---last week---

The Camera rolled to a scene after commercial break Eric bischoff the WCW president was shown walking to a Podium, a press conference was held to unveil the latest signing to the roster.

Eric Bischoff glanced at the cameras

"I'll open it up by saying, thank you guys for coming, seriously. I love talking about the industry and what not, most specially about the stars one gets to hire and meet over the years to bring excitement to the masses. Any way during a few scoutings around the world, we found this man wreslting in Japan, Mexico, he actually turned us down twice while he was working for some other promotion not pointing any fingers. "
The crowd laughed at this last comment.

"I believe this man has what it takes to be on the caliber of the Damones and as other wrestling dinasties. he's a third generation wrestler i give you the latest signing to WCW... White Tiger!"

The camera turned to the door as a six foot five man walked wearing a tiger mask along with a classy white suit. walking to greet Bischoff, he shook hands with him. The reporters wnated to ask question photographers shoot, the blinding flashes, the atmosphere sure was one of intrigue. Bischoff leant a little to say a few things

"We'll do a brief Q&A..."
White Tiger walked to the podium and nodded telling Eric Bischoff he won't answer to any questions as he placed his hand on the mic muting it . Then he turned around

"I won't reveal much if you want to see my tru intentions in the promotion await for my debut. Thank you for your time."

The reporters stood up wanting for the masked man to answer questions, they hated White Tiger being mysterious. The man walked away in disgust Eric Bischoff wasn't happy either with it. the camrea soon faded ending the brief conference.
Coming up!!!!

WCWG Women's Championship:
Zarya Damone (c) vs Janelle Damone