



FACECLAIM Zack Shada 10-11 akihito kanbara (anime) 12+

AGE 16

BIRTHDAY May 5th 2030



WAND 10 in Beech Unicorn Hair, bendy whith a knobby shaft

MORE-THAN-AVERAGE Metamorphmagus

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Ravenclaw
Oh, my dear boy!
There's plenty of room for weird in all the houses.
But, for you, I think there's just one place
Yes, you're well-suited for



Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ O
Herbology ~ A
History of Magic ~ P
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ A

Arithmancy ~ A
Muggle Studies ~ O
Wandless Magic ~ EE


DREAM JOB to get paid to build things


COURIOUS Nico loves to know how and why things are and work. He like to ask questions and find answers, he takes joy in new knowledge and information
BRILLIANT He is very smart he does well in math and has general knowledge a few years ahead of his age.
CREATIVE He likes to come up with new ideas and make them work. Sometimes he even tries to make things better than they were before.
POSSESSIVE When something is his and he likes it, and others also want it, even just to share, he says no. Someone might break it.
HARD-WORKING he wants to make sure things are done properly and is willing to put that effort and drive into getting a task done
SOCIALLY- AWKWARD he doesn’t socialize much so when he does it makes him nervous that he’ll screw something up. So usually he will avoid starting a conversation

■ Legos
■ Hamsters
■ Books
■ Muggle things
■ Noodles
■ Garlic

■ olives
■ Tofu
■ boredom
■ crowds
■ bats

■ making things
■ intelligence

■ social skill
■ sharing

■ Bats

■ Tawny owl named Speckle



Nico was a surprise. His mother was not one to settle, in one place or with one guy. So when she discovered she was pregnant, she could not say for sure who the child's father was. When Nico was born he was found have inherited the Metamorphmagus gene. With a child whose hair color seemed to change colors each time you looked at him she practically became a shut in and cared for him. Only really leaving if she really had too.

Nico didn't get to socialize much early in life. His mother would bring building toys called legos home and catalogs for muggle things. He would stay inside or in the backyard. Though over time he could see his mom get more tired. She would read less to him and meals eventually were weird muggle dinners in boxes. He asked if she was ok and she would reply she was fine but Nico wasn't so sure.

Just after he turned 6 he was noticing his mom was coughing a lot. It sounded really bad. She mentioned she would be gone on a day she usually wasn't, he asked why and she said was going to see a healer for her cough. That was good right? Healers could fix mommy! He waited all day mostly just making a bowl of cereal and reading books. When mom came home she was really sad. She went to the big bedroom. Usually mom would cook something when she came home….maybe the healers had give her medicine?

A month would go by and her cough was sounding really bad. One day she said they were going on a trip and to pack for a long trip. She would pack his legos and books and he was able to get all his clothes in his suitcase. He would carry his stuffed cat though. He wanted his friend to come on the trip too. He enjoyed seeing all the trees and cars. The stopped once for food and ate a burger in a car. After the fun meal where his food came with a small toy the drove to a place that had a sign that said Wools. His mom looked sadder than ever. She would help him get his stuff out but didn't take hers. He asked her confused and she said she needed to do something and he could stay here. Must be mom things. He was given a note we was supposed to not read but give to the adult in charge. When mom left he waved to her.

He worried after a few days and was sad after a week of arriving. He would keep looking out the window for his mom but she never showed up. A month and he wondered if he did something bad and didn't eat much. Eventually the person in charge came to chat with him. They explained why mom had brought him here. It was confusing but he did learn it wasn't his fault, mommy had gotten too sick and brought him here to be safe and find a new mommy. Eventually he would start playing with other kids and would eat more. As much as he would miss his mommy he did hope to find a new mommy and maybe a dad too!

He figured he would be able to do magic like mommy so it was no surprise when he started showing it when he was 8. He had a tendency to climb trees to see how far out he could see, one time he fell and when landing he was uninjured despite the fall being potentially fatal. Whenever he lost something, he would always find it on his bed. Perhaps he can go to Hogwarts too! All the big kids do!

He would spend all the way to the summer before the first year of school at the orphanage. He had fun with a stranger then the best thing happened! He got adopted! Happily packing up he was delighted to learn he would get a big family with a little brother and big sister! Hopefully, Hogwarts will be just as exciting!




■ adopted
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

PENDED BY J Galaksylph ✦ [3/10/2018]
ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [05/16/2018]