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      Blinds prompts are entirely left up to chance and whim. Using the form below, you can request for a staff member to randomly give you an RP prompt. Completing said prompt will give you one blind token prize, which can be cashed in at the token shop. You may only request a blind prompt seven days after your prior request, and once you do your previous prompt becomes null and void, meaning if you didn't finish it before requesting a new one it no longer can be used for a token, so finish the old one if you wish to cash it in for a token!

      You are not forced to ask for a new blind prompt every seven days. You can take as long as you wish to finish the prompt given to you. Requesting a new one is for those you either didn't like their previous prompt and waited for a new one, or those who finished their prompt. Don't feel rushed!

      You may RP with someone else or do your prompt through a solo. You may even combine your prompt with someone else's in an RP. It's up to you! A completed RP has the tag [Blind Prompt] in the title and each owner has reached 500 words (this is individually, not all together). If your partner requests a new blind prompt while you are still RPing then they forfeit that RP for themselves, you'll still get the reward if you stick with the prompt and finish the RP. Once you've finished, use the proper code found below and you'll be given a token!
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      Request a Prompt:
      [size=14][b][color=#ff895b]Prompt Please![/b][/color][/align][/size]
      [b]Did You Finish Previous Prompt:[/b] yes/no (leave as no if you didn't have a prompt previously [/size]

      Finished Prompt:
      [size=11][b]Username:[/b] post only for yourself. the other owner must also post for this RP as well if they want a prize
      [b]RP Link:[/b] title of rp and link
      [b]Prompt:[/b] what was the prompt you were assigned?
      [b]Individual Wordcount:[/b] how many words did you do? [/size]

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