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In hindsight, he never really thought he would participate in something that could be regarded as treason. Qoba had always kept to himself and had stayed out of the limelight, this ensured that he didn't offend anyone and nor did he gain any unnecessary attention. They had for the most part been exceedingly fortunate that no one had actually heard Cruithne's outburst, but they were even more fortunate that on this occasion, none of them had attracted enough attention to be of concern. This afternoon all three lions were simply out on a jaunt - they had a guard with them and as two hunters, they could be assumed to be hunting.

...Or to be entirely, just conducting their day like any other Mwezi lion. Khumba and Qoba had always been within the rule of law, and despite Cruithne's increasingly erratic behaviour, the brown lion did know when to behave himself. This afternoon was about placating him, if nothing else, and it was Qoba's hope that if they were at least out with him today, then they could potentially put this entire matter behind them. Granted he didn't know whether or not he would meet anyone out here, he'd never been quite so far from the inner regions o the pride and he would be lying if he wasn't slightly anxious about it.

What if Cruithne was right? It was improbably, but not entirely impossible, and what would happen if they did end up meeting a divine being just as Cruithne had stated? Qoba wasn't entirely sure how he would react and it would be inappropriate for him to assume. He definitely wasn't the most religious, but he had never been disrespectful either and he hadn't been brave enough to challenge the Great Lion either, but what if he did meet something with powers he couldn't comprehend?

"Oh don't you start." Khumba muttered as he took note of the expression on the striped lion's face. It was almost a mirror image to the pensive musings of the very lion they now trailed behind. It was him who was leading them on this goose chase and just like Qoba, Khumba wasn't entirely sure of what to expect. At least he was confident that he saw no reason to leave his home. For all the Mwezi's flaws it was still the place he loved and his entire family was here, misfortune had yet to follow him and he wouldn't wish it upon himself either.

...But he would at least do as Cruithne had requested and use his right to self determination to explore what the brown lion had to show him. It didn't have to change his mind, but Cruithne was right in that he shouldn't simply accept everything all the time. He was entitled to question things that didn't make sense, or things he didn't necessarily agree with. He might not get the answer he liked, but his desire to know more had to be respected and as Cruithne had said, he was in a position where he could ask those questions.

"What?" Qoba asked, causing Cruithne to look round as well.

"That face," Khumba muttered.

"You're worried," Cruithne stated and shook his head. "Don't be, you really aren't doing anything wrong. We're allowed to be out here," he pointed out.

"It isn't that," Qoba replied softly and released a sigh. "It's more the fear that you might be right and I could find myself dangerously close to treason," he confessed. It was a remark that had both Cruithne and Khumba looking surprised, though it was for two very different reasons. Khumba was of the view that it was unlikely to happen, that Qoba was satisfied at home for the most part... While Cruithne probably hadn't realised that a large chunk of his previous rant had bordered on something a priest was likely to take great exception to.

"You're only experiencing what it's like to be free, to explore possibilities," Cruithne shook his head and dismissed the point. For all his brave words, and to some extent he believed them, there was still a shred of faith in there. He'd lost a great deal of it over the course of his time outside, particularly as he'd had time to reflect on how others had lived within the world... but there was still a part of him connected to the teachings he'd received as a cub. He might wander down a dangerous path now, but that didn't mean he couldn't make a u-turn, right?

"Seeking out things that you regard as divine when there should only be one divinity..." Qoba pointed out, Khumba tilted his head to the side and flicked his gaze back towards Cruithne. For the pale lion, this was resembling a tennis match with each the other two going back and forth.

"We don't know what we're going to find," Cruithne shrugged. "We're just looking for...something new, that's all." He paused and glanced back towards where he was heading with a wry smile. "It could be something unusual, or it could be something entirely normal. Don't ponder thw what ifs and simply embrace the opportunity," he advised.

Qoba didn't seem sold on this, though Khumba seemed to have accepted it for the time being. It was some small comfort to Khumba to know that Cruithne wasn't deliberately seeking out something that could genuinely get them in to trouble. For the time being the hunter seemed more interested in simply finding someone knew, a wandering being who could tell them tales of what lay beyond their home. The first of a series of 'opportunities' that he suspected was supposed to 'open their eyes'.

...Whether one of those ended up being an encounter with a so-called divine being remained to be seen and should that happen, then all three of them would cross that bridge when they came to it. Khumba would take his reassurances where he could get them and given Cruithne's promises before, he was going to count this one as a win!

"I promise," Cruithne said finally as he observed Qoba's doubt ridden expression. "I'm not going to get us in trouble," he murmured. However, there was a part of him that was already disappointed. If Qoba had already become closed off to the possibilities, if he was scared of whatever unknown consequences (or lack thereof) awaited, then it was unlikely he would approach any encounter with an open mind.

"All right," Qoba replied quietly, electing to lapse into silence. "We aren't staying out here all day though, I do have things to do," he remarked with a slight grimace. If he was going to spend this much time on something frivolous and arguably questionable, then at the very least he'd like to bring something back with him as well.

"I know," Cruithne sighed, though by now he sincerely doubted there would be value in the striped male's attendence, Khumba however, still seemed to be giving him the benefit of the doubt. He'd take that for now, and with that in mind he continued to walk towards the very edge of their territory. Hopefully there would be someone there, he just had to keep his eyes peeled.

Qoba and Khumba however, followed behind him in relative silence. They were entitled to hold their own counsel for now, at the very least they might enjoy the view!

Word Count: 1,232