"Can't you fly faster?" The strained and pained cry was easily lost in the wind as soon as it left his mouth. Luckily the bond between rider and dragon was strong and the sleek bronze beneath heard. As much as his wings ached, the fresh threadscore upon his hide burned and hurt, he pushed himself harder. I am going as fast as I can, R'tanskymine. I can only push myself so far.

The man knew he was pushing his beloved too far and too hard, pushing him to the brink but there was no way he could not worry and rush with what was going on.

Everyone has assured them Thread was gone, that dragonriders were no longer needed, though the weyrs still had Queens that rose and then laid eggs. Eggs with hatchlings that had needed to find their bonded. But it was supposed to be a cushy life, one where you could travel after your, barely decent training, go back to what you were doing once you graduated. But now?

Everything had changed.

His left leg burned from a deep threadscore wound, one that would make it rather difficult for him to walk later on, but permanent scaring or injury was the last thing on his mind at the moment. As soon as he had felt the Thread eating through his flesh, Atalith had jumped between, they were leaving the fight anyways. Southern was a loss and he was urging the dragon to return to the farmstead where his beloved Dione awaited with their daughter.

Now, they pushed as hard as they could the last stretch to the farmstead. Atalith could see the damage first, before his rider and he tried to block the image from their bond but was not able to. There was a cry, but one that had a small amount of hope stored within, not all of the house was destroyed, there was a chance they had been able to hide themselves away.

R'tansky didn't even wait for the bronze to land upon the ground fully, jumping from his back while he was still five feet from the ground. Instantly the man crumpled to the ground when his left leg had connected, but he pushed through the pain, forcing himself to stand and then run/limp towards the house.

As he neared, however, it became clear that Atalith had managed to try and block some of the image, what R'tansky had assumed was some of the house actually still standing, was nothing. There was nothing left. The bodies of his wife and daughter were also gone, as if they had never existed.

Despair filled him instantly, a crushing weight that caused him to fall to his knees and let out an aching and soul crushing bellow. The dream he had, of living here happily with Dione and their daughter was gone. The dream of having a happy family life, having more children and rearing them, farming and tending the land, taking the children on flights with Atalith....Gone in an instant....

Atalith moved to the fallen form of his rider, curling his large body against him, offering his warmth and support, for that was all he could do to ease the pain they were both feeling....

A jolt shoot through R'tansky as he quickly moved into a seated position. The night air was cool around them, the wind singing an eerily quiet song through the trees. Atalith's large eyes were watching R'tansky as the man put a hand to his chest, forcing himself to calm down his breathing. They slowly returned to a soft purple instead of the whirling yellow as he reached out to help calm his rider.

Reliving it again? He didn't need an answer to know he was right. The pain was clear in his bonded's mind as well as his face. After the return of Thread, R'tansky had been reliving that day every single night, it had finally gone to just once a week, but the man still suffered. He ached and hurt in a way that many did, though he would not reach out to anyone for help, only clinging to Atalith and refusing to allow anyone to get close to him again.

His large hand found Atalith's head and he lightly rubbed an eye ridge as he stood up. "I'm fine. It just still takes me off guard." He searched his memory for the sound of Dione's voice, the feel of her skin and lips, the smell of her hair. It was beginning to fade...all of it was. Would reliving that day stop then? If so, he would brave dreaming of it every time he closed his eyes if it would keep the memory of what his wife and daughter looked like in his mind. He would suffer through so many torments if he could just see them one more time.

You push yourself too hard, mine. You need to find people to befriend and perhaps travel with. Atalith's words were met with a harsh glare. "We've talked about this..."

Yes, but humans need some social interaction at least. As do dragons. Traveling with others would also make it a bit safer when Thread falls. Atalith knew his words were falling on deaf ears as R'tansky had lain back down and rolled over, his back to his dragon. There was a huff from Atalith, a pouting feeling being shared between their bond before he moved closer to his rider and wrapped his wing around him, to keep him warm. His R'tansky was stubborn, but he had a good heart and Atalith was determined to bring that out once more.