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_________________||Tell Me Some Basics…||
tab Who Are You?| Grey
tab How Old Are You?| 15
tab What Sex Are You?| Female
tab What Do You Look Like| Grey has a slim, athletic build accentuated by slight curves and subtle female features. Atop her small frame is a chubby, baby face with a light sprinkling of freckles covering their cheeks just under the eyes and a cute little button nose perked ever so slightly upwards. Topping it all off, Grey has an unkempt mess of pale, brown hair that falls to about chin length before naturally flipping outward. These features all come second to what is probably Grey's most striking features. Shining like two massive beacons are a pair of large, bright yellow eyes, each embedded with a vulpine pupil. Adding to her list of unusual features is a pair of obviously over-sized canine incisors and fingernails that end in subtle points. As far as clothing goes, Grey doesnt wear much except for a ragged pair of pants and a few bits of scrap cloth tied off at random locations.
tab Who Are Your People?| Vaguely Western European
tab Do You Have a Lineage?| An Teaghlach [Fox]
tab Where Are You From?| Unknown
tab How Tall Are You?| 5'3"
tab How Much Do You Weight?| 115lbs
tab What Best Describes Your Frame?| Athletic, Slim, Slight Curves
tab What Were You?| Shinobi
tab How Experienced Were You At It?| Grey was one of the "notable upstarts" of her time. With a natural gift for silently stalking and tracking prey, she was practically a shoe in for the Oinin Tracker Corps. Grey had obtained the title of Chuunin by the age of 14, and by 15, they were inducted as an Oinin in training.

_________________||Now, Some Details…||
tab What Are You Like?| Much like the animal she derives her powers from, Grey is very skittish and flighty around strangers, often preferring to observe from a distance before moving in closer. Once Grey has warmed up around someone, she become quite the playful and cuddly sort; this comes as a shock considering how violent Grey can become. While tracking down her quarry, Grey is a cold-blooded, calculated killer. Once her hunter's instincts take over, very little is left of the child that just moments before could have been playfully cuddling up to you. Another notable trait of Grey's is her almost supernatural ability to hold a grudge. While Grey isnt the easiest to anger, there is no coming back once you've crossed that line. Whether is be scoping out a potential new ally or stalking their latest kill, Grey likes to take things slow and methodically, only acting when the time is right.
tab What Do You Believe In?| "Life doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes and we keep living anyway. We rise and we fall and make our mistakes. So if there's a reason I'm still alive when everyone around me has died, then I'm willing to wait for it."
tab What Do You Fear?|
      • Grey forms close bonds with few people; this is almost entirely due to her inexplicable fear of strangers. While not crippling, it does hinder Grey's social life.
      • If being a hunter teaches you one thing, it's that there is always something higher up on the food chain. Grey dreads the day she meet the link bigger than her.
      • In stark contrast to her skittish personality, Grey does actually dread being alone. It comes down to a very, very fine line of too much or too little.
tab What Strengths Define You?|
      • Very stealthy
      • Excellent tracking skills
      • Expert at wilderness survival
tab What Weaknesses Define You?|
      • initially very distrusting
      • quick to flee
      • waiting for the right moment to act often results in watching that moment pass you
tab What Era(s) Are You From?|
tab Regret| From an early age, Grey was put to use in the Shinobi Corps of Kirigakure. Her main mission was the infiltrate other nations and retrieve key documents that might be of assistance in researching a cure to the plague, and Grey was good at it... like... really good. At a young age, even by Shinobi standards, Grey was leading infiltration teams.

As research was abandoned and conflict arose throughout the nation, Grey was soon assigned to the front lines. Now instead of leading teams to collect data, Grey and her team were being sent in to remove leaders of radical upstart groups. In only a year's time, she had gone from glorified thief to an assassin. This job was short lived, however, as Grey fled the nation, abandoning her home as it tore itself apart. After a few lucky encounters with Chronovores, Grey found herself being one of the lucky few able to get into stasis and not end up as a crystallized mass.

