Name: X'var
Age: 20 Turns
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Courtesan - Masseuse/Assassin (Journeyman)

Physical Description: No one would call X'var ugly but nor is he remarkable. He has skin of creamy klah and soft black hair that he keeps short to prevent it from curling. His elegant but sharp nose is framed by light blue eyes that flash like steel during the rare split-second moments when his emotions overcome him. X'var is of average height at 5'10" and size for his age with an athletic build that befits his profession.


Positive Trait List Logical, Observant, Intuitive
Negative Trait List Reserved, Suspicious, Indifferent

History: Xeivar was born in a brothel in Nabol. His mother was late in age for a working girl but had been forced to continue to recoup the loss of the sponsorship of his sister's apprenticeship. He grew up under his mother's sharp tongue, constantly lashing out in spite and hate at the daughter that had cost her a future off her back. On days when she was at the bottom of her cups, Xeivar learned to hide in the forgotten corners of the brothel or in the dark corner of the alley behind it. It was on a rare sober moment of maternal care that his mother admitted to him, 6 turns young, that his father was a blur from a night of drunken service. The only fact she recalled was that he claimed to be a dragonrider but of what, from where, and his name, she had not asked nor cared.

When Xeivar turned 10, his mother bargained with her matron. Her freedom to retire from service for what wages Xeivar would bring in as a courtesan. Though not pretty, the matron accepted the deal, knowing that there was more than one way for which a young man could be taught to earn his keep. But the matron had learned her lesson. She sent all her apprentices by ground and with an escort that was sympathetic only to her marks. Xeivar arrived after a hard journey with a letter instructing that he was to be groomed for more than service, as the master of the Courtesan Hall saw fit. And at the end of his apprenticeship, he was to return to the brothel to repay the matron with his services for sponsoring him. As Xeivar lacked showmanship or artistic talent, the master began him on a path of physical relaxation - massage therapy. Yet as the child became an adolescent, it became apparent to the master that the boy had hidden talents.

Despite his average features, Xevair proved to be physically adept with perfect muscle memory. He took in and registered impressions and details within seconds. But best of all, Xeviar demonstrated a strong indifference for everyone and nearly everything. The master capitalized on these traits and threw Xeivar into a back-breaking training regimen to become something dangerous and unspoken of. He would become a tool to slay enemies for those with the marks to pay.

For five turns, the boy slaved away at his training and studies, nature and need changing him into a young man. A week after Xeivar had walked the tables to become a journeyman, the master had given him his first assignment. The target would be present at the hatching in Western Weyr. The young untested assassin stood behind his target, waiting for the Hatching to end when a voice keeled over the crowd in desperation. As heads began to turn, Xeivar fell back into the crowd, trying to avoid as many eyes as possible. It took moments before hands of several bodies started to push him forward. The young man had begun to push away the strangers and turned to leave the cavern, ready to reconsider his plans when the same desperate voice cried for him to stay; that he needed to come to the voice because his wing was stuck underneath him and he could not leverage his own limbs.

With some reproach at becoming a spectacle, Xeviar found his path to the clutch. Just as the voice inside his mind had claimed, there was a small bronze hatchling knotted in his own wings and tail. When the dragon set his whirling eyes upon Xeviar, he patiently introduced himself as Howlith then proceeded to ask Xeviar to help untangle himself. Obedient to the young dragon, Xeviar moved to obey as a rider on the sands pronounced Howlith's name and that of his rider, X'var. As the assassin-now-weryling grimaced at the announcement, the bronze pointedly told his weyrmate, as the crowd and his forgotten-target applauded, it would have been impolite to keep the crowd waiting for such essential information.

It was with irony and bitter joy that X'var sent a message to the Courtesan Hall and the matron of the brothel that no, he would not be returning to Nabol. That he, X'var, the b*****d and unloved son of a brothel woman, was now a proud rider of a bronze to Western Weyr. Welcoming his freedom from master, matron, and mother, X'var readied to throw himself yet again into years of training but at that moment, the young man glowed with happiness as a sleeping Howlith hummed beside him.

Other: Younger half-brother to X'il (with ShinosBee's approval)

Name: Howlith
Age: 9 Turns (3571.10.17 Neliath x Arianth)
Color: Bronze
Size: Medium
Physical Description: Howlith has a refined, wedge-shaped head with a broad forehead, large eyes, and small muzzle. Unlike his rider, who is for all intents and purposes nondescript, Howlith is stunning with long limbs of lean muscle and dazzling bronze scales that beg to shine even when it seems there is not enough light to see by.
Personality: Family-oriented, Empathetic, Selfless, Determined
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment:
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