User ImageThe black and white lioness was off to see her new friend. Hachi had admitted he wasn’t great at socialising. She had decided to make it her mission to show him around the pride. The yellow and black male had a mate and when she asked about Tera, Hachi would gush like a cub, it was super sweet, it also seemed to be the only time that the tall male ever really became talkative. It amused her greatly and she wanted to get her new friend to talk more. She had promised to meet him daily to get him out more. She of course wanted to introduce him to some other lions in the pride but she was trying to decide who was best to introduce him to. She had already sussed out that it was going to be hard to find someone friendly enough to convince Hachi to talk.

Hachi lay with his toes in the watering hole. He was waiting for his new friend, without Tara around he was living a pretty solitary existence, of course Adeline was trying to change this and he didn’t mind it too much. She was a friendly lioness, much more of a communicator than many of the others he had interacted with in the pride. She had promised to show him around and keep him company until Tara was back, well, it was more she had decided they would hang out. It amused him a little, the lioness was pretty small for a firekin but she had won a duel just like everyone else. He guessed like his lady mate she must have been super feisty.

He recognised the sound of her footsteps before she came properly in to view, he turned his pale maned head to greet her. “Good morning Adalie.” He called.
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The lioness shook her head lightly, she really didn’t know how the tall lion could recognise her footsteps before she properly came in to view. She had decided he just had really good hearing, but it still amused her. She topped the dune and slid down in a very expert manner, almost surfing down the sand. She slid to a stop and skipped over to the yellow and black male with a smile and a laugh “How on earth do you do that?” She shakes her head and pokes him on the shoulder “It’s kinda scary.”

Hachi smiles a crooked smile and gave a quiet chuckle. He couldn’t help but feel happy when he was around the small female, she was a good friend, and she accepted he was quiet, yet still insisted on making sure he wasn’t on his own. He did appreciate her making the effort. He had never really felt lonely before but having been with Tara for so long it did feel lonely when she wasn’t there. “Are we going far today?” He queried after a moments silence, the black and white female tended to take him on little grand adventures on the sand, he was starting to get used to just wandering around, learning the lay of the land he now lived in. He was enjoying the education in fact. He could see why many got lost in the desert, it was so vast and dry and featureless but the lands the firekin resided in, they weren’t actually that featureless you simply had to look closer to find what you were looking for.

Adalie was teaching him these things.

“Not that far, I thought we’d have a little medicine lesson today actually.” She grinned broadly, a medicine lesson was of course exactly as it sounded. She wanted to teach him how to sort a scrape in the desert if he was hurt. She wasn’t sure why exactly but a percentage of her mind told her he could get himself in to scrapes easily. She wondered if his mate thought this too. She pondered asking him but thought it may hurt his pride. Sometimes he seemed so very strong, while others he seemed weak and fragile to her, it was something very strange to her a stark reminder that into all males were like her brother or even like most firekin males.

She knew in fact that Hachi wasn’t weak, he was simply sleek and svelte instead of muscle bound. She had no doubt this gave him some advantage in battle, she just wasn’t sure what, but then she had never seen him in a fight. It may have been interesting to watch him actually be in a fight she decided though she would never instigate such a thing it wasn’t in her nature. She had always been a healer, a carer not a fighter. She often pondered how she had managed to join her siblings in the firekin when she was so much smaller than they were. She had often been told it was through sheer determination, which was true, she had been determined and she had joined the firekin perhaps on luck and will alone.

“Medicine huh?” He raised a brow sceptically but nodded his head carefully, considering what she would show him today. He was pretty sure she thought of him as a little bird half the time instead of a full grown male. He really didn’t want to burst her bubble though. He had of course lived most of his life alone without managing to die or get too injured. It seemed that she was determined to show him how to look after himself on the sand though so ultimately he would follow her lead, she was fun to be around after all. Stretching out his paws he clambered slowly to his paws and gave a nod “lead the way then.” He smiles.

The black and white female gave a nod and turned her self back towards the dens she had procured the things she needed to show him some little healing ‘magic’ before she came to get him. “Follow me then.” She smiled following her own trail back up the dunes with the lanky yellow and black male following close behind.

((W/c 1011))