_________________||What Can You Do…||
tab How Do You Experience Life?|
      • {First Class}
      • {Second Class}
      • {Third Class // First Prestige Class}
      • {Third Class // Second Prestige Class}
tab How Do You View It?|
      • {Disciplines. No one has these yet, as they are unlocked at D - rank.}

tab What Makes You Unique? |
      Vulpine Swiftness: Grey's time as a tracker and infiltrations expert has honed her body to be more suited for stealth and agility over her bloodline's usual increased intellect. This PA trades the +2 Intellect bonus granted by the Fox trait for a +1 Agility bonus and +1 Intellect bnous.
      Muscle Memory: Grey receives a -2 bonus to training Bukijutsu at the expense of a +1 increase to training Ninjutsu
      Forgotten Knowledge: Grey receives +5 stages of learning for Bukijutsu
tab What Are Your Limitations?|
      Chakra Pool → 100
      tab Chakra Color → silver
      tab Chakra Materialization → In times of high stress, Grey's chakra materializes as a thin coating of silvery flowing chakra that radiates from their body.
      tab Chakra Elements:
          tab • Katon
          tab • Suiton
      Stamina Pool → 100
      Archetype → Performer
        Power|: ☆☆ (2)
        Agility|: ☆☆☆☆(☆) (4)(+1 Phasing)
        Intelligence|: ☆☆☆☆(☆) (4)(+1 Phasing)
        Chakra|: ☆☆ (2)

tab What Skills Do You Posses?|
      • Foraging ► 5
      • Poison Making ►3
      • Potion Making ► 3
tab What Are You Proficient With?|
      • Natural Claws ► E-rank
      • Single Handed Light Weapons ► E-rank
      • Two Weapon Combat ► E-rank
tab What Are Your Limitations?|
      Ninjutsu → 00 // 04
      Genjutsu → 01 // 05
      Stages of Learning [Bukijutsu] → 00 // 08
      Stages of Learning [Taijutsu] → 00 // 00
      Skill Points → 00 // 03
      Proficiency Points → 02 // 04
_________________||What Do you Possess…||
tab How Much Experience Do I Possess?| 0
tab How Much Ryo Do I Own?| 0
tab What Do I Carry?|
      • Dagger - Single Handed Light Weapons [Durability 30] x2
      • Padded Clothing - Super Light Armor [D - Ranked, Scale 5]
      • Backpack
      • Skinning knife
      • Rope 20ft
      • Spyglass
      • Weather Clothing
      • [3] Peppermint Candy Canes - Doubles Chakra and Stamina recovery speed for [5] posts when eaten.
      • [2] Skill Points - Usable on any skills.
      • [3] Christmas Cookies - Increases your chakra or stamina pool by [50] for [5] posts when eaten.
      • [4] Random Items! [Divided among characters as desired.]
      - 23lb bag of sand
      - 12lbs of maple wood
      - Blowpipe - A hollowed metal rod used in glassblowing
      - Longsword - Tier 1, a bit rusted, but still usable, Durability 20
      • [5] Technique Slots or [2] Stages of Learning
      • [5] Reroll Coupons - Allows for a reroll of any randomized results, but must take the second roll
      [4] Skill Points or [2] Proficiency Points
      • [5] Gingerbread Wonders - They're cookies, we promise! Just quote a DM if you eat one
      • [3] Special Reroll Coupons - Allows for a reroll of any randomized results, and either result can be chosen
      • [10] Free Training Posts - usable on techniques, talents, proficiencies, skills, or crafting
      • [1] Requirement Reduction - Removes [1] requirement from [1] object. That object can be a physical item, a jutsu, etc. For example, it could be used to remove the [Medic] requirement from an eiseijutsu technique so your character can learn the technique without being a Medic. But it would only work on the one technique. Once you know what you want to use it on, let me know so I can make sure it's ok, because there are limitations.
      • [1] Moderate PA - Usable on Religion, Skills, Crafting, Reductions, or Proficiencies. Must be approved.

tab What Techniques Do You Possess?|

        • Dokuji no Gisou [ Camouflage of the Peculiar ] - Free Starter Jutsu

tab What Secrets Have You Discovered?|

tab What Secrets Have You Laid Claim To?|