Name: Ja'line
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual with a strong preference for women
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: If applicable.
Physical Description: Brown hair, green eyes, olive skin, and a tall broad built frame that's oddly similar to her dragon's, Ja'line's never been too fussed about her appearance. Oh sure, she'll bathe regularly, baths are delightful after all. But if her hair goes a few sevendays without a wash who cares? She keeps it braided up anyways. Her clothing is generally basic in the minimum amount of effort required to be fully dressed though sometimes the color or pattern choice can seem ill thought out. She likes what she likes and rarely looks when actually dressing.

While her physical appearance has never been at the forefront of her mind, Jasiline does love accessories in form of beaded necklaces and bracelets. She loves the sound and feel of beads, specifically carved wooded ones. They give her something to fidget with.

Personality: Ja'line is very determined and single minded when she sets her sights on something. She’ll dive in with everything she’s got and won’t give up until the bitter end. This can be admirable in the right circumstances but more often than not she’s just plain reckless. It doesn’t occur to her that something could go wrong or there could be consequences to her actions. She often doesn’t recognize her own limitations and being told ‘No’ or that she can’t do something is both an insult and a challenge.

More often than not she will obey a respected authority figure. If she really wants something badly though, nothing short of punishment will deter her. Should the denial come from someone she doesn’t view as in charge of her, they can stuff it where the sun don’t shine. Reverse psychology would work on her, even if she knew what you were trying to do. Just hinting that you doubt her ability to do something will make her want to do it, if only to prove you wrong. This doesn’t mean she’ll be ABLE to make that 5 star meal, but shaff it she’ll slave over that stove till she’s out of ingredients.

When failure does rear its ugly head it’s a painful blow to her. She’s spent her life working to keep up with her brothers, proving she’s not just the baby, not just the little sister. She refuses to accept it until its shoved right into her face. She gets angry and can verbally and sometimes physically lash out. Jasi has a nasty jealous streak that smolders hot in such cases.

Being reminded of past failures brings it up fresh all over again. If given a chance she’ll keep trying the same task until she succeeds. She’s ashamed of when she attacks someone else because of her own failure. She knows it’s not their fault. How she goes about fixing it can depend upon the person though. If it’s someone she’s emotionally close to she’ll apologize and try to make things right. It may not happen immediately and she’s been known to take days working past her embarrassment to finally make that first move. If she’s not ready she’ll do what she can to avoid that one person in particular until she is. If it’s someone she thinks she’ll rarely or never see, she’ll most likely try to forget that it happened. She’ll still feel embarrassed every time she sees that person though.

In general she’s very outgoing and a social butterfly. She likes to talk to people, even if they don’t take part in the conversation. Ja'line hates being alone and will seek out company like water. One conversation is enough to become Jasi’s friend in her mind. If you seem cool then you’re in the club. She’ll drop you like a bad habit if you then prove to not be as pleasant as she first thought. She hates clingy dependent people. You need other friends and hobbies than just her. Ja'line will want a circle of best friends rather than just one.

She prefers physical activity to mental and is very much a kinetic learner. She has difficulty learning from books or lectures, preferring to learn through experience. She’s not illiterate it’s just books are sOOoooo booooorrrriiinnnnng. She’ll read all of the text but her mind will have wandered elsewhere and none of it will sink in. Same with lectures, she can never focus on the teachers words unless there was a way for her to participate herself. She never saw this as a failure, it was just how she was raised. Learning her father’s craft was a very hands on experience and her mother taught her children to read and do basic calculations with actual marks and little letters carved into small wood tablets. She wasn’t taught to learn any other way.

Positive Trait List Determined, Honest, Outgoing
Negative Trait List Impatient, Competitive, Reckless
Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Sanuyeth
Age: 15
Color: Green
Size: 27'
Physical Description: A great bulky beast of a green, Sanuyeth has stocky limbs and small headknobs, but makes up for her ‘stubby’ stature by being exceptionally muscular with broad shoulders and a long body. She lacks some of the agility of other greens, but makes up for it with stamina and pure grit. Just watch out, her bite is worse than her growl, and once she’s got her teeth into something or someone she is not easily removed.

Personality: Sanuyeth don’t care, Sanuyeth don’t give a shard, she just does what she wants. Social niceties are no concern of hers, she doesn’t care what you think or how a ‘lady’ might be expected to ‘behave’. She is utterly confident, and totally stubborn, she’s going to be who she is regardless of whether or not others approve. That isn’t to say she had absolutely no shame whatsoever… oh wait. Nevermind, she doesn’t. Accidents happen, oh well, shaffing get over it. Sanuyeth does not go out of her way to upset anyone, but she certainly doesn’t go out of her way to avoid it either. She is quite determined to obtain any goal she sets herself to, whether its mastering a new technique, outflying that brown, collecting more rocks than anyone else ever, or teaching that blue a lesson he’ll never forget. Where these ideas come from could be almost anywhere, most likely idle thoughts from her rider, but once she’s latched on to something she is never letting go.

While its okay for other people, human and dragon, to have opinions, that doesn’t mean she would put hers forth, especially if she disagrees. She is quite vocal, and often totally immovable, when it comes to debates (better known as ‘arguments’ if she is involved long enough). Sanuyeth knows she is right, why doesn’t everyone else? Okay, well, maybe, maybe she can admit her plan might not be best… for someone else that is. After all, it’s not her fault if people aren’t tough enough to step up to the challenge of being on her level. Whatever, they can go be losers if they want to, she was just trying to show them how to be awesome like her. No matter, she’ll continue to lead by example of epic badassary and if they want pointers she’ll give them. Very blunt, critical, and ruthless pointers but, hey, how else is she going to explain things?

Don’t cross her. Just don’t do it. She doesn’t care if you b***h behind her back, but only if you don’t make that stuff up. She is honorable, sort of, and will bring a mighty ‘justice’ down on those who wrong her and, occasionally, upon those who wrong someone else. If she manages to make a friend, an extremely patient understanding and tolerant friend, then to cross that friend is to announce a deathwish. Sanuyeth will mess with anyone who messes with her, and she’ll mess more because she doesn’t know the meaning of ‘overkill’. That or she just completely disregards it.

She is not a patient green. In fact, she is not a patient anything. With no fear, or perhaps just no real sense of self-preservation, Sanuyeth will charge straight at any foe that might pop into her way without bothering to sit back and plot out alternative solutions beyond ‘steamroll the shards outta it!’. It’s best not to assume her arguments will all stay verbal, no, she is quite alright with giving anyone an ‘argument’ right upside the head and she’ll give as good as she gets regardless of whether or not she’s outsized, outmatched, or both. Pure grit, determination, and an inability to recognize that she has been ‘defeated’ keep this green muscling on through.

So why are you still standing in her way? Move it or lose it pal, she has things to do!
- Written by the Staff at Sands of Pern

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