?” She tilted her head “Do you have a lot of family here?” She raised a curious brow her pale eyes searching for answers. She couldn’t help but think that he was very handsome. Imagining him playing with cubs made her heart jump, she could only imagine how adorable that would be but, she doubted he would appreciate the sentiment.

This female seemed very nice and the way her black and white fur contrasted with her pale eyes got the big male warm in the cheeks, though he wouldn't have said anything - that would've been rude. So he listened and he nodded, feeling more at ease at the fact that her family would be okay and being a little surprised at the inquiry into his family. The thought brought a half smile to his big white muzzle as he walked alongside the other.

"Oh yes, I was, quite a while back." He was thankful he didn't feel too old though. "My cousin was the Regent till he grew into his bones and I have my half sister and a several second cousins around....I look forward to every new generation, it means I get more work." No cubs for him though, all this time and he hadn't produced a litter. Not even a fling, but he doubt he'd have the heart to simply fling even if for producing cubs. He was a big softy like like.

The lioness stopped for a moment an tilted her head up at the big male. He had family, but no cubs of his own “That’s a shame, you would make a great father, I can tell.” She wrinkles her nose, her tale flickering, just from this small meeting, she had decided he was a good egg. He was handsome and sweet, and he thought so much about his job. She could imagine him running around with lots of soft red cubs around his paws, she could feel her cheeks burning.

“Do you want a family of your own, one day?” She managed turning her gaze forward again, she was very glad her face was black, he could’nt see the flush that her question caused.

The question certainly caught the big male of guard, nearly stumbling over the sand as they approached the water and appearing just a bit fluffier as he puffed a bit out of embarassment, thank the Gods, the stars and the sun he was already rosey red. What a question though, it wasn't anything lacivious but just out of a pretty lioness like her it could've caused any male to be a little bit of a stumbler. Clearing his throat in the hopes that the sound alone would clear up his actions he offered her another warm smile.

"Oh- Ofcourse! I often thought about it as soon as I became an adult, but the civil war had happened, the divide, I'd become very happy being a cubsitter...but I do admit I would one day like to see some little cubs of my own about." The thought meandered in his head for a few moments or so before his big blue eyes glanced over her way. "And you? Do you hope to be a mother one day? I can imagine you'd be a lovely one."

Adelie stopped and turned to look at the big male, she smiled a gentle smile at him and nods “Yes, one day, my brother has cubs and it was nice being an aunt.” She paused for a moment a far away look in her pale eyes. “I’d like to marry for love.” She laughs gently “I suppose that is a bit of an old fashioned thought.” She gave a gentle sigh and looked ahead once again they seemed to be upon the watering hole now, the whole point in this walk.

“I would love to have children one day, lots and lots and lots of children.” She shakes her head and dips her head to take a drink of water. “Thank you.” She looks the big rouge male seep in the eyes her gaze dancing happily.

Blinking at her as they approached the watering hole he shook his head with a smile and took a drink beside her. "Oh I don't think it's too old fashioned, I'd like the same." He let his deep blue eyes wander over the waters curiously. "I used to imagine finding a female and wooing her, watch the sunrise and sunsets together, make her laugh when she was sad or upset...still do, even if it's a little...not difficult in the Firekin but a bit hard now and then." He rolled his shoulders in a loose shrug as he dragged his tongue through the water.

He then paused at her thanks and tilted his head, dampening a bit of his mane by accident. "Thank you? For what?"

She hoped he would come, she wanted to ask him so many more questions, she wanted to learn much more about him, this handsome firekin with his gentle nature and maybe they could watch that sunset and the sunrise tomorrow, together.

Wait...was she implying what he thought he was implying? Blinking at the female for a moment or two he kind of stared in silent awe at her before she started off in a lope and he scrambled to follow after her like an awkward adolescent that'd grown too big into his paws. "Y-Yes! I'm coming!" He followed with a lopsided smile as he watched her.

She was very beautiful and she seemed very sweet...maybe this was a good sign for his future...needless to say he was more than a littl excited to find out